House von Lichtenfelts

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House von Lichtenfelts
Coat of Arms A black eagle argent topped with

a golden crown on a silver (argent)

and golden (or) background.

Country The Hadrian Empire
Seat The Imperial Palace, Adelsburg
Region The Crownlands (Die Krönlanden)
Head Kaiser Diederick-Göbel von Lichtenfelts
Heir Prinz Wilhelm II von Lichtenfelts
Ethnicity Attian Human
Overlord N/A
Vassals Tzyrnowski-Reinhardt.png House Tzyrnowski

LeuverenCrest.png House van Leuveren

Herdorf.png House von Herdorf

FriedjeCrest.png House von Bergwald-Holstein

Founder Konrad von Lichtenfelts
Founded The Age of Attia


House von Lichtenfelts is one of the most powerful houses of the Hadrian Empire and the sitting ruling House of the Empire as a whole. Their seat, the Imperial Palace of Adelsburg is considered a temporary seat as their ruined home castle still lies in ruin just across the Veronian borders, and seems to have a curse cast upon it, for construction can never be completed without unexplained events of collapsing towers and walls plaguing the builders. It was left abandoned ever since the rebel forces of House Withmond, led by Lord Joseph Withmond during the first Hadrian Civil War besieged and ruined the castle to seal the end of the Lichtenfelts dynasty. Yet the House still stands tall as the Children of the last Hadrian King, Wilhelm I, Philipp, and Diederick, survived the onslaught as they were kept hidden throughout the war. They were remaining under the protection of various Lords until Lord Joseph Withmond died. After which the children came out of hiding and House von Lichtenfelts was allowed to be established once more as a minor House with no land or renown under the reign of Roderick up until the reign of Matthias Withmond, after which the Withmond dynasty died and the Lichtenfelts once again claimed the throne for themselves under Philipp as rightful rulers of the now reformed Hadrian Empire. In honor of this event, Kaiser Philipp ordered the forging of a new family heirloom in the form of a large sword named Mercy.


The Lichtenfelts family has historically always been seen as the proud heirs of Alder as it was their line that took control of the Attian Empire after the ascension of Alder to Godhood after his death. They mostly tend to have black or dark brown hair and some of the Lichtenfelts members have allowed themselves to be seduced by the Chaotic powers in the past. The most noteworthy trait of House von Lichtenfelts is that they have historically been riders of Griffons and later on Manticores as one of the few houses able to do so since the days of Attia.


Establishing the House

House von Lichtenfelts was founded before the reign of Alder back in the northern lands now known as Magna Attia. The first recorded member of the house was Chieftain Konrad von Lichtenfelts who ruled over a southern tribe in the region. They only became relevant as they were one of the first to bend the knee to Alder Himmelschwert during his Wars of Unification as he formed the Attian Empire, becoming one of the first great Houses of the Attian Empire, quickly garnering power and support throughout the realm as they established themselves as Alder’s stewards and heirs as Alder himself remained without children. After Alder’s passing, the Lichtenfelts House took the Attian throne under the reign of the second Attian Emperor, Lothar I von Lichtenfelts. Under Lothar’s rule, the Alderist Temple was established in an effort to preserve the ways of Alder and the word of the Greater Pre-Determination, cementing themselves as a most pious House of Attia.

Emperors of Attia

Little is known of the Attian Histories as of now. Kaiser Lothar von Lichtenfelts was the first Attian Emperor of the Lichtenfelts House, and Kaiser Claudius von Lichtenfelts was the last and oversaw the destruction of Attia by the great flood caused by rampant chaotic influence over his lands and court.

The Hadrian Empire

In the year 1525 A.F.S., Philipp Wilhelm II von Lichtenfelts reclaimed the Hadrian throne from the dying and childless usurper Emperor, Matthias. Philipp’s reign was a fair but turbulent one has his rule was often challenged by bickering nobles wishing to take power for themselves at the cost of the weakened House von Lichtenfelts that only just established itself under the brothers Philipp and Diederick. The first to try his hand was Lord Arnoud van Leuveren of the Hinterlands who started a feud with the High Elves of Luminion to the east. Trying to provoke the Empire into a destructive war he hoped to profit from personally. Philipp managed to solve the situation diplomatically with the Elves and Arnoud went into exile, only to later return to plead his case, leading to his execution.

The second instance was Lord Leod Iomharach in the year 1528 A.F.S. who seduced and slept with Philipp’s Kaiserin, Anzhelika. Upon learning of this from her after she broke down, Philipp confronted Lord Leod in the Imperial Palace, leading to a duel between the pair in which Philipp was severely maimed, losing an eye and foot in the fight. Leod himself fled into the night, never to be seen again. Kaiserin Anzhelika also vanished from public view after this, not being executed, but being kept under house arrest in the palace for the remainder of her days as punishment.

In 1532 A.F.S., Philipp’s reign would come to an abrupt end amidst the destructive Hadrian-Raevendrecht war, also known as the Great Northern War, as after the victory of the Imperial forces at Der Flüss Landing in Flüssland, the mercenary company of castle Helstein was tricked by Sine Verrador into believing Philipp would refuse to pay them for their services in battle, leading to them turning to Sine’s side as he made a successful attempt to usurp the throne during a medal ceremony held by Philipp and crown prinz Karl in the Imperial Palace. About halfway through the ceremony, the mercenaries and Sine’s men drew their swords and before the royals present could even answer properly, they were cut down. Philipp with a single thrust through the chest, nailing him to his throne, and Prinz Karl was brutally decapitated as the loyalists present were cut down in mass. The remaining members of House von Lichtenfelts would go into hiding after this event as the usurper ruled from Adelsburg.

In 1534 A.F.S., Prinz Diederick came out of hiding, now residing in by the Republic-occupied lands of Flüssland under Stadtholder Silas van Leuveren. From there he rallied houses still loyal to the Lichtenfelts to raise his banners for him to prepare for a march on Adelsburg to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. As Diederick’s march began, Sine’s support crumbled into nothingness and Diederick could march into Adelsburg unopposed. This campaign of reconquest came to an end in 1535 A.F.S. with the Siege of Castle Helstein, ending the reign of Sine and his supporters. After this event, Diederick was crowned Kaiser and restored Lichtenfelts rule to Hadriana once more.

Under Diederick the Empire was brought to its largest extend with the conquest of Avalheim as it tried to merge with Mitrona, preventing Elves from establishing themselves to the west of the Spine.

Diederick’s first true challenge came in the year 1547 A.F.S. when newly established Markgraf Zladimir de Tiri stirred the peasantry of Flüssland into a revolt against the crown, declaring themselves the independent Principality of Volgrad. The peasants of Flüssland never marched south from Flüssland and were eventually defeated in 1549 A.F.S.

Kaiser Diederick has been the commander of the West in the large, currently unresolved war against the undead forces of Alkadizar, the Lord of Bones. This conflict has thus far not come to a conclusion as of writing this chapter, 1550 A.F.S., but it allowed the Lichtenfelts to establish an alliance with the Denur of The High Kingdom of Arduan, bringing new technology and weapons to the Empire.

Family Tree

Family Tree of House von Lichtenfelts since King Wilhelm I von Lichtenfelts.

Noteworthy Members:

The Attian Empire:

The Kingdom of Hadriana:

The Hadrian Empire:
