The Amber Tree
Location | The heart of Myln Arbor |
Biome | Magical Forest |
Races | Wood Elves, Sylvani |
The towering height and shimmering leaves of the Amber Tree are surely a site that stops any traveler making their way through the forest road. The Amber Tree is a holy site in Azari’cerr culture and is highly revered by the wood elven people. Those not of the Azari’cerr blood are generally forbidden to enter the tree into the soul chamber where the soul seeds of the deceased wood elves are kept until they pass their Sylvani Trial.
The Amber Tree is located near the southern Edge of the Forest, adjacent to a small pond which is due to the tree's presence deemed the heart of the forest.
The Amber Tree has been in Myln Arbor for as long as can be remembered. It is here where the devotion to Kharash by the people of Myln Arbor was solidified, it is said he commanded the spirits to fill the forest with plentiful food and adequate challenges for those that reside within.
Not much has changed over the years as the Azari’cerr are a very traditional people. However, over the years more diverse people have been allowed into the Amber Tree. Generally, members of the Mitrona High Council are permitted to enter the grounds of the Amber Tree without fear of repercussion as they are devoted followers of Kharash and protect the forest by running the nation.
The Amber Tree is a site of religious rituals and rites used by living Azari’cerr in their devotion to Kharash, the recently deceased who must pass their Sylvani Trial, and the tree is visited by Sylvani often. When visiting the tree, the Sylvani may ask the spirits of the forest to grant a wish. Though more commonly, the Sylvani can be found communicating with the forest spirits through the biological network known as The World Roots.
The World Roots are made up of the vines flowing under and from the Amber Tree. It is said that the Sylvani can tap into that network by merely contacting the roots and use them to communicate with the spirits to learn the will of Kharash and inform his children.
Following the path inside the Amber Tree leads to the area where the connection between a Sylvani and the forest spirits is strongest. That is why they must go to the Amber Tree to pray for their wish each year.
Marriage proposals also take place within the Amber Tree. Two wood elves will meet and make a promise to each other to be together forever, even after death. A violation of this promise under the Amber Tree is seen as a horrible act.