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Classification Voidal Magic
Energy Source The Void - Lillith
Casting Method Catalyst - Soul Gem

Though many have heard the tales of Necromancy, through fables their parents read them, or the vast majority that state that Necromancy is ‘evil’. There has been not one soul that has been able to speak the truths of these tales. As old as time, throughout history, there has been a trail of a necromancer present. From graves being empty, to bodies found reaped of life across Eden. These beings practice an ancient magic, to raise and summon the dead, to be able to kill with a flick of their finger. A power that rivals the Gods, and such they are hunted by the people of Eden. Attacked, imprisoned and executed; that would be the common occurrence if someone were to see a necromancer, and for very good reason. They are not people of compassion, and they are not ones to be underestimated.


Not much is known about the ancient voidal magic itself, although many believe it to have come around during the Age of fallen spires. An Ancient Necromancer is said to have sold his soul to a demon which gained him the power to manipulate death itself. Evidence can be found around Eden, which leave traces of the unholy mages, such as the ancient Khadun ruins. Graves are said to be robbed and animals are believed to go missing when there are these mages in the area. Throughout the ages, many would hunt for knowledge of the ancient voidal magic yet there is not much to find. Either destroyed, or hidden away for those to never find. But, through time, many theories of how Necromancy came to be arised and one stood out from the rest. The story stuck, as it spoke of an Ancient Mage that traversed the realm, seeking eternal life, to be lifted from the bounds of mortality. And whilst traversing, he wandered into a strange cave, in which a demon spoke to him. Offering him what he desired most; the power to raise the dead. And in return, his soul. Of course the Ancient Mage thought about it, before ultimately agreeing; selling his soul to the demon. Through that Ancient Mage, generations of necromancers came, further selling their possessions to the demon, their soul, their eyesight and in some cases, their first-born child. But, no one truly knows the origins of Necromancy, as there are no official documentations on it.

Learning and Teaching

There is no way to learn Necromancy, without a teacher. All present-day Necromancers had mentors that guided them through the process. If someone is lucky enough to find a mentor, they still have the grueling lessons. The first few days, the mentor will teach the apprentice on the spells of necromancy, how to control voidal magic and how to manipulate souls. Once the mentor feels the apprentice is ready, the mentor shall guide the apprentice through a ritual, to summon a Demon of Lillith. If the apprentice is deemed worthy by the Demon, through either selling their soul or selling another possession of theirs; the Demon will grant a small fraction of their power to the apprentice, in the form of a gem known as a ‘Voidal Fragment’.

Once the ritual is complete, the apprentice will have to ‘nurture’ the Voidal Fragment, learning to control it properly, and use it as a catalyst. The higher the level, the harder it becomes to control the Voidal Fragment.

To reach level one a teacher needs to have at least four sessions with their student, each session being at least sixty minutes long. To obtain level two the student needs to have another four lessons of sixty minutes. To finally reach level three and the ability to teach magic themselves the students need to have another set of four sessions, each with a length of sixty minutes. Each day one session can be held by the teacher/be received by the student. After finally reaching level three the student doesn’t require additional sessions and will reach level four automatically after three weeks of self-studying the magic. Once level four was reached the cooldown is renewed and the mage will reach level five after an additional three weeks. After this, they get to join one of the houses of the Midnight Aristocracy

Level Increase Required Sessions Req .Session Length
Lvl 0 to Lvl 1 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 1 to Lvl 2 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 2 to Lvl 3 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 3 to Lvl 4 Self Study 3 Weeks
Lvl 4 to Lvl 5 Self Study 3 Weeks

After choosing a path, the spellcaster will automatically increase in level if they can show proof of self study. The caster is able to level up once every 3 OOC weeks. This can be done throughout the whole tear

Bonding trials are still required to level up between each level, but spellcasters can request those themselves after they move on to self studying.


Level Unlocked Spells Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 1 - Student Blight, Soul Exchange, Summon Undead No spellcasting bonuses.

The caster unlocks the Soul Steal ability.

Lvl 2 - Spellweaver Blight, Soul Exchange, Summon Undead,

Animate the Dead

The mage has a +1 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 3 - Wizard Blight, Soul Exchange, Summon Undead, Animate the Dead,

Sensory Deprivation, Voidal Breath of Life

The mage has a +1 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 4 - Warlock Blight, Soul Exchange, Summon Undead, Animate the Dead,

Sensory Deprivation, Voidal Breath of Life,

Caustic Hands

The mage has a +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 5 - High Warlock Blight, Soul Exchange, Summon Undead, Animate the Dead,

Sensory Deprivation, Voidal Breath of Life,

Caustic Hands, Visual Death

The mage has a +3 spellcasting bonus.


The mage will carry their Voidal Fragment with them to cast spells. Some spells require the use of soul charges that are kept within the Voidal Fragment. To increase the charges of your Voidal Fragment request a LM or GM.

Necromancers grow increasingly out of touch with their personality as they increase their level. Those who choose to follow the Death-Destined path will eventually lose all of their humanity as well. Souls are stored and necessary for the casting of certain spells.


Base Spells

Soul Consumption
The caster channels their fragment and stores the soul of a recently deceased being inside.
Level 1
Casting Value 8
Range 3 meters
Damage The caster holds out their Voidal Fragment and begins to suck up the soul of a recently deceased being within 3 meters of them.
Critical Failure The caster wastes their energy and fails to successfully capture the soul.
Critical Success The consumption is extra powerful, attracting another lingering soul in the area and filling up 2 slots.
Red Lines The spell can only be witnessed by voidal mages or elemental mages of level 6 and beyond. To add charges to the fragment, contact a LM or GM.
After the caster sacrifices a soul to their tear, a circle of corruption surrounds the spellcaster, any form of plant life now dies in this circle. The area around the caster becomes filled with voidal energy. Anyone or anything that enters this aura feels their life force being drained from them.
Level 1
Casting Value 9
Range 5 meters
Damage Any entity inside the spell's range will start to experience a life drain of D3. The Target is able to move away on their next turn, unless they become trapped by the Necromancer. The necromancer may target 1 player to be trapped if they are within the range of the spell when it is cast. If they are trapped they will need to roll a D20 in order to escape. If they succeed in rolling a 10+ they are capable of escaping.
Critical Failure If the spell is a critical failure, the Necromancer will end up harming themselves by experiencing an energy drain, causing their next casting roll to be modified with -1.
Critical Success The blighted circle is now a dangerous area for anyone except the Necromancer, causing a critical hit on any enemy player entering the zone.
Red Lines This spell requires 1 soul to cast.

The blighted area can be cleansed by Lunarmancers.

Bone of Battle
A bone comes forth from the tear that floats around the caster, protecting them and attacking their enemies.
Level 1
Casting Value 12
Range 4 meters
Damage The bone can be used for a single action which is independent of the caster’s action that turn.

The bone can be used to protect the caster from an attack. This has to be done before the defence roll of the caster. The caster cannot use the bone if they lose the defence roll.

The bone can be used to attack anyone within melee range. The bone becomes a sharp sword and does 2 damage this hit is unblockable.

Critical Failure The bone crumbles as it gets into contact with the atmosphere of Eden.
Critical Success The bone is of exceptional quality, making it able to last for 2 actions instead of 1.
Red Lines The bone stays until the caster sends it back or closes their tear. Only one bone can be active by the caster at all times.
Lesser Reanimation
The caster sacrifices a soul to their tear and reanimates a small deceased animal. Be it a baby of  any kind or a dog.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range Touch
Damage The caster is able to reanimate a small, dead animal that has an intact body. The animal can fight for the caster doing 1 damage but dying indefinitely in return.
Critical Failure The small body of the deceased animal crumbles instead, causing it to disform so much the caster can’t attempt to reanimate it again.
Critical Success The animal heals possible injuries it sustained during its life.
Red Lines This spell requires 1 soul to cast.

A maximum of 3 animals can be active at one time. To get an animal head, contact a LM or GM.

Skeletal Grasp
The caster shines their Fragment onto the feet of a target as small, sturdy skeletal hands sprout from the ground, binding anyone within 2 meters of the target.
Level 2
Casting Value 14
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster casts a spell on a target enemy. Skeletal hands start sprouting from the ground there in a 3x3 radius around the caster. Anyone within this radius is unable to perform a movement action for 2 rounds.

Using an action phrase, the targeted player can attempt to destroy the hands by rolling a D20 strength. Upon rolling a 12 or above, the player is freed.

Critical Failure The spell is rebound and a small pair of skeletal hands causes the caster to stumble. The caster is unable to act until their next turn.
Critical Success The skeletal hands are so sturdy that an 18 or above roll is needed to break the hands.
Red Lines
Wall of Death
A mixture of undead parts are summoned from the tear and flow together into the shape of a wall that has moving arms all over it.
Level 2
Casting Value 12
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster summons a wall of undead arms that stretches in a 1 block thick, 5 block long and 3 block high line that stays for D2+1 rounds.

Anyone who gets within touching range of this wall is grabbed and unable to move until the spell ends or they get pulled out by another player. This will take an action turn of the helping player.

If a player is within touching range when the wall is cast, they can roll a D20 agility to dodge the wall. The roll has to be greater than the mage’s casting roll.

Critical Failure Hands fly out of the tear but hit the caster in the back of the head. The caster loses focus and the creation of the wall is stopped. The caster takes 1 damage.
Critical Success The wall stays for the maximum amount of turns.
Red Lines Only one wall may be active at one time.
Rotting Injection
The caster concentrates their powers into their palm and shoot out a bolt of death towards their target. Once hit, the target is plagued by a rotting curse that rots away at their skin.
Level 2
Casting Value 12
Range 15 meters
Damage The caster shoots forth a rotting bolt of death that deals D2 damage. If a person is afflicted by this spell, they will take 1 damage every round for 3 rounds and experience an uneasiness and itching pain unlike any other.
Critical Failure The rotting bolt explodes while charging in the hand of the caster, causing the hand to get affected dealing 2 damage to the caster and making them unable to use their hand for their next turn.
Critical Success The bolt is exceedingly potent and deals D2+1 damage instead.
Red Lines
Spectral Weapon
The caster takes one soul from of their Voidal Fragment and uses it to craft a weapon of their choosing. Those hit by the spectral weapon feel empty inside and a little bit of their soul is chipped with every move.
Level 3
Casting Value 14
Range Self
Damage The caster may create any weapon that follows an existing weapon profile.

The weapon stays for D5+3 rounds.

This weapon will act as any of those weapons would but those hit by an attack will get a -1 in their attacking or defending rolls from that point onwards.

If someone is attacked 3 times with this weapon, they will experience a -2 in their attacking or defending rolls.

Critical Failure The soul use is lost and the caster summons a small dining knife, dealing 1 damage per succesful attack.
Critical Success The weapon stays for the maximum amount of rounds.
Red Lines Someone may not dual wield a soul weapon and a real weapon.

You may dual wield a soul shield with a real weapon or a soul weapon with a real shield if that is allowed within the weapon profile.

Reanimate Dead
The caster sacrifices a soul to their tear and gains the power to reanimate the dead. If an in-tact body is found, they can be re-animated to look as if they were once more alive. A higher level mage can even share their mind with the body and control it to some extent.
Level 3
Casting Value 15
Range Touch
Damage The caster touches a pile of bones or completely in-tact body to re-animate the dead. This undead creature will follow the commands of the caster but can only follow a single command at a time.
Critical Failure The reanimating of the body goes terribly wrong, an evil spirit enters the body and attacks the caster. After 2 rounds the body deteriorates and the caster cannot attempt to re-animate the body again.
Critical Success The body looks slightly more lifelike and less like an undead.
Red Lines This spell requires 1 soul to cast.

The re-animated corpse must stay near the caster or be influenced by the caster to stop decaying.

Voidal Breath of Life
The caster sends a soul into their tear and calls forth a resentful spirit, taking the form of a spectral gargoyle. The gargoyle is less powerful than its normal variant unless it can possess a nearby statue.
Level 4
Casting Value 17
Range 15 meters
Damage The caster calls forth a resentful spirit upon Eden. This spirit takes the form of a gargoyle that haunts the statues of Eden. The gargoyle is a weakened variant as it does not possess it’s statue form, though if there is a statue closeby, it will possess this and use it as its body for 5 rounds.

The gargoyle wil fight with their caster and will move the turn after their caster. The caster will roll for the Gargoyle with a normal D20 and add the following bonuses:

Strength +1 Defense +2 Agility -2 Intelligence +1 HP 7

The gargoyle does unarmed attacks that deal 1 damage per successful attack.

If the gargoyle possess a nearby statue their HP raises to 15.

Critical Failure The gargoyle breaks free of the control of the caster, turning against them and attacking whatever enemy is closest. This will be the caster at first.
Critical Success A fully formed gargoyle will come through the void instead, already possessing a stone body.
Red Lines This spell requires 1 soul to cast.

Only one gargoyle spirit can be summoned at one time. The gargoyle will be unsummoned the moment the tear closes at all times.

Reaped Grounds
The caster sacrifices a soul to their tear and channel an abundance of energy within the ground, causing all the plantlife to die in a very wide radius around the caster. This whole area becomes a voidal presence and start corrupting everything within, sucking out all of the energy from within them.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 20 meters
Damage In a 20 meter radius of the caster, the ground becomes a reaped paradise for voidal beings and a nightmarish place for those not of voidal origin. This area lasts for D5+3 rounds.

Voidal and undead creatures gain 3 hp while they’re in this field and gains an immunity to purification. The caster gains a +2 on their casting rolls.

Non-voidal creatures lose D2 HP per round in this area. Mounts will instantly drop their riders if they’re caught within this area.

Critical Failure The caster sacrifices the soul to the tear and energy fills their arm. The energy fills so fast that the caster cannot endure it and the arm takes significant damage. The caster takes D2+2 damage and may lose their arm.
Critical Success The reaped grounds stay for the maximum amount of time.
Red Lines This spell requires 2 souls to cast.

Lunarmancy spells will only be effective if their level is equal or higher than that of the caster. Hallowed Grounds cannot cancel this spell but shrink it to a 10 meter radius from a 20 meter radius.

A Loremaster must be present for the casting of this spell.

Soul Destined Spells

The caster summons forth a singular undead enemy from the ground that fights for their master and obeys any commands the caster gives them.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range 2 meter
Damage The caster summons forth an undead creature, be it skeleton or zombie to help them in battle.

This creature will act after the caster’s next turn with the following stats:

Str +1 Agi +0 Def -2 Inf - unusable.

HP: 3

Critical Failure The caster loses control over the creature and it starts attacking the caster.
Critical Success The creature is slightly sturdier and has 5HP.
Red Lines The caster has a maximum of 3 soldiers that may be active at the same which were summoned with this spell.
Soul Chain
The casting creates a chain of energy that is locked to its target, making the target unable to move further away from the target.
Level 2
Casting Value 15
Range 15 meters
Damage The caster creates a chain that translucently sticks to the insides of the target. The target can no longer move away from the caster as long as the chain is active.

The chain stay for 2+1 rounds and can be broken by any magic attack with a casting value of 15 or above.

Critical Failure The chain fails to manifest at all.
Critical Success The chain stays for the maximum amount of time and cannot be broken.
Red Lines Only one target may be chained at the same time.
Spectral Steed
The caster uses a soul to call forth a spectral steed that they can ride to gain mout movement speed. If a dead horse is nearby the spiritual steed may possess this body instead.
Level 2
Casting Value 13
Range Self
Damage The caster sacrifices a soul to their tear and call forth a spectral steed. The steed is in spiritual form and will last for D3+2 rounds.

If there is a dead horse within 4 meters of the caster they can send the summoned spectre to possess the dead body of the horse. This horse won’t decay if it is near the caster.

Critical Failure The spectral steed starts to form but as the caster goes to sit on the steed it returns to the tear causing the caster to fall down and take D3 damage.
Critical Success The spectral version of the horse stays for the maximum amount of rounds. The reanimated version of the horse heals the wounds that are visible on it and looks more lifelike.
Red Lines This spell costs 1 soul to cast.

The steed can be targeted like any normal mount could.

Banshee’s Calling
The caster summons forth a spectral banshee from their tear. This banshee is translucent and lets out terrifying sounds.
Level 3
Casting Value 16
Range Self
Damage The caster summons a spectral banshee from their tear that stays for D3+2 rounds.

The banshee acts on its own and attacks the closest target the caster considers an enemy.

The banshee has 2 attacks, the caster rolls a D10 and one of the attacks is chosen.

If the roll is a 1-8, the banshee uses their claws to perform a melee attack, if noone is in melee range then the banshee doesn’t attack.

If the roll is a 9-10, the banshee starts screaming. Anyone within 30 blocks will need to roll a D20 intelligence and roll a 11 or above to save their ears. Those who fail the roll will take D3 damage.

The Banshee has 6 HP

Critical Failure The caster attempts to call for the banshee spirit but instead only calls forth its scream, dealing D3 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The banshee stays for the maximum amount of time.
Red Lines Only 1 banshee can be spawned per necromancer at one time.
Soul Expulsion
The caster charges the their power into their hand and grabs their target and pulls them towards them. Curiously, only the soul of the target is dragged along, making the body slump over in a deep sleep state.
Level 3
Casting Value 18
Range Touch
Damage The caster takes out the soul of a target for 3 rounds, leaving them unable to do anything.

This soul can be used to cast a spell, returning the soul of the target back to their body and taking 2 damage in the process.

Critical Failure The soul expulsion fails and the caster is unable to act or defend in their next turn.
Critical Success The soul of the target is recycled and used twice before returning to the body, this deals 2D2 damage.
Red Lines If the soul is not used within 3 rounds then it returns to their original body taking only 1 damage.
The Rotting Dance
The caster summons forth an array of undeads that rise from the ground in a manner alike to that of a dance. These undeads will defend their master and attack anyone within melee range of the caster. Also offering up their bodies to block ranged attacks.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range Self
Damage The caster calls forth a D5+1 of basic undead creatures whose main objective is protecting their caster. The creatures will each do 1 unarmed attack to anyone within melee range of the caster.  

This creature will act after the caster’s next turn with the following stats:

Str: +1 Def: -2 Agi: +0 Int: unusable.

HP: 3

Critical Failure Half of the creatures is summoned instead and all of them start attacking the caster.
Critical Success The caster summons at least 1 high-grade undead warrior. This creature has +2 Str. +1 Def. +0 Agility and cannot use intelligence.
Red Lines This soul costs 2 souls to cast.
Voidal Presence
The caster charges their Voidal Relic and spreads the power of soul in an area of 10 meters around them, creating a voidal blanket that envelops everything within the area. All the undead and voidal entities in the area will get empowered with the power of soul.
Level 4
Casting Value 17
Range 10 meters
Damage The casters sacrifices 2 souls and boosts the offensive and defensive stats of their summons, themselves, and other voidal mages or beings for D5+3 rounds.  

All the undeads get a +1 on their existing stats. They get a +2 boost in HP.

All the voidal entities will get a +3 in HP and +2 in intelligence. This includes voidal mages.

Critical Failure The souls used for the sacrifice were resentful towards the undead and caused the presence to have an adverse effect, dealing D3 damage to all undead creatures in the area and D4 to all voidal beings in the area.
Critical Success The spell lasts for the maximum amount of time.
Red Lines This spell costs 2 souls to cast.
Aspect of the Undead
Harnessing all of the Necromancer’s total energy and link with Lilith, they call upon the greatest undead that is within their power. The Undying Behemoth.A creature made from the bones of the dead and resurrected.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range Touch
Damage The Behemoth is considered a construct and is destructive in nature. It is a gargantuan size amalgamation of bones and rotting flesh that is held together by the power of souls, it stays for D4+4 rounds or until it is unbound by the caster. It will stay behind the caster, moving with it in his shadow.

The Behemoth looks like the top half of that of a dragon made of bones and rotting flesh. The Behemoth has 25 HP and a few actions they can make.

Slash: The Behemoth slashes one of its arms across the the field in front of the caster. Anyone in a 5 meter radius in front of the caster will be attacked and need to roll a D20 defense. If they do not roll 12 or higher otherwise they take 4 damage.

Bite: The Behemoth looms over the caster and bites whoever is within 2 meters in front of the caster. The target will need to roll a D20 defense and roll a 14 or higher otherwise they take 2D3 damage and get knocked back 4 meters.

Critical Failure The Behemoth peaks its head out of the tear and bites the caster, afterwhich it returns to the tear. The caster takes 2D3 damage and is knocked out.
Critical Success The behemoth stays for the maximum amount of time.
Red Lines This spell costs 4 souls to cast.

A Loremaster is needed to cast this spell.

This spell may only be cast once every OOC week.

Death Destined Spells

The caster focuses their energy on their eyes and look a target in the eye. The target begins to shiver and feel cold for reasons they cannot fathom. The caster seems to grow and tower over the target in their vision, paralyzing them with fear.
Level 1
Casting Value 12
Range 15 meters
Damage The caster looks the target in the eye and causes them a great terror by creating an illusion in the target’s mind. The target is stunned for D2+1 rounds and does not react to anything.
Critical Failure The caster surges too much power to their eyes, causing a minor headache and losing their turn.
Critical Success The fear lasts for the maximum amount of rounds.
Red Lines A paralyzed target cannot be forced to lose limbs, or end combat pre-maturely.


The caster holds their relic, as it spurts out a purple, noxious gas within a big radius. Anyone, except the caster, in the gas will only be able to see a small distance. The smoke makes people feel uneasy. Some may even feel sick.
Level 2
Casting Value 8
Range 10 blocks
Damage This spell causes anyone within the gas to become nauseous after 2 rounds of combat. When this happens, the target will feel sick and will get a -3 on any saving roll. Any spell the caster casts in this noxious gas will also increase in effectiveness.

Every damaging spell will have 1 extra damage on the person targeted. While other people are in the smoke, their vision will be limited to 5 blocks total

The spell lasts for D5 rounds, unless blown away by wind.

Critical Failure The spell fails, causing the caster themself to feel nauseous.
Critical Success The smoke, while inhaled, will deal 1 damage every 2 rounds.
Red Lines This spell uses one soul to cast.
Exo Skeleton
The caster creates a protective layer of bones around their body, following their normal bone structure. This exoskeleton helps the caster in defending and packing a punch.
Level 2
Casting Value 14
Range Self
Damage The caster has a strong exoskeleton surrounding their back, shoulders, arms and chest. Granting them a +2 in strength rolls and a +3 in defense rolls. The exo skeleton has D5+3 HP and must be broken before any melee attacks can hit the caster. Ranged attacks and magic attacks are not blocked by the exo skeleton.
Critical Failure The exoskeleton pierces the caster as it grows around him, dealing 2 damage and not manifesting properly.
Critical Success The Exo skeleton has the maximum amount of HP.
Red Lines One cannot cast exo skeleton while one already has the armor on.
Rigor Mortis
The caster shoots out a warbling green paralyzing projectile that stuns a single target for a variable amount of turns. During this time the target is completely paralyzed and can’t move, speak, or interact, but can still take damage as normal.
Level 3
Casting Value 15
Range 20 blocks
Damage The target is immediately paralyzed for D3+1 turns upon getting hit with this spell. The projectile can be blocked as normal through Spell Defense or unbound entirely by another mage.

This spell can only hit one target at a time.

Critical Failure The projectile explodes within the caster’s grasp, paralyzing themselves for 1 turn.
Critical Success The target is paralyzed for D2+2 turns instead.
Red Lines This projectile is completely physical and can’t pass through walls nor damage blocks.
Death Scythe
The caster grabs their gem, and creates a massive scythe that can slash ranged attacks towards enemies. Once the slash has been dealt, the targets will feel as though their body has been cut into pieces.
Level 3
Casting Value 17
Range 10 blocks
Damage The caster creates a glowing purple scythe, made of souls, that will stay for D3+2 rounds. The scythe will release a death slash. The scythe’s slash is 10 meters think and 5 meters long. This slash deals D2 damage for each enemy that is in the slash, to all enemies. If 3 enemies get hit then the damage to all three is 3D2.
Critical Failure Instead, the caster slashed their own body and will take 3 damage.
Critical Success The slash sent out by the caster reverberates back to them, and deals the same amount of damage again to everyone that got hit by the slash before.
Red Lines This spell costs one soul to cast.
Petrifying Soul
The caster shines the purple gem onto a target, and makes them transform. The target will turn to stone for a short period of time. The target will, after the transformation, fall apart onto the ground. After a little while, all pieces reassemble automatically and the person will reappear, instantly feeling everything their body had just experienced.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range 5 blocks
Damage The caster lets a target fall apart for 3 rounds, in which the target cannot take any damage, but can also not do anything. After the 3 rounds are over, the target reappears and takes D6 damage. During this time the target can be moved.
Critical Failure Instead of making the target petrify, the mage petrifies their own arm that was holding the gem, for 3 turns. This makes them unable to use that arm for the entire time.
Critical Success After the spell ends, the target will feel extra pain, gaining an extra 2 damage.
Red Lines This spell costs two souls to cast.

This spell cannot be used on 1 target more than 1 time a day.

Death’s Embrace
The mage grabs a target by the face and starts draining their soul from their facial orifices. The amount of soul that is taken from the target causes for slight nourishment of the caster.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range Touch
Damage The mage grabs the target by the face and start draining their soul. Once the draining starts the caster gets a +3 in defence but cannot use any other spells, actions or abilities. They can only defend.

The draining does not end until the target or their ally manages to make a successful blow against the caster. Or the caster stops the draining.

Each player turn that the caster is holding the face of the target deals 2 damage to the target. The caster heals half of the damage it has inflicted at the end of its spell.

Critical Failure The target’s soul is too strong for the caster to influence, firing back at the caster and dealing D3+2 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The caster gets a +5 in their defence as long as the spell is active.
Red Lines The caster can only roll defence rolls while they’re in draining mode.
Death Manifestation
The caster ascends to become Elder Lich and grants Death on those who stand in their way. The Elder Lich is fully in tune with the voidal energy that envelops them.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range Self
Damage The caster becomes an Elder Lich for D5+3 turns. Wherever the caster walks, blight is affecting a 3x3 area surrounding the caster at all times.

Soul consumption for spells is stopped and those spells can be cast without using souls while the spell is active.

The caster cannot die while this spell is active, always activating their Necromantic Resistance ability if they dip below 1 HP.

Critical Failure The caster attempts to ascend to elder lichhood but is punished by the realms. The caster feels his body imploding from the inside and takes 5 damage. The caster is knocked unconscious.
Critical Success The spell stays for the maximum amount of time.
Red Lines This spell costs 5 souls to cast.

This spell can only be cast once every OOC week.

A loremaster has to be present for the casting of this spell.

Additional Effects

Soul Steal
The caster has learned the ability to absorb souls after combat into their soul gem. For each defeated person they can absorb one soul. Out of combat the mage can utilize this ability to gain one soul for any deceased NPC or event creature.

Elemental Magic Pyromancy · Aquamancy · Aeromancy · Geomancy
Chaotic Magic Hemomancy · Necromancy
Other Magic Currently None