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Coal, also known as black gold, is a deep black mineral that comes in many different shapes and sizes. The reason they call it black gold is because they are, just like gold, very valuable. Unlike gold, coal has a more practical value. It’s a common mineral that you can find almost everywhere, from the mountains in the deep

Category Rock
Rarity Common
Color Black
Location All Across Eden

north to the jungle of spiders and the deserts of Anjyarr in the south.


You can obtain them by mining the stone surrounding the coal away from it with a pickaxe. The mined coal can be used for a variety of purposes. The most obvious one is using coal as a fuel for a fire, mostly used by smithing and cooking. Other things coal can be used for are to draw or write and even as make-up. The black pigment coming off the coal can for example be used to line the eyes and make the eyelashes darker.


  • Coal