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Class Mammals
Rarity Common
Size Large

8 (5)* HP

14 Strength

3 Defense

6 Agility

3 Intelligence


Always faithful companions of humans and elves, horses are one of the most important animals of Eden, and the most common means of land transportation.

In both times of war and peace, horses carry riders, messages, and supplies to any location in Eden.


The most common colors for Eden horses are shades of brown, gray, black and white, in some cases with of spots and dots. 

For the few who don't know how a horse looks like, horses have a long snout, wide nostrils, flexible ears, and big eyes. A long, thick mane blows with the wind, attached to the elegant neck, when the horse darts at great speed.

The horse's chest, broad and muscular, is capable of carrying the heaviest weights with incredible resistance. The communicative function of their furry tail is essential for wild horses that move in a herd.


The behavior of a domesticated horse is essentially that of a herbivore. Always restless and ready to dash away if a predator or threat appears.

Wild horses generally have a more aggressive behavior, especially the males of the herd who in nature are the main ones responsible for defending the group.

The leadership of the herd is instead assigned to a female (mare), generally also the most experienced, who maneuvers the herd from the rear and decides the possible behavior of the horses in the event of an attack.

Horses more trained for battle are generally less prone to fear and their experience consists above all in following their rider's orders even in the deafening clamor of battle, even charging head-on a forest of pikes.

It is natural for a trained horse to bond with its rider as wild horses do in the wild with their herdmates.

Horses communicate by using their tails and by changing the pitch and volume of their neighing.


Riding rules(CRP)*: When a player is mounted when entering combat, the rider will be considered "unhorsed" after his horse has received 5 damage. His horse will flee and the player riding it has to dismount and take d3 damage from the fall.

A player attacking a mounted player can choose to target the horse instead of the player mounted on it. For rules purposes, the horse uses the defensive stats of the player riding it.

Runner: A Horse can move twice when dashing (thus moving up to 3 times its base movement). The Rider can't normally perform actions in the same turn as his horse is using this ability.

Hoof(Wild only): A wild horse can strike an attacker with a lightning strike of its very hard hoof, dealing 1d4+1 damage.


  • Leather