Latran Vampires

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Class Voidal
Rarity Epic
Size Medium

17 HP

16 Strength

12 Defense

12 Agility

10 Intelligence


The Latran Vampires are a Vampire species, created by utilizing the magicks from The House of Beast with the Habash Vampire bloodline and creating a Hemomantic experiment that caused a horrid reaction to those involved.

The Latran Vampires are considered to be the most feral, and repulsive than the other two bloodlines, taking a much more beastial form almost consistently, as those who have the bloodline barely can control it, aside from Apex Athuum, the necromancer who created the bloodline altogether.  

While many people outside of the voidal sphere consider the bloodline a horrid curse, or a consequence to the actions of the foolish, the Latran Vampires and most other void-mages believe it to be a blessing, as the bloodline’s naturally chaotic nature serves as a break-through to the idea of hemomantic mutations, as with the Latran Vampire’s repulsive look, comes a strength that no other bloodline has been able to achieve.


Latran Vampires are, in many eyes, a freak of nature. Most Latran Vampires take the form of a horrid mix between a human and a bat. Gargoyles, but instead of stone, its leathery gray skin and webbed hands and feet. Their eyes have no pupils, only a deep crystal blood-like red. A large maw with 4 canine teeth, two in the front and two in the back, compared to the other vampire bloodlines.  Their hands are of webbed claws, and their back bearing large, tattered, and leathery wings that stretch out enough for them to take flight for a small while. Their ears are mangled and crooked in several ways. Stronger Latran Vampires are capable of growing fur, which is known to look akin to a black wolf’s, stretching down from the top of their wrinkly head to the bottom of their back.

Latran Vampires seldom use weapons, as their body is suited best for their more feral tactics; their claws and teeth.


Latran Vampires act in a near-feral mentality. Survival of the fittest at its finest, and an unending thirst for blood to drive their hunt. They can vary from non-verbal to fully sentient, but it’s rare to find the latter of the two. Most of the time, Latran Vampires tend to act as gargoyles within mansions or high-scaling buildings within the night, as it helps them blend with the surrounding of stone with their gray skin. Latran Vampires tend to be much more simple in comparison to the other two bloodlines, as they follow a society structure similar to predatory animals. There lies a Pack leader within an average coven, who organizes the hunts within the night, and additionally handles much of the internal affairs that happen within the group as a whole. From there, the Latran Vampires are ranked from strongest to weakest, and more often than not in desperate times, the weakest are sent as bait for Vampire hunters to become hunted. Latran Vampires tend to despise the other bloodlines due to them having a distaste for the lack of grace that the Latran Vampires hold, and it is normal for Latrans to even hunt other Vampires for sport, due to this conflict between them, and the other two.

Latran Vampires rarely ever are seen as inherently intelligent, but due to their transformation, they have gained a good affinity to Hemomancy as a whole. Able to construct some of the spells that a Hemomancer can perform, but by no means could be seen as an Archmage. Latran Vampires struggle to utilize the arcane arts that were used to make them, but instead are incredibly smart with how to use the gift that they were given. Often utilizing their wings to bat at an enemy for a momentary stun, or using their webbed feet to bring dirt to the eye, Latran Vampires often use terrain, and themselves to the fullest in a fight. Thus, coined the term “There is no honor in a duel against a Vampire”.


Latran Vampires, much like the other bloodlines, originated in Sylverix. Similarly to the other Vampire bloodlines, the Latran Vampires have their say within the Midnight Aristocracy. Their representative is Apex Athuum himself, the creator of the bloodline as a whole. From Apex Athuum, comes the many covens and their pack leaders who stand by him, as unlike the other bloodlines, the Latran Vampires have almost a parliament between them for decisions, that parliament being every leader from every coven, sent to accompany, and give way to the decisions made by the Midnight Aristocracy as a whole.

Outside of Sylverix, Latran Vampires often live within the wilds of their land or reside in abandoned buildings or towers to allow them to have a good overlook of the land that they’ve claimed. While it’s hard to lure a Latran Vampire out in the open, there have been cases where Vampire Hunters used caged bait, such as a rabbit or the like, to have a Latran Vampire attempt to hunt it, as their kill-drive often thinks ahead of their sentience.


Evolved By Sylverix: Latran Vampires are always in their Vampire Form, they can only ever be killed by a Silver Weapon or Lunarmancy, and when under the full moon, gain a +2 to their strength, +1 defense, and +1 agility modifiers in the process. Latran Vampire Traits: Vermillion Vampires do not eat, or sleep. However, drinking blood allows them to tend to their wounds quicker, and drinking blood while fully healthy empowers them further. However, they suffer from the sun lethally and are killed instantly if they are under the sun for more than 3 CRP rounds.

Voidal Regeneration: Habash Vampires tend to heal themselves quickly. So quick in fact, that they are capable of healing their own limbs should they survive from the blow. Taking an IC month to fully recover from any lost limb.

Feral Tactician: Latran Vampires are all Level 10 Hemomancers (House of the Beast). Having access to all spells that match that level, and can cast these spells without a tomb or spell focus.

Ravaging Blow: Latran Vampires use their claws to strike their opponent, with three attacks, the Latran swings out, dealing d2 damage per hit with AP.

Demonic Adaptation: Latran Vampires are capable of taking flight when they need to, and can move faster than most humanoids. (2d6+4 agility).

Feral Bite: Once the hunter’s opponent has been reduced to 0HP, the Latran can bite the opponent as a free action and use its blood to heal 2d3 HP.


- Vampire Blood

Blood from the Vampire can often be used for Alchemy.

- Latran Teeth

A prized item that most Vampire Hunters wear, can be sold for a valuable cost.

- Latran Ears

Ears from the fallen beast.