The Phoenix

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“The Phoenix”, also known as the "Sign of Rebirth”, lies within Eden’s constellation as a cluster of stars. The sign appears from the fourth of Sunfall to the twenty-fourth of Sunfall. If one is born under this sign, they have a likelihood of being visionary. They are constantly looking for new ideas to act out. Not only are they imaginative, but they are incredibly spiritually inclined. Most see themselves as spiritually connected and seek inner wisdom frequently.

The Phoenix, Sign of Rebirth, appears from 04/08 - 24/08.


If this sign is out of order, it is likely all types of healing will be slowed. This includes spiritual, physical, and mental. Voidal interference from lesser demons and realms will become more frequent. For example, the chaotic realm of Vermyx. Demonic entities of low intelligence will begin flooding Eden and wreaking mayhem once again.