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Class Arcane
Rarity Epic
Size Large

18 HP

10 Strength

6 Defense

14 Agility

6 Intelligence


Bearing wings that crack against the air with the sound of thunder, it is no surprise the mighty Griffin has been dubbed a creature of legend. Soaring high above the mountain peaks along the western rib of Eden’s Spine, these creatures have inspired nobility, honor, and courage amongst the lucky few who’ve met them.


As depicted in Hadrian symbolism; The Griffin is known to have the body of a lion with the head and wings of an eagle. However, truly seeing the mythical creature is all the more imposing. In old tales it is said the first thing you can smell is a coming storm as the creature nears its prey, the sound of its flight like a high-pitched whistle before you feel the blast of wind blown against you.

Male Griffins are known to sport two colors, having brighter whites and blondes for their feathers, and deeper browns for their coats. Meanwhile, females instead take on one color across their feathers and pelt. However, do not let their color palette fool you, as both have razor-sharp claws capable of tearing through metal; beaks undisturbed by even the most solid of defenses. All this being said, the primary allure of the Griffin is its feathers, providing soft and swift air flight. The plumage itself is incredibly delicate, meant to blow accurately in the wind; But the quill itself is sharp and able to be dislodged in defense.


Griffins are often neutral in their temperament, rarely picking a fight just by noticing a creature nearby. Albeit, they are the perfect picture of courage when facing down an aggressor who dares near its nest, fighting to the death with those who seek to disrupt their family. Rumors speak of men who had earned the trust of Griffins in the past, often by challenging them to combat in a similar fashion other male Griffins fight for dominance by spreading out their wing feathers. However, they are no servants to any master, as their respect for someone can only be pushed so far.

Breeding season begins during Lilith’s Veil when the winds blow downstream into the nearby forests along Eden’s spine. Male Griffins attempt to pursue their mate by performing a dance that can cause massive gusts of air, often leading to the disturbance or awe of nearby settlements. Once a Griffin has found their other half they will mate for life, hatching many offspring throughout the pair's lifespan. Many historians reason this is why the Griffin is often seen present in Hadrian iconography. However, this devotion leads to a cruel reality. Many Griffins live longer than their partner; they never take on a second mate causing their dwindling population.


Seeing a Griffin is rare, let alone finding where they roost. It is likely that if a Griffin is spotted it is during mating season in the western forests that branch off Eden’s Spine. Typical signs of a Griffin’s presence include dislodged head feathers, scratched if not destroyed trees, and wind-disturbed soil. After mating season the Griffin pair return to the high peaks of Eden’s Spine to nest. While this is generally a better place to find them, it is much more dangerous if not simply due to nearing the Griffin’s nest.


Movement: Griffin’s are capable of moving as fast if not faster than the average Azari’cerr when on the ground (2d4+5 agi), however, they become truly untouchable when in the air (4d4+5 agi).

Talon/Beak Strikes: An attack from a Griffin’s talon or beak can dig through the toughest of hides, not shy of piercing metal to get the job done. These lacerations will be deep, undoubtedly requiring medical attention (d3+1).

Dive Bomb: A Griffin’s speed excels in the air, allowing them to nearly crash into opponents with great force and pin them to the ground (d3). Being pinned under these large creatures is not the place an adventurer wishes to find themselves, making it all the more easier to be torn apart (Claw/Beak Strikes roll with advantage).

Wing Blast: The winds may very well bend to the Griffin's will with the great wings upon its back to control them. Capable of beating them together to cause a gust that will send opponents flying had they not locked themselves in place (d3+4 blocks). Being within melee range when it does this can cause you to be struck with the sharp quills along the wingspan dealing additional damage (d2).


- Griffin Feather

Common plumage from the great wings of the mighty Griffin, while soft to the touch the quill is too sharp to be used as a practical writing instrument. Instead, it is often used as decoration on Hadrian armor pieces to denote strength of courage, or in jewelry for a lucky lady indeed.

- Griffin Talon

Razor sharp, this uncommon talon was taken from a mythical Griffin. Often used as the blade of curved daggers or claw weaponry, it is also rarely used to create mountain climbing boots. Capable of digging into the stone and holding tight against steep cliff faces.

- Griffin Eye

A rare eye harvested from the skull of a Griffin. Amongst even the most greedy of adventurers, this act is considered cruel. However, perhaps it is worth the moral strife? It is said this reagent can be used to brew a potion that emboldens one’s courage, making them immune to fear for a brief amount of time.