Sea Serpent

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Revision as of 19:00, 5 December 2023 by Apateus (talk | contribs)
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Class Aquatic
Rarity Epic
Size Large

20 HP

14 Strength

15 Defense

17 Agility

4 Intelligence


The Sea Serpent is an aquatic creature that lives in the vast seas around the continent of Eden. Major predators out in the open ocean, Sea Serpents are wild and very dangerous creatures and the terror of fishermen.

They are always looking for food and do not hesitate to eat anything that seems edible to them.


A Sea Serpent is a long, thin lizard-like snake. This creature is incredibly fast inside the waters, and has frightening strength.

It is covered with highly resistant scales to protect him, that rival dragon scales for hardness and durability. These scales are usually blue, although the specimens in the Al'Hadar Deep usually assume a greeener hue.


Sea Serpents are solitary beings and never hunt in packs. It is likely that each specimen has its own exclusive hunting area that it leaves only when looking for a mate

They feed themselves on common fish and other smaller predators during the day, and make dens in underwater caves.

It is commonly known that the greenest Sea Serpents, including those in the Al'Hadar Deep, are the most docile, while those found offshore or in the Glass Sea are frighteningly violent and aggressive.


Bite Attack: d3+2 Damage *The Sea Serpent bites his prey, impaling it with its sharp teeth*

Tail Whip Attack: d3 Damage *A Sea Serpent's tail is designed for sprinting underwater to pounce on prey, but is also often used as a whip to keep enemies at bay*


  • Sea Serpent Scale
  • Sea Serpent Fang