Habash Vampire

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Class Voidal
Rarity Epic
Size Medium

14 HP

8 Strength

8 Defense

10 Agility

16 Intelligence


The Habash Vampires are a Vampire Species, created originally by a powerful Demon and eventual Vampire Lord “Agapito de Hemon '', during a Hemomantic experiment where the Sylverix’s moon was at its fullest.

The Habash Vampirism is known to be the oldest bloodline among the three. Purest in its form as it was the building blocks to the other vampire bloodlines that succeeded it, and is thus known as the rarest. As with the different attempts at experimentation through later generations, the bloodline has grown in rarity.

Habash Vampires, while rare as they may be, are the most adept within the spellcasting realm of Hemomancy. Often using it to ensure victory and complete utter domination of those who oppose them.


Habash Vampires often look akin to Nobles within Eseron. They are known to wear the most lavish, expensive, and utterly elegant clothes they can get, mostly resembling colors of Red, Black, or Gold. Their skin is known to be incredibly pale, best compared to the Hinterlanders, and often is seen as incredibly beautiful. With blood-red eyes, they tend to switch to a black void upon casting a spell or feeding on their victim with their sharpened canine fangs.

Habash Vampires are rarely armed aside from a spell focus to sling their vast expanse of spells, or elegant daggers for if someone is unfortunate enough to be close to them.


Habash Vampires believe themselves to be the epitome of what the world of Sylverix is. Their ideology falls within the want of domination over all and will stop at nothing to retrieve it. Many Habash Vampires have no qualms with murdering even their kin, so long as they reach the top, and it’s often that Covens of Habash Vampires tend to have a leader every other week; Whether it’s by mutiny, or by sabotage. It is rare for Habash vampires to make alliances within other areas of the realm. However, they are most inclined to make them when they know they can use their partner for their benefit. Whether this is them siding with another Necromancer to perform in areas where the Habash Vampires are less inclined, or a poor whelp that they plan to use as a blood bank.

The Habash Vampires have an extremely high intelligence. The majority of them tend to speak in tongues that can date back to 10,000 years before, and a lot of their forms of incantations derive from their ancient knowledge of the dark arts. This is often due to the lack of aging that comes with their affliction, and thus an endless amount of time leads the Habash Vampires to crave literature, or other forms of newly-made entertainment to keep themselves busy. However, mortal people’s forms of literature never amount to the Habash Vampire’s tastes, as they often find new works made by them as ‘Primitive’.


The Habash Vampire's main hold is in Sylverix, where there lies a Noble caste system, outside of the “Midnight Aristocracy”; a council between the three most powerful vampire families. With the “de Hemon” house and Agapito, also known as the “Lord of the Night” within the aristocracy, The Habash Vampires trickle down from his noble house into several smaller families. These families have their manors and often use lesser Sylverix demons, and even some of their kin as servants, and blood bags if they’re mortal. Leaders of these houses are often faced with assassination attempts at a grab for power. However, these leaders have existed and survived these attempts almost as long as the bloodline itself. Outside of Sylverix, Habash Vampires often throw away the caste system and tend to steer for a more typical Vampire Coven, an attempt to try to keep their kin together to gain strength from one another, but often will fail due to their ceaseless wish for power.


Voidal Regeneration: Habash Vampires tend to heal themselves quickly. So quick in fact, that they are capable of healing their limbs should they survive from the blow. Taking an IC month to fully recover from any lost limb.

Hemomancer Archmage: Habash Vampires are all Level 10 Hemomancers (House of Night). Having access to all spells that match that level, and can cast these spells without a tomb or spell focus.

Vampire Enthrallment: Habash Vampires are capable of making others temporary vampires, known as thralls. Whenever a foe is downed, they are capable of raising them back up to life, and have them serve the vampire for a temporary amount of time, losing all forms of consciousness when enthralled for the duration. More Powerful Habash Vampires however are capable of having them serve the vampire permanently.

Vampire Traits: Habash Vampires do not eat, or sleep. However, drinking blood allows them to tend to their wounds quicker, and drinking blood while fully healthy empowers them further. However, they suffer from the sun gravely, weakening by it as their skin lightly burns under the sunlight, denying them from using Touched by Sylverix, and giving them a -2 to their Defense

Vampiric Ferality: Habash Vampires are capable of growing their nails into claws with the work of Blood Magic, allowing them to be formidable in close-up combat. With two attacks, each hit deals 1d2+1 damage

Touched by Sylverix: Habash Vampires, due to their origination in Sylverix, can only be killed fully by silver weapons. When under the full moon, Habash Vampires are capable of shifting into their demonic form, gaining a +2 to their strength, +1 defense, and +1 agility modifiers in the process.


- Vampire Blood

Blood from the Vampire can often be used for Alchemy, or help empower Hemomancer abilities.

- Vampiric Scepter

 Vampire’s usual spell-focus can be used to decay and corrupt nearby land.

- Vampire Fangs

Just some fangs.

- Shard of Congealed Blood

A crystal made only out of blood.