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|Desc = When entering combat, the wind mage of the highest level always goes first. If there are several tempestacy mages in one combat session, they will all go before the other people in order of what was rolled. This also improves the aeromancer's common reflexes, which can be used in roleplay situations.
|Desc = When entering combat, the wind mage of the highest level always goes first. If there are several tempestacy mages in one combat session, they will all go before the other people in order of what was rolled. This also improves the aeromancer's common reflexes, which can be used in roleplay situations.
|Range = Self
|Range = Self
|Effect = Guarantees first in initiative. If others with a similar ability are in the initiative, they must roll initiative between each other to see who goes ahead of who in the CRP. The mage also gains both +6 meters movement and +2 intelligence during their first round in CRP.
|Effect = Guarantees first in initiative. If others with a similar ability are in the initiative, they must roll initiative between each other to see who goes ahead of who in the CRP. The mage also gains both +6 meters movement during their first round in CRP.
|RedLines =
|RedLines = This is a passive ability, not an active one.

Revision as of 15:44, 7 April 2023

Classification Elemental Magic
Energy Source Aether, the realm of the nine Winds
Casting Method Catalyst - Opal Gem
Additional Paths Lunarmancy · Tempestacy

First seen in the high elven cities and later on spreading and adapting to other cultures, Aeromancy, commonly referred to as Air Magic, is a unique form of magic. By utilizing the freed air from the Aether, Aeromancers can create strong winds and electric currents and even storms through simple means. However, while such may be the case, it is also a fairly dangerous form of magic, as the spell can easily be turned against the user or even backfire on them.


When Eden was first formed, the force of its creation created an aftershock that became the first wind. This wind carried arcane energy across the land of Eden and still lingers high in the sky above. Aergusta, Primordial of the Wind, was the first to harness this magic and spent time surveying her domain, the Aether. Therefore, she rarely journeys to Eden, and when she does, she brings with her great powerful storms and gales. Mortals have marked her appearance as the beginning of the Amber Dawn when the leaves drift from their branches on ghostly breezes, and the world cools.

The Elven Settlements were the first to encounter the possibility of utilizing the winds of the Aether while also creating discharges in the form of lighting, with several different effects and traits. Due to the elven propensity for magical study, many of their scholars tried to connect primary forms of magic to create powerful forms. Motivations included use in future wars or even augmented into their daily lives.

Learning and Teaching

Utilizing high mountain tops, the students of Aeromancy undergo strict and harsh training. Usually brought to the very top of a mountain by their teacher, the students are tasked to meditate for multiple days in a cold and harsh environment. Such a situation is already seen as pretty harsh, yet the teachers often do training lessons during stormy days, making it life-threatening to stay at the top of a mountain. However, while such horrible conditions are raging around the student, they can experience the ever-changing winds around them, allowing them to dip into the aetherial realm for the first time.

After dipping into the realm for the first time, the student will start their studies of the wind flows in the realm of Eden, learning about the multiple weather phenomena and how to use their newfound power to defend themselves. The teacher can teach their student up to 2 levels under their own. So only level 5 or higher teachers can train their students to level 3.

To reach level one, a teacher needs to have at least four sessions with their student, each being at least sixty minutes long. To obtain level two, the student must have another four lessons of sixty minutes. To finally reach level three and the ability to teach magic themselves, the students need to have another set of four sessions, each with a length of sixty minutes. Each day one session can be held by the teacher and student pair. After finally reaching level three, the student doesn't require additional sessions and will reach level four automatically after some time of self-studying the magic. Each level requires a bonding trial to empower the spellcaster. Bonding trials can only occur in the season in which the magic has an intrinsic relationship. For Aeromancy, this is Lilith's Veil. These trials are usually done at or around the Hallowed Grounds of the magic type that is considered sacred by all those who practice that elemental art.

Level Increase Required Sessions Req .Session Length
Lvl 0 to Lvl 1 1 Session Event
Lvl 1 to Lvl 2 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 2 to Lvl 3 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 3 to Lvl 4 Self-study level up when Lilith's Veil or Eden's Shine arrives.
Lvl 4 to Lvl 5 Self-study level up when Lilith's Veil or Eden's Shine arrives.
Lvl 5 to Lvl 6 Self-study level up when Lilith's Veil or Eden's Shine arrives.
Lvl 6 to Lvl 7 Self-study level up when Lilith's Veil or Eden's Shine arrives.
Lvl 7 to Lvl 8 Self-study level up when Lilith's Veil or Eden's Shine arrives.
Lvl 8 to Lvl 9 Self-study level up when Lilith's Veil or Eden's Shine arrives.
Lvl 9 to Lvl 10 Self-study level up when Lilith's Veil or Eden's Shine arrives.

After choosing a path, the spellcaster will automatically increase in level if they can show proof of self-study. The caster can level up twice every IC year during their primal season, Lilith's Veil, or the one opposing that for Aeromancy.

Bonding trials are still required to level up between each level, but spellcasters can request those themselves after they move on to self-studying.

Progression - Aeromancy

Base Spell Progression

Level Unlocked Spells Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 1 - Novice 2 lvl 1 spells. No spellcasting bonuses.
Lvl 2 - Spellweaver 3 lvl 1 spells. +1 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 3 - Sorcerer 4 lvl 1 spells, 2 lvl 2 spells. +1 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Cloud ability.
Lvl 4 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells +1 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 5 - Aether Seer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 2 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus. The caster can now choose a path.

Progression - Tempestacy

Level Unlocked Spells Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 6 - Tempest Explorer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 7 - Spellweaver 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 1 lvl 4 spell +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 8 - Storm Mage 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 2 lvl 4 spells +3 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Lightning Reflexes ability
Lvl 9 - magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 1 lvl 5 spell +3 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 10 - Tempest Tamer 5 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 2 lvl 5 spells +4 spellcasting bonus.

Progression - Lunarmancy

Level Unlocked Spells Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 6 - Moonlit Student 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 7 - Spellweaver 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 1 lvl 4 spell +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 8 - Lunarmancer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 2 lvl 4 spells +3 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Cleansing Aura ability
Lvl 9 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 1 lvl 5 spell +3 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 10 - Lunaris 5 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 2 lvl 5 spells +4 spellcasting bonus.


Aeromancy is often seen as a fairly unique form of magic, as many of its spells utilize what is usually invisible; The air and wind. Due to this, most spells of Aeromancy are only capable of causing blunt damage or knockbacks in their active state. However, while such may be the case, the passive effects of the magic shouldn't be overlooked, as the gusts of air can cause whole chain reactions to take place instead.


Base Spells

Wind Blast
The Wind Blast Spell allows the caster to invoke an incantation that summons a blast of concentrated air that can be fired at any target within sight of the Mage. Not only is this an extremely long-ranged projectile, but the spell is also entirely invisible, meaning that the projectile cannot be seen before striking its target. The downside of the Wind Blast is that it doesn't do much damage.
Level 1
Casting Value 9
Range 20 meters
Damage When utilizing this spell, and it is a successful roll, the caster rolls a D2 to see how strong the impact of the blast is. The target takes double the roll result in knockback.
Critical Failure The attack isn't able to reach the target or misses the target, resulting in losing this attack.
Critical Success Instead of rolling a D2, the caster is allowed to roll 2D2 instead. The knockback is triple the total roll result.
Red Lines
Wind Shear
The caster manipulates the winds with Aether energy to turn the wind into small knives that can be hurled toward enemies or used for cutting vegetables
Level 1
Casting Value 12
Range 12 meters
Damage The caster creates D4 small knives of air that float around them and will shoot them toward the enemies within range.

Once the spell is cast successfully, the caster shouts how many knives to go toward which enemy. All the knives are used during the attack, each dealing D2 damage.

Critical Failure The knives fail to form, but the caster gets a small cut from the sharp wind and takes 1 damage.
Critical Success The full amount of knives is summoned.
Red Lines Only 2 knives may target a single enemy simultaneously.
Head Wind
The caster casts a strong headwind, causing them and their allies to be unmoved.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range 20 meters
Damage The caster causes a headwind in the backs of themselves and their allies that lasts for 3 rounds. Any knockback they receive will be halved, and the caster is immune to knockback.
Critical Failure The caster attempts to change the winds but causes a nice breeze to engulf the area.
Critical Success All allies also become immune to knockback.
Red Lines
Wind familiar
Conjure a small familiar made of pure wind from your tear. This familiar will dance around in the wind and attempt to help in a battle where it can.
Level 1
Casting Value 9
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster summons a small familiar from the tear that sticks with them until their tear is closed. This familiar is generally a cute pixie-looking gust of wind, but it can absorb either 1 damage or 2 meters of knockback, and then it will disappear.
Critical Failure The familiar doesn’t show up.
Critical Success The familiar can take up to 2 damage or 4 meters of knockback, before it disappears.
Red Lines Only one spirit can be active simultaneously per caster. A spirit must choose to block damage or knockback, it cannot do both.
Wind Tunnel
The caster blows a giant gust of continuous wind in front of them, toppling anyone caught in its wake. This spell can potentially hit multiple people, blowing them back many blocks, but it won’t cause any damage to the targets. Thus, this spell is best used defensively to put distance between the caster and their targets in a wide-open area.
Level 2
Casting Value 12
Range 5 meters
Damage This spell is cast in a 5x3 long rectangle in front of the caster. Any targets hit by this spell will be blown back 2D5 blocks.
Critical Failure The spell effectively implodes on itself, instead pushing back the caster 1 block and doing 1 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The blast of wind is particularly strong, blowing back all targets by 4d3 blocks instead of 2d5
Red Lines Anyone blown back by this spell will have their movement stopped if there is at least one block in their path, meaning if there is a wall or obstruction of any kind in the way, they will be knocked against it and not through it. Hills do not count as obstructions.
Cyclone Sphere
Summoning a sphere of Air around the user and any other people within two meters radius, this spell creates a defensive layer between attackers and defenders. This sphere of air is partially visible, unlike the Aerial Bolt, and repels all physical projectiles.
Level 2
Casting Value 8
Range 5 meters
Damage The caster and anyone within the radius is sealed away in a sphere of air currents for D3 rounds. Any physical projectile fired at the sphere will be redirected to a target of choice. When sent at a target, the target has to roll a D20 agility. If the roll was below the caster's casting roll, the projectile hits and does 1 damage. A 20 or above will always dodge the incoming attack.
Critical Failure The sphere will explode, causing the caster to be thrown back 5 blocks, while the caster gets D2 damage.
Critical Success The spell lasts for the maximum amount of rounds.
Red Lines While casting this spell, the mage can't use any other spell. The sphere can't be moved from its original point of creation.
Wind Bound
The caster creates a nearly invisible string of circulating air, which is as strong as steel but very lightweight, binding the target.
Level 2
Casting Value 14
Range 10 blocks
Damage The caster creates a string of thin air, tossed around a target, binding them for 2 rounds.

Once bound, the caster cannot use its arms to attack. They may still defend but not with a shield.

Once bound, the target can attempt to break free by rolling a D20 strength. If the value rolled is higher than the casting value of the spell, the player breaks free. A 20+ strength roll will always free the target from being bound, no matter what the casting roll was.

Critical Failure The circulating air fails to manifest to the caster's will, as a small gust of wind blows forth instead.
Critical Success The bound stays for D2+2 rounds instead of 2 rounds.
Red Lines The caster cannot cast any other spells if this spell is still active.
Guiding Winds
The caster surrounds itself with a bunch of small whirlwinds. They can use those to guide projectiles of themselves or their allies. Increasing their effectiveness immensely
Level 3
Casting Value 12
Range 15 meters
Damage After a successful cast, a caster has to roll a D3 to determine how many whirlwinds they summon. Afterward, they can use the rolled amount of whirlwinds to help allied projectiles. If they do so, they must declare they did before the missile was fired and may choose one of the following effects:
  1. Forward Gust: Double the range of the missile attack.
  1. Downward Gust: The damage of the missile attack is 2.
  1. Guiding Gust: Increase attack rolls for the projectile by 2
Critical Failure Control of the winds is lost, making the whirlwinds dissolve, some blowing in the caster's face, making them unable to move during their next round.
Critical Success Instead of rolling a D3, the caster may roll a D3+2 to determine the number of available whirlwinds.
Red Lines This spell cannot be used on magical projectiles.
Aero Whip
A whip made out of the air infused with Aether energy that can be used to bind or attack.
Level 3
Casting Value 16
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster creates a whip of air that they use to their advantage in combat. The caster states which of the following they wish to perform.

They can choose to bind their target, making them unable to move for 3 rounds. If this action is done, the whip can no longer be used as a weapon. The target can attempt to break free as an action by rolling a D20 strength. If the value rolled is higher than the casting value of the spell, the player breaks free. A 20 will always free the target from being bound, no matter what the casting roll was.

They can choose to use the whip as a ranged weapon. Dealing D3 damage per successful hit and knocking targets back 4 meters if hit. The whip stays until dispelled and as long as they are within range of their tear.

Critical Failure The wind grows unstable, wrapping around the caster instead, making them unable to move, attack or defend for 1 round.
Critical Success The target cannot attempt to break free if the whip was used to bind. If used as a weapon, its range is now 15 meters.
Red Lines The caster cannot use the bind option if the attacking option was chosen already. The whip takes up a space in the caster's hand no matter how it is used.
Aether Palm
Create a giant hand of wind that extends your hand, pushing anything around and crushing targets.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster can hit anything in a 10x5 area of their design with the giant wind hand. The caster can choose from 2 options:

The caster pushes all of the targets in one of four directions (forward, backward, left, or right). The targets are moved 6 meters and take D2+2 damage.

The caster pushes down on the targets in the area. The targets stay where they are but cannot move from their position for 1 round and take D2+2 damage.

Critical Failure The giant hands grow out of control, dropping into a 3x3 area on top of the caster. Dealing 2 damage to everyone in the area.
Critical Success The hand does full damage.
Red Lines
Apex Tornado
The caster starts to move the winds around them, slowly gaining speed. The winds slowly increase in speed, whereafter the caster compacts the fast winds into a small radius around the caster, creating a powerful tornado that soaks up anything in its path.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster creates an evergrowing tornado that moves with the caster, they serve as the eye of the storm. The tornado starts at a 5 meter radius; with every round, it holds up and expands by 5 additional meters. The tornado lasts for 5 rounds. Any creature within the tornado's range is sucked into its center to the caster, skipping their turns via strong air currents while the tornado stays active; they can still defend themselves. After the spell ends, all creatures within are scattered to random places (roll a D20 to see how many meters knockback they take). Once scattered, targets take 1 damage for every round they were inside the tornado.

After the tornado has gained a range of 15 blocks, it will start sucking up parts of buildings and foliage around the caster.

Critical Failure The caster is sucked into the tornado, skipping D3 of their turns, where after they take D2 damage per round they were sucked up in the tornado. They may lose a limb due to this.
Critical Success The tornado stays for an extra round reaching a maximum of 30 meters from the caster.
Red Lines This spell must be cast in the presence of a loremaster. This spell can only be cast once every OOC week.

Lunarmancy Spells

The caster creates an area of darkness that even creatures with Nightvision cannot see through.
Level 1
Casting Value 13
Range 20 meters
Damage The caster creates an area of pure darkness in a 10x10 area of their choosing for D3+2 rounds. Anyone within this darkness is afflicted with blindness until they exit the darkness or the spell ends, including the caster.
Critical Failure The darkness seeps into the caster's vision, as they cannot visualize the spell properly, causing them blindness for 2 rounds.
Critical Success The spell stays for the maximum time and is increased to a 12x12 area.
Red Lines Creatures with night vision are still blinded by this spell. The caster cannot create an area outside the maximum 20 range; anything past that will be cut off.
Moonlit Veil
Lunarmancers can create a thin veil of magical essence around themselves using their newly found bond with the moon. Said veil would remind onlookers of a silky-sheer veil of stars and constellations. Upon entering the veil, a person's natural healing capabilities are seemingly strengthened, allowing wounds to close faster than usual and stopping any existing bleeding within the veiled area.
Level 2
Casting Value 14
Range 5 meters
Damage Everyone within the veil heals 1 HP per 2 rounds that they are in the veil.

The spell stays active for D3+3 rounds and will then automatically crumble.

Beings of voidal influence within the veil take 1 damage for every 2 rounds inside the veil.

Critical Failure The spell will fail, causing the veil to fall apart.
Critical Success The spell stays for the maximum amount of time.
Red Lines The spell can't save a person from a life-threatening wound. The spell can only exist if the mage doesn't move from its original position.
 Judgement allows the caster to invoke an incantation when outdoors and call down a ghostly light from the sky that freezes the air and slams into a target of choice that is not obstructed by the moon's rays. The spell cannot be utilized if the target is within the shade. Upon connection with the target, they will be knocked prone, and all metal on their person becomes supercooled, causing freeze burns and requiring them to take it off. Once taken off, their skin and flesh start to be shredded as if someone would use sandpaper on their skin.
Level 2
Casting Value 15
Range 20 meters
Damage If hit by the attack, the enemy will receive D3 damage. They will also receive a slow of -4 meters for 2 rounds.
Critical Failure Failing to cast the spell correctly will cause the attack to miss and fumble, falling apart after freezing the caster. The caster takes 1 damage as they are slowed by -4 meters for 1 round.
Critical Success The spell is empowered and deals D3+2 damage instead.
Red Lines The enemy needs to be in the open for the attack to hit them. The attack can't supercool any material besides the worn materials of the enemy.
Dream Touch
The caster touches the target, causing them to fall into a dream state where they don't know what is real anymore. The caster can also alter the dream that the target witnesses, choosing what they will go through during the dream.
Level 3
Casting Value 16
Range Touch
Damage The caster can put people into a deep trance and force them into a dream state. Once the spell is cast, the caster can choose from 2 effects:

Daydream: The caster creates a pleasant dream that will heal those they touch by D2 HP per round. The caster cannot cast another spell while casting a pleasant dream. The target will stay asleep for 3 rounds and then automatically wake up.

Nightmare: The target takes D2 damage per round of being touched, unable to go beyond 1 HP remaining. The caster and target can't move, block or attack until the caster cancels the spell. The target will wake up as soon as the caster lets go of them. The target can attempt to wake up from the nightmare by rolling Intelligence against the spell's casting roll at the start of their turns. Rolling higher than said casting roll lets the target wake up and use their turn. A 20+ intelligence roll will always cause the target to wake up.

Critical Failure The caster gets a backlash from touching the person, getting an incredible headache, and having a -2 modifier on intelligence rolls for the next 3 rounds.
Critical Success The spell will heal or damage by 2 rather than D2.
Red Lines You cannot check someone's memories using this spell.
Crescent Slash
The caster creates a two-handed blade in the form of a crescent moon. This blade can be looked through as it is slightly transparent yet created of pure energy. Slashing those hit by it and especially dangerous to voidal enemies.  
Level 3
Casting Value 15
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster creates a two-handed weapon as a crescent moon until dispelled and as long as they are within range of their tear. This weapon works as any other two-handed profile.

If a voidal enemy is hit with this weapon, they will receive the burning effect. If a non-voidal entity is hit with this weapon, they are slowed by -2 meters for their next turn.

Critical Failure The crescent moon slices at the hand of the caster and continues to dissolve into raw energy again. Dealing 2 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The weapon slows non-voidal entities by -4 meters for their next turn, and will slow voidal entities by -2 meters for their next turn as well as burn them.
Red Lines
Hallowed Grounds
By utilizing their magic, Lunarmancers can create Hallowed Grounds. Hallowed Ground can stop tainted/corrupted energy from spreading while reducing the connection to the voidal realm within its capacity. If used by a Lunaris, the Hallowed Ground can even be used to cleanse previously tainted land and can be bound to a magical item, which upkeeps the nearby Hallowed Ground until destroyed.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range 10 meters
Damage The Hallowed Ground are created in a 10 meter radius from the caster. Voidal mages caught within these grounds fall victim to a chilled cleansing, taking 2 damage at the start of their turn while inside the hallowed ground. Voidal beings cannot willingly enter these grounds. This lasts for 4 rounds.

The caster can instead choose to bind the spell to an artifact which causes the range to extend to a 15 meter radius. The artifact must be reachable IRP and marked with an RP sign.

The caster can make a casting of Hallowed Grounds indefinite via Loremaster Supervision, so long as they are outside of CRP and fulfill a lengthy ritual at night.

Critical Failure The spell will crumble, filling the caster's arm with an icy cold, dealing D3 damage, and leaving them stunned for a round.
Critical Success Voidal beings in the area when the spell is cast or attempting to enter the area will start taking burning damage until they exit or stop.
Red Lines Indefinite Hallowed Ground areas need to be marked by an RP-Sign. The magical item needs to be marked by a secondary sign stating that it pulsates with magical energy. The item can't be removed from its original position, else the effect of the Hallowed Grounds will vanish. The magical item must be accessible.

If the land or the item in question is destroyed, the effects of this spell are as well. A Loremaster must be informed if an indefinite Hallowed-Ground area is active or destroyed.

Lunar Doppelganger
The Lunarmancer summons forth a couple of doppelgangers resembling themself, making it unclear to the attacking enemy to see which one is the real target.
Level 4
Casting Value 15
Range Selfcast
Damage If an enemy wishes to attack the spellcaster, they must roll a D3 to determine if they hit the right target. Only a 3 results in attacking the real mage.

The doppelgangers dissolve after 3 rounds.

Critical Failure The Lunarmancer can't gather the energy to maintain the illusion, making the doppelgangers dissolve right after casting.
Critical Success More doppelgangers are created, forcing the enemy to roll a D4 instead of a D3 to see if they hit the right target. Only a 4 results in attacking the real mage.
Red Lines Doppelgangers have no HP and cannot attack or defend. They also cannot be killed, as they are purely illusions.
Wrath of the Moon
The Lunarmancer opens a ginormous tear in the sky. It shines bright lunar light capable of lighting up the darkest of places. Shortly after, a magical hailstorm of glistening rocks appears to fall from the moon and falls from the sky, shredding through flesh, bone, and buildings.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 20 meters
Damage After the spell is successfully cast, the spellcaster may roll a D6 to determine the number of moonlike shards falling from the sky.

After the number of shards has been determined, the caster may choose targets equal to the number of summoned shards within range.

If the target is a living being: D5+3 Damage

If the target is a voidal being: D5+3 Damage, Cannot move or attack for 3 rounds.

If the target is a building: 1 shard = medium damage, 2 shards = severe damage, and 3 shards make the building collapse.

Critical Failure The spell will fail, causing the caster to be wounded instead. Occasionally, the caster will lose a limb due to the strong drawback of the spell.
Critical Success The caster summons the max amount of shards.
Red Lines This spell can only be used when supervised by a loremaster/event team member.

Attempting to cast this spell can only be done once per OOC week.

A player target can only be hit by 1 shard.

Tempestacy Spells

The caster concentrates electricity in their fingertip, releasing it upon touching someone or something.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range Touch
Damage The caster concentrates pure electricity on their fingertips, causing anyone they touch and fail to resist to take 1 damage and be stunned for D2 rounds.
Critical Failure The electricity is too much for the caster, causing an electric shock to course through their hand.
Critical Success The target is stunned for the maximum amount of time.
Red Lines You cannot mutilate or kidnap a stunned target until the battle ends. This spell cannot stun a target that is or has been stunned 1 round prior.
Storm Armor
The Storm Armor Spell allows the caster to invoke an incantation that summons a hurricane of wind that acts as armor for the user. This armor is as effective as a layer of leather armor surrounding their entire body. After the first strike that seriously damages the user, the user loses their Sky Spirit's Armour, causing a wave of air to rush away from them, knocking anyone within two meters of them back by one meter.
Level 2
Casting Value 10
Range Self
Damage Due to its passive nature, this spell doesn't deal any direct damage but can knock an attacker back. If an attacker tries to hit the caster with a melee attack and fails, they will be knocked back around d5 blocks and unable to attack you for one round. This armor lasts until the caster gets takes 3 damage total.
Critical Failure The spell malfunctions, causing the caster to be flung into the air instead, dealing D3 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The attacker is knocked away for D10 blocks instead of a D5. The total damage the armor can sustain is 5 damage instead of 3.
Red Lines The caster can't cast another spell while being in their Storm Armor. The armor can be destroyed by ranged weaponry and magic.
Thunder Cloud Prison
The caster creates a cloud charged with lightning strikes in an area around them or their target. Those that move into the prison will get stuck in place or move and bear the consequence.
Level 2
Casting Value 16
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster creates a field around a target or themselves in a 5x5x5 area that lasts for D3 rounds. Everyone moving through that area must perform a D20 intelligence check.

If they roll a 12 or higher, they can move half their usual movement speed without taking damage.

If they roll below a 12, they can move at their full movement speed but will take 1 damage of lightning for each block traveled through the prison.

Critical Failure The caster attempts to cast the cloud but summons it on top of their head instead. Blinding them for D2 rounds.
Critical Success The prison stays for the maximum amount of rounds, and the intelligence check is upped to 14.
Red Lines Allies are also stuck in this prison though Tempestacy mages are immune to the effects.
Lightning Strike
This spell allows the Mage to create bolts of highly concentrated energy. These bolts usually take on the shape of a lightning strike, hence the name of this spell. Weaker forms of this spell cause only a short feeling of pain and a slight singe, while the stronger ones can inflict severe burns.
Level 3
Casting Value 12
Range 10 meters
Damage When firing this spell, and it is a successful roll, the caster needs to roll a D3 to determine the damage of the lightning bolt. The target takes the damage and the extra effects stated at each number.

1 = The attack will shock the target for one round, making them unable to attack on their next turn.

2 = The attack will shock the target for two rounds, causing medium burns on the target's skin.

3 = The attack will shock the target, causing their flesh to sear. The attacker cannot attack for 2 rounds and is inflicted with burning.

Critical Failure The tear becomes unstable, causing the spell to backfire on the caster. The caster gets shocked, receiving D2 damage and becoming unable to attack for one round.
Critical Success The caster's attack will stun the target for one more round, no matter what number rolled.
Red Lines The lightning can only be fired in a straight line. Due to its magic origin, it won't be affected by nearby metal. The burns can be stopped by any contact with water, be it natural or magical. This spell cannot shock a target that is or has been shocked 1 round prior.
Tempest Form
The spellcaster becomes a blur of cyan energy which darts through the air at incredible speed before coalescing back into their natural form.
Level 3
Casting Value 15
Range Selfcest
Damage The spellcaster's movement speed doubled and they gain a +2 to all saving rolls.

These effects last for 2D2 rounds.

Critical Failure The caster falls from the skies as the winds surrounding them fall apart. No effects happen.
Critical Success Use a 2D2+2 to determine the number of active rounds instead of a 2D2.
Red Lines
Thunderous Roar
Often referred to as Song of the Skies, this unique spell uses the mage's voice, causing a shockwave around the mage, which can knock nearby enemies back and deafen those too close to the caster.
Level 4
Casting Value 15
Range 15 meters
Damage This deafening shockwave causes friends and foes within a 15 meter radius to be knocked back by 5 meters, and they will be unable to hear for 3 rounds. Deafened targets have a -1 on any defense rolls, but when it is an attack by the caster, they will have a -3 on defense due to them feeling intimidated by the caster.
Critical Failure The attack fails, resulting in the shockwave releasing prematurely inside the caster's throat. The caster takes D3 damage and can't speak for the next 3 rounds.
Critical Success If empowered correctly, the shockwave can deafen all targets within range for 5 rounds.
Red Lines This spell will hit anyone in its radius. It can't be used to single out a specific target. If a person or creature is deaf, the spell won't affect it.
Chain Lightning
The caster sends forth a lightning bolt that arcs towards the nearest target; from the initial impact, another 3 bolts arch to additional enemies in the area.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range 15 meters
Damage The caster sends a lightning bolt towards an enemy, and the first enemy hit takes D4+1 damage.

3 additional lightning strikes will chain to up to 3 targets within 5 meters of the first target, dealing D2+1 damage to the targets that got hit.

Critical Failure The lightning goes off prematurely, recoiling to the body of the caster and 3 others within 5 meters of the caster. The caster takes D5 damage, and the 3 others take D3 damage.
Critical Success The chain effect is increased to 4 additional strikes within 7 meters of the original target.
Red Lines
Calling of the Storm
The caster tries to summon a powerful typhoon by calling all clouds up in the air into a more compact form. After this, the chain reaction has been set in stone, as nothing can be done about this monstrosity anymore.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 25 meters
Damage A powerful storm forms in a 25-meter radius around the caster for D5+3 rounds. While such happens, nearby buildings can become damaged by this spell, and the tear between the realms becomes further opened, allowing the energy of the Aether to enter Eden as long as the spell is active.

The mage can move freely anywhere within this area during their movement turn.

Any players on horseback are knocked off their horses instantly.

Due to the Aether energy invading Eden, the area slowly becomes a storm tunnel where all entities are sucked up into the sky and dropped down again. Every 2 rounds, non-aeromancers are struck by the storm; they take 5 meters knockback to the edge of the spell and 2 damage.

Critical Failure The spell will fail, causing the caster to be wounded instead. Most often, the caster will lose a limb due to the strong drawback of the spell.
Critical Success The hurricane produces a tornado that devastates everything it touches, being able to cut through stone. The Tornado stays in the middle of the storm in a 10-meter radius of the tear. Anyone within a 15-meter radius of this tornado is sucked in 5 blocks every 2 rounds instead of pushed out, taking 2d2 damage.
Red Lines This spell can only be used when supervised by a loremaster/event team member.

Attempting to cast this spell can only be done once per OOC week.

Additional Abilites

The caster can create a cloud to sit on or surf on, giving themselves a minor boost while also being very comfy. This cloud can heal minor injuries.
Range Selfcast
Effect The summoned cloud has 3 HP. It will slowly heal small cuts and bruises while outside of CRP. The cloud gives the caster +1 to casting spells, and makes their movement a 1m high hover moving over ground-level hazards, effects, and traps.
Red Lines The healing effect is not applicable in combat.

If the cloud is slain, the ability goes on cooldown for 2 rounds.

The cloud cannot fly, it only hovers 1m off of the ground. The cloud counts as a mount, and thus the caster cannot use this while on a mount.

Lightning Reflexes (Tempestacy Only)
When entering combat, the wind mage of the highest level always goes first. If there are several tempestacy mages in one combat session, they will all go before the other people in order of what was rolled. This also improves the aeromancer's common reflexes, which can be used in roleplay situations.
Range Self
Effect Guarantees first in initiative. If others with a similar ability are in the initiative, they must roll initiative between each other to see who goes ahead of who in the CRP. The mage also gains both +6 meters movement during their first round in CRP.
Red Lines This is a passive ability, not an active one.

Cleansing Aura (Lunarmancy Only)
Lunarmancers can cleanse the corruption of objects and people. This means they can heal people tainted by voidal energies and can heal voidal mages.
Range 15 meters
Effect A Lunarmancer can cleanse voidal corruption in the terrain, in items, and in others. In CRP this is done with an Intelligence roll spell attack, which can blind the voidal entity for D3 rounds. Outside of CRP they can decrease a voidal mage's level by one per OOC week until they are cleansed of voidal energies. This can only happen if the voidal mage allows it.

Additionally, Lunarmancers of this level passively gain the ability to sense voidal energies within 15 meters around them. They won't be able to pinpoint it, but they'll know something is up.

Red Lines The blinding effect of this ability has a 2 round cooldown.

Elemental Magic Pyromancy · Aquamancy · Aeromancy · Geomancy
Chaotic Magic Hemomancy · Necromancy
Other Magic Currently None