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The continent of Eden is surrounded by the Ocean. A vast place, populated by different creatures, amazing mysteries and ancient folks, even older than most of the continental races.
|Image = Hinterlander.png
The Ocean surface is far larger than Eden, and mostly inaccessible for those who are not born to breathe underwater. Various lands and different oceanic biomes are yet a mystery and the few things we know are mostly a legend or ancient elven knowledge.
|Name = The Hinterlanders
|Nicknames = Hitch, Hooghlanders, Highlanders
|Languages = Hitch, Common
|Height = 1.72m - 1.97m (5'8" - 6'5")
|Weight = 65kg - 92kg (143lbs - 203lbs)
|Land = The Alban Ocean coasts
|Capital = [[Lionne|Lionne (Historical)]]
|STR = +1
|DEF = +2
|AGI = +0
|INT = +1

=🐙The Deep Ocean🐙=
The deep open ocean seems like a desert, if seen from the surface. But it is one of the most inhabited and full of life places of Eseron.
People of the world and seamen, the Hinterlands have always stood out for their resourcefulness and their courage in facing the most arduous and ambitious challenges and the most difficult lifestyles, looking for adventurous explorations and luxury goods.
Most of the oceanic intelligent inhabitants are merfolk, that come in very different variations and ethnicities. The second race for the number of inhabitants are the Glubmenn.

Glubmenn are low intelligence creatures, similar to a crossbreed between a goblin and a swamp creature. They have webbed hands and feet and their upper body is far larger than their lower body. They have no neck and their frog eyes and mouth are large (similar to a murlocs)  their skin is usually green but they can be of any color and pattern, like tropical fishes.
Dedicated to trade and the development of strong regional identities, the Hinterlanders have adapted to the most disparate climates and regions of Eden, thanks to their great tradition of navigators and their ability to survive and fend for themselves.

==🔱The Kingdom of Thalassurr🔱==
Among Hinterlanders, blood privilege often matters less than entrepreneurial success, battle prowess or individual resourcefulness. And it often happens that new nobles families appear from nowhere, enriched by less noble traditions such as trading or navigation, claiming the same importance as ancient combative noble Hinterlander families

The most important and larger underwater continent is definitely the Thalassurr, with its feudal domains populated by the Thalassi (mainly Merfolk), its inhabitants.  
Hinterlanders are tall, standing half a foot taller than the average Attian Humans, that love to sustain with an highly proteic diet.  

All the Merfolk have partially scaly skin, while the Thalassi ones usually have darker tones.
They often have darker hair and darker eye colors; blonde hair is seen as a rarity.

For Merfolk’s aspect and attire description, see also [[Merfolk]]
In their attire, the Hinterlanders are more often seen in sober colors and clothes, more suitable for action. Their traditional garment is mostly black or dark blue robes with large white collars.

They are far slower on the surface and as tall as a short human, around 1.6 m.
They do experiment with newer styles, including hats and barrettes. The most common is the broadhead, which is a broad, thick black hat with a flat cap and a belt around the headpiece.  

Merfolk can barely breath on the surface and usually start to suffocate if they stay out of the water for more than 3-4 hours. But when they are in the water, they can reach a speed of about 15 m per round.
Women in the Hinterlands traditionally express themselves with their hairstyles and silver jewelry, far more common than gold in their place of origin.  

Merm King Purefin the IX is formally the king of Thalassurr, but he has fallen asleep at least two centuries ago, which is something normal among the abyssal royal families, for the great Patriarch of the Salt religion is able to excommunicate rulers he doesn't like through sleep, thanks to the power of his horn Brudzakk.
It is not unusual for Northern Hinterlanders to add furs to their outfits, adapting to the colder climate. In addition, those individuals sympathetic to a specific noble Household may carry a colored scarf with the color of their banner.
The Hinterlands people speak in their traditional tongue, which is famous for its brutal pronunciation of the 'g' that often reminds people of demon sounds. The language known as Hitch does have some poetic phonations as it is often used in rhymes to explain fairy tales and morals. Other than Hitch, the people of the Hinterlands are also fluent in common, and some senior clergy members speak Ancient Attian when translating the Dictus.  

The formal language of Thalassur is Thalassian Koinè, which is an Aquan dialect, where Aquan is the common language in the water elemental plane, spoken by the Aros Primordial.
(OOC: Hitch as a language closely resembles Dutch, some important words are explained below)

==🧜‍♂️The People of Thalassurr🧜‍♂️==

For the Thalassi the true sense of life is sleeping. And they do it in the darkest depths of the ocean.
{| class="wikitable"
Alas, they are ordered to awake by their religion: the Saltanar, that order them to stay awake at least 8 hours a day.
! colspan="2" |Greetings
! colspan="2" |Races
|Witte Elfen
|High Elf
|Groene Elfen
|Wood Elf
|Zwarte Elfen
|Dark Elf
! colspan="2" |Titles
|Stadtholder/ Steward
|Staten Generaal
|Estates General
|Prime Ministers
|Regents/ Attendees to the Estates General
! colspan="2" |Commonly Used Words
|To Cast Magic
|(Older) Student
|(Young) Student

The mere act of staying awake for them is to pray for their Abyssal god they worship, since they do not feel to belong to the waking world, but to the dream world.
== Culture and Society==
Being excommunicated therefore means not being able to pray and consequently being imprisoned in their dream world.
The Hinterlands are known throughout history for their seamanship and have long worked and operated trading posts all along the Alban Ocean coastline.

Half of the merfolk are usually born aquamancers, even if they do not usually master this power, since their waking time is limited. Most of them can use water for healing their friends or family when they get hurt.
Although native to the Hinterlands, many of this species have moved widely, and developed unique regional identities.

All of the people from Thalassur you might meet are religious, as being atheist means not praying and therefore sleeping all day.
An Hinterlander can fulfill many destinies, regardless of his place of origin.
Then since the atheists are sleeping, the only merfolk you might happen to encounter will always be a religious one.

==🦈Customs and Religions in Thalassurr🦈==
===Regional Specificities===

'''The Sapphire Day''': Once a year, the merfolk of Thalassur migrate to Korarius, one of the greatest cities of the kingdom and capital of the homonym duchy, once famous for its contacts with the coast-dwellers.  
Traditionally, the Hintish tradition developed in the Hinterlands has mostly favored a business culture, open to trade and of ancient republican tradition, due to the great influence of wealthy entrepreneurs and merchants in society. The rich merchant nobility of the Hinterlands have always extolled sobriety as a precious value, even if this often hides behind the merchants' natural propensity for stinginess.

Now its importance is marginalized, but on the first day of the 10th month of the year, when the Emerald Dusk begins for the surface peoples, most of the young merfolks gather in Korarius for reproduction. A great jousting, dance and celebrations are held, and it is the only day of the year when all the merfolk kin do not sleep. Then after the celebrations are over, they come back to their houses, where they sleep for three days.
Those who consider themselves the "Hinterlands natives" have a society focused on free association and the free flow of ideas.

During these three days, for a mystery that nobody has yet explained, most of the abyssal creatures patrol the waters around the Thalassurr cities, while their youngest inhabitants sleep.
This strategy has repeatedly made the Hinterlands the richest place on the continent, but also the most unstable and subject to multiple successive internal divisions, despite the Hintish natural propensity for organization and practicality.

'''The Salt Day''': Sometimes, usually once in a decade, the old Patriarch of the Salt religion, who dwells in the Thalassur capital Lequiriss announces that he is “Going to sleep with the fishes”.  
The Dale Hinterlanders often challenge their Attian neighbors in funding works of art, especially portraiture of their wealthy merchant families.

He travels a long road to the Abyssal Cliff south of the capital, where he plays the Bruzdakk, the Horn of the Sea. All the sleeping merfolk, even miles away, get suddenly awakened (many would return to sleep) and his body transforms into foam that goes to the bottom of the abyssal depths, where nobody ventures.
Then all the new military and civilian offices are reassigned (including the new patriarch)and new merfolks are knighted.

'''The Sun Pilgrimage''': Sometimes the people of the abyss decide to visit the coast-dwellers. It has not happened in centuries, since the king is now sleeping, but usually a Marid that has visited the Eden coast appears from an abyssal rift and proclaims the discovery of a new type of music.
The Hinterlanders have historically been great and glorious navigators and some of these known as Alban Hinterlanders do not have a true region of belonging: They are born, live and die on their brigs, calling at the various ports of the Alban Ocean.
For one who lives underwater, feeling the pure vibrations of the air, very different from the music heard underwater, is a luxury that only the bravest and the luckiest can witness maybe only once in their own life.

Then happens that the king proclaims “the sun pilgrimage” and every merfolk can enlist in small groups to visit Eden coastal cities.
These expert navigators and battle-hardened buccaneers transport goods, technologies and information between the various kingdoms of the Western continent, sometimes even attacking other ships while wielding letters of marque from various factions.

==🦑The Water rifts and the “Lords of the Abyss”🦑==
A Marid is a genie that comes from the plane of water. He usually appears in the Abyssal biomes, where he is usually venerated as “Lord of the Abyss”. For its racial capacities and his god-like speed. He in fact can hit 30m underwater, change into any shape and size and can cast superior magic. Although their appearance is rare and only close to the water elemental rifts. It happens that these Marids visit the coastal rifts, when they get bored or curious and sometimes shapeshift into humans to travel through eden, even if they prefer remaining next to coasts and swamps and not venturing into the mountains.

Marids incredible elemental powers and excessive sensitivity and touchiness can lead to many problems in Eden, but in the Abyss they are worshiped as gods, and merfolk are used to build sanctuaries and underwater temples, where they bring offerings and treasures.
The Hinterlanders who chose to settle in Norlanden have adopted part of the traditional culture of the region, where the hostile environment has pushed the men who survived the catastrophe of Magna Attia towards a more militaristic and centralized order.

On the contrary the Glubmenn fear the Marids and their underwater shamans invented many rituals and customs (usually not working) to keep the “water demons' ' away from their settlements.
Hinterlander spirit in the Northern storms has remained intact, but in the snowy lands it has taken on a harsher and more militaristic tone.

Where the Dale Hinterlanders mint large gold coins and exploit the great trade routes that cross the Spine connecting elves and men at the center of the continent, in the north furs, weapons and the magical fangs and claws of the most ruthless creatures are exchanged for silver.

The Temperey is the realm between the Coast and the Abyss.
Hintish practicality and mercantile sobriety in the north is also a necessity, the only possible lifestyle: Hintish maritime capabilities make it possible for the Raeven ones to navigate the stormy Northern Seas, avoiding the dangers of the Attia Marshes.
Sometimes what lives here trespasses into the coastal sea (like the Alban or the Sepherum Sea) and vice versa.
Many beasts and non-intelligent creatures populate the Temperey.  

===Intelligent life in the Temperey===
=== <u>Romance & Marriage</u> ===
'''Glubbmen''': There are Glubbmen non civil tribes that, differently than the ones integrated in Thalassur, live in the wildest way, and speak their own “Glubb” dialect, incomprehensible to a non-native aquan speaker.
Marriages are more liberated in the Northlands and Hinterlands.  

This means that you need to be a Glubbmen or a Merfolk or a water elemental, to even try and understand what these Wild Glubbmen tribesmen say.
Usually a party is thrown, and the ceremony has to take place in a temple: the one that leads the temple is also the one who gives his blessing to the marriage.  
Anything that these creatures say would be heard as an incomprehensible “Glubb-rublubb, Gurulubb blubb blublublurrb” By any surface race.

'''Temperey Merfolk''': For a better description of Temperey Merfolk, see also [[Merfolk]]
Often the head of the family has to permit for the bride to be married, who commonly ponders marriage agreements on the business interest of the family.

But the bride can end the marriage on the altar at the clergyman’s final offer.

The coast is the Oceanic realm closest to Eden, that includes the seas and the first part of the Ocean (normally 800m-1km from the shore).
When married, the bride and groom make a holy vow on a Dictus to support each other in times of hardship and well-being. All in all, marriages are a very sober event for the Hinterlanders. Gifts exchanged at weddings are often practical.
Many monsters and fishes live in this busy place, where Eden factions’ merchant ships and war fleets sail the waters.

Waters here are not too deep and Intelligent life like Glubbmen and Merfolk hardly come here, unless they have a strong motivation to do so.
It goes without saying that the so-called "Alban Hinterlanders" usually get married at sea, on board their ships, in a sober ceremony
=== <u>Life & Reproduction</u> ===
During their lifetime, a Hinterlander always pursues freedom and greedily values personal property.
They have capitalism in their blood and as soon as they manage to get a good sum of money, they try to make it work by investing or creating private businesses, which for them are sometimes even more important than the faction itself.
Even if in the Raeven Hinterlanders this ideal is more flexible, the Dale and Alban Hinterlanders have very great problems in accepting despotism and place great value on republicanism and the widest possible freedom for the individual. Be it your partner or your fellow citizen.
This also very often happens to the detriment of order and stability, so much so that a buccaneer brigantine without a mutiny is said to be unlucky.
Although Hinterlander society is incredibly open to social climbing, noble Hintish families of ancient history and military prestige exist and sometimes try to impose themselves on the newer and more innovative merchant families.
=== <u>Death & Funerals</u> ===
In the common Hinterlander culture, the deceased is to be given a proper burial. Graveyards are not considered scary or blighted places but a place of refuge to try and connect with the recently deceased.
Families pay and invest a lot in the decoration of tombstones.
This aspect of Hinterlander culture, however, is closely linked to the personal faith or faction in which one lives.

Latest revision as of 12:11, 16 December 2023

The Hinterlanders
Nicknames Hitch, Hooghlanders, Highlanders
Languages Hitch, Common
Average Height
Average Weight
Maximum Age
Stat Bonuses

+1 Strength

+2 Defense

+0 Agility

+1 Intelligence


People of the world and seamen, the Hinterlands have always stood out for their resourcefulness and their courage in facing the most arduous and ambitious challenges and the most difficult lifestyles, looking for adventurous explorations and luxury goods.

Dedicated to trade and the development of strong regional identities, the Hinterlanders have adapted to the most disparate climates and regions of Eden, thanks to their great tradition of navigators and their ability to survive and fend for themselves.

Among Hinterlanders, blood privilege often matters less than entrepreneurial success, battle prowess or individual resourcefulness. And it often happens that new nobles families appear from nowhere, enriched by less noble traditions such as trading or navigation, claiming the same importance as ancient combative noble Hinterlander families


Hinterlanders are tall, standing half a foot taller than the average Attian Humans, that love to sustain with an highly proteic diet.

They often have darker hair and darker eye colors; blonde hair is seen as a rarity.

In their attire, the Hinterlanders are more often seen in sober colors and clothes, more suitable for action. Their traditional garment is mostly black or dark blue robes with large white collars.

They do experiment with newer styles, including hats and barrettes. The most common is the broadhead, which is a broad, thick black hat with a flat cap and a belt around the headpiece.

Women in the Hinterlands traditionally express themselves with their hairstyles and silver jewelry, far more common than gold in their place of origin.

It is not unusual for Northern Hinterlanders to add furs to their outfits, adapting to the colder climate. In addition, those individuals sympathetic to a specific noble Household may carry a colored scarf with the color of their banner.


The Hinterlands people speak in their traditional tongue, which is famous for its brutal pronunciation of the 'g' that often reminds people of demon sounds. The language known as Hitch does have some poetic phonations as it is often used in rhymes to explain fairy tales and morals. Other than Hitch, the people of the Hinterlands are also fluent in common, and some senior clergy members speak Ancient Attian when translating the Dictus.

(OOC: Hitch as a language closely resembles Dutch, some important words are explained below)

Hitch Common
Gegroet Greetings
Vaarwel Farewell
Vrienden Friend(s)
Elfen Elf
Witte Elfen High Elf
Groene Elfen Wood Elf
Zwarte Elfen Dark Elf
Dwerg Denur
Mensen Human(s)
Vieshuiden Faulskins(s)
Gehoornden Tiefling
Stadhouder Stadtholder/ Steward
Staten Generaal Estates General
Raadspensionaris Prime Ministers
Gedelegeerden Regents/ Attendees to the Estates General
Graf(in) Count(ess)
Adel Noble
Regent Minister
Tovenaar Mage
Commonly Used Words
Toveren To Cast Magic
Handel Trade
Verkiezingen Elections
Student (Older) Student
Leerling (Young) Student
Vrijheid Freedom
Dokter Doctor/Medic
Pastor Priest
Hooghland Highland

Culture and Society

The Hinterlands are known throughout history for their seamanship and have long worked and operated trading posts all along the Alban Ocean coastline.

Although native to the Hinterlands, many of this species have moved widely, and developed unique regional identities.

An Hinterlander can fulfill many destinies, regardless of his place of origin.

Regional Specificities

Traditionally, the Hintish tradition developed in the Hinterlands has mostly favored a business culture, open to trade and of ancient republican tradition, due to the great influence of wealthy entrepreneurs and merchants in society. The rich merchant nobility of the Hinterlands have always extolled sobriety as a precious value, even if this often hides behind the merchants' natural propensity for stinginess.

Those who consider themselves the "Hinterlands natives" have a society focused on free association and the free flow of ideas.

This strategy has repeatedly made the Hinterlands the richest place on the continent, but also the most unstable and subject to multiple successive internal divisions, despite the Hintish natural propensity for organization and practicality.

The Dale Hinterlanders often challenge their Attian neighbors in funding works of art, especially portraiture of their wealthy merchant families.

The Hinterlanders have historically been great and glorious navigators and some of these known as Alban Hinterlanders do not have a true region of belonging: They are born, live and die on their brigs, calling at the various ports of the Alban Ocean.

These expert navigators and battle-hardened buccaneers transport goods, technologies and information between the various kingdoms of the Western continent, sometimes even attacking other ships while wielding letters of marque from various factions.

The Hinterlanders who chose to settle in Norlanden have adopted part of the traditional culture of the region, where the hostile environment has pushed the men who survived the catastrophe of Magna Attia towards a more militaristic and centralized order.

Hinterlander spirit in the Northern storms has remained intact, but in the snowy lands it has taken on a harsher and more militaristic tone.

Where the Dale Hinterlanders mint large gold coins and exploit the great trade routes that cross the Spine connecting elves and men at the center of the continent, in the north furs, weapons and the magical fangs and claws of the most ruthless creatures are exchanged for silver.

Hintish practicality and mercantile sobriety in the north is also a necessity, the only possible lifestyle: Hintish maritime capabilities make it possible for the Raeven ones to navigate the stormy Northern Seas, avoiding the dangers of the Attia Marshes.

Romance & Marriage

Marriages are more liberated in the Northlands and Hinterlands.

Usually a party is thrown, and the ceremony has to take place in a temple: the one that leads the temple is also the one who gives his blessing to the marriage.

Often the head of the family has to permit for the bride to be married, who commonly ponders marriage agreements on the business interest of the family.

But the bride can end the marriage on the altar at the clergyman’s final offer.

When married, the bride and groom make a holy vow on a Dictus to support each other in times of hardship and well-being. All in all, marriages are a very sober event for the Hinterlanders. Gifts exchanged at weddings are often practical.

It goes without saying that the so-called "Alban Hinterlanders" usually get married at sea, on board their ships, in a sober ceremony

Life & Reproduction

During their lifetime, a Hinterlander always pursues freedom and greedily values personal property.

They have capitalism in their blood and as soon as they manage to get a good sum of money, they try to make it work by investing or creating private businesses, which for them are sometimes even more important than the faction itself.

Even if in the Raeven Hinterlanders this ideal is more flexible, the Dale and Alban Hinterlanders have very great problems in accepting despotism and place great value on republicanism and the widest possible freedom for the individual. Be it your partner or your fellow citizen.

This also very often happens to the detriment of order and stability, so much so that a buccaneer brigantine without a mutiny is said to be unlucky.

Although Hinterlander society is incredibly open to social climbing, noble Hintish families of ancient history and military prestige exist and sometimes try to impose themselves on the newer and more innovative merchant families.

Death & Funerals

In the common Hinterlander culture, the deceased is to be given a proper burial. Graveyards are not considered scary or blighted places but a place of refuge to try and connect with the recently deceased.

Families pay and invest a lot in the decoration of tombstones.

This aspect of Hinterlander culture, however, is closely linked to the personal faith or faction in which one lives.