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Class Vermin
Rarity Common
Size Tiny

2 HP

4 Strength

2 Defense

8 Agility

2 Intelligence


In the hot deserts of Eden hide many dangerous creatures in the sand, but sometimes the smallest creatures can prove the greatest threat. In swarms, they plague the dry seas of Anjyarr, and the potency of their poison is not to be taken lightly.


A scorpion is a tiny vermin creature, no larger than the size of one's palm. They have eight legs, attached to a center body. Next to this, a scorpion has two large claws in front of them. They have six eyes. The body and limbs of a scorpion are all fully black but can be dark brown or dark yellow as well. Lastly, a scorpion has a large tail, which they use to sting and inject poison into their prey.


Scorpions usually stay in underground nests they made, underneath the sand. These nests are small tunnels, like an ant nest. During the night, they come out to hunt. They never do this alone, rather they hunt in large groups, which makes them a formidable threat. They do not hibernate. Scorpions reproduce year-round except during Eden’s Shine because then the deserts are too hot and younglings will quickly die as they have not yet adapted to the climate. A female can birth to up to twenty younglings. As soon as the younglings are old enough to leave the nest and make their own nests, they eat their mother and leave.


Scorpions make their nests in the sands, so they naturally live in the deserts of Anjyarr. However, you can also sometimes find them on beaches of warmer climates, like the beaches around the Jungle of Spiders or the coasts of the Delorwaki Savanna.


A scorpion always attacks in a swarm. They all attack at the same time with their claws. (1 DMG per scorpion present) If the prey proves too resilient, the scorpions will instead use their tail to inflict poison onto the target, slowly making them unable to move. After 3 successful rounds of being stung, the target is paralyzed. A scorpion is not immune or resistant to any form of damage.


Scorpion Claw

Two claws can be harvested from each scorpion once it dies. It can be crafted into an excellent sewing needle.

Scorpion Tail

This scorpion tail is gathered when a scorpion dies, and may still have some of its poison inside.