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Class Undead
Rarity Uncommon
Size Medium

10 HP

4 Strength

4 Defense

8 Agility

10 Intelligence


During the darkest of nights, they appear in places of rot and corruption. Resembling ghosts and reapers of death, they are the specters. With long robes and eerie masks, they haunt anyone who dares come near them. These dark figures roam only to hunt the souls of the living.


A specter is a 2-meter-tall humanoid being. Its posture is slim. Specters wear long, black robes that seem rugged and used. They only have one part of their body visible, which is a skull in their hood. They always have a greenish, ethereal glow surrounding them. Their eyes also gleamed with this green color, like little flames in the darkness. A foul stench permeates the air, almost like decayed flesh left to rot for centuries. Its piercing shriek causes an icy shiver to crawl down one's spine.


Spectres, like all undead, are hostile toward anything that is not undead. Furthermore, specters do not need to eat or sleep. That is because they feed on the souls of adventurous spirits who dare wander into the corrupted areas they reside in.  They mainly wander around these places, unless a greater force of undead is nearby to command them. They typically do not leave their place of corruption unless they are in an attack, guided by a greater undead. They are typically with a small group of other specters, sometimes other undead and they are often found lurking around deae bodies.


Specters reside in areas of great corruption. These are mainly corrupted caves or most notably, swamps. However, they can also gather in graveyards during the night. You can find specters in the swamps of Magna Attia, the corrupted dwarven holds, and graveyards throughout Eden.


In combat, a specter has one unique ability which it will always try to use. The specter approaches the face of the prey and starts draining their soul, bringing their opponents into a sort of trance. The opponent cannot move or roll saving throws during this time. Once the draining starts, the specter gets a +4 to saving rolls but cannot use other spells, actions, or abilities. They can only defend. The draining does not end until the target or their ally manages to deal 3 damage to the specter. Each round that the specter can drain the soul of the target, the target is severely harmed. (2 Damage) The specter heals half the damage it dealt, rounded down, after the draining ends. This is the only way a specter can attack. A specter is not immune or resistant to any form of damage.


Specter Cloth

When a specter dies, not much stays behind because it is essentially a ghost. However, some black, rugged cloth that it was wearing might stay behind once it gets slain.