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Pronunciation Sil-va-nie
Classification Spirit
Nicknames Therri'cerr, Forest Guardians,

Predecessors, Spiritwalkers

Languages Common, Azari Linguae
Average Height 1.72m - 1.96m (5’8" - 6’5")
Average Weight 52kg to 88kg (115lbs - 194lbs)
Maximum Age Immortal
Stat Bonuses

+0 Strength

+0 Defense

+2 Agility

+4 Intelligence

Children of the Woodland Realm dream of meeting a Sylvani. Hopes to become a mystical spirit once they righteously pass away. The Sylvani are the ultimate overseers of the Azari’cerr in spiritual terms. A direct representative of Kharash as they transcend all definitions of “mortal”. They are far from this world and do not

wish to be a part of worldly concerns and quarrels. Sylvani are not inherently political as the rest of Eden. Instead, choose to care for the Azari’cerr race and assist connections between them and the spirits of Myln Arbor. Many awe at the sight of them. They are not quite Azari anymore, but being truly one with the Forest, they can be a scarce sight. But nothing to be dismissed.

“Huh? Oh!-- Thi cire amazing! A’vi du seen one? A’vi du? One soll, mi wish ce prove mi worth ce er Ar’baor… Mystical as thi cire… mi a’vi’tar got er chance ce see one… But mi still hope ce!”

- A young Azari’cerr in passing along the road of Mitrona to Salus Limin.

How to Play

Sylvani is challenging to unlock. They are meant to be rare, as this is the essence of the Forest being at play. It takes dedication and work. To play a Sylvani you must start as a wood elf, also known as the Azari’cerr amongst other elves. The journey to Sylvani is purely spiritual and must be proven throughout the length of a player’s time playing a wood elf. Those who were once a Khari’cerr for forty-eight OOC days or more in the past can subside specific requirements and go straight to the Trial to become a Sylvani. Upon their succeeding Sylvani Trial, their passed away spirit would be gifted their soul seed and decide the place where the Ents will plant it. The Azari’cerr will then reincarnate as a young tree, growing for a year before being reborn again as a Sylvani.

The Requirements Include:

  • Instances over a four-year (one elven years) period that prove the character has protected the Forest. (via events or proven instances through screenshots)(reduced to two years if Khari’cerr and connected with spirits.)
  • Must be a Wood Elf born and raised in the Myln Arbor (through their entire lifespan).
  • The ‘Cerr must have lived through to see at least one hundred. (Can be bypassed if Khari’cerr and connected with spirits.)
  • Death must be honorable and in the Forest. The body must be brought to the Amber Tree.

If the death is through suicide or slaughtered by the creatures within the Forest, by no means can the wood elf be brought through the Trial in the first place. Honorable death's include death in battle and death by old age. If the Khari'cerr passes along their title, they have the choice to passing away peacefully, the spirits believing they served their purpose in their duty. Their body, too, must be brought to the Amber Tree.

Once the Azari’cerr has been laid to rest within the Amber Tree, spirits within the Arbor, as well as the Amber Tree itself, will accept the body. Done so by wrapping the Azari’cerr with its shrubbery, branches, vines, and leaves. To be one with the spiritual site. The Sylvani Trial will then commence. In which they are greeted by Fae themselves. With the ‘Cerr, they are greeted with an overview of their entire life. Not caring of the nation’s rules, but their own. Over four years, they will review each one, like a court. Upon passing, the newfound Sylvani will sprout out of the Amber Tree. They are encouraged to stay around the Amber Tree. Though especially inside the Myln Arbor. A Sylvani is much weaker otherwise.

Character Creation


After their rebirth, Sylvani will have memories of their previous life; fond and ugly. However, they start as a “sproutling”. A child, through their stages, mimicking the growth of a plant all within an IC year. If there were any missing limbs or parts to themselves, they were regenerated. Any scars, as well, are now gone. However, their bodies now have a more bark-like texture. It’s rough to the touch. Sylvani are humanoid, still resembling an Azari’cerr, though slightly taller than the average Azari’cerr to resemble the life in the Arbor (1.72m to 1.96m)

Their skin color can range to most shades of green or pure brown, blending in with the Forest. Their eyes possess no pupil anymore, and are fully green, everglowing. In the dead of night, Sylvani’s eyes can be detected from meters away. A Sylvani’s face resembles the one they had previously had, only made out of a rough texture. They possess various features, though varies between each Sylvani: Antlers, bark skin, deer/elk ears, mossy hair, shrubbery or mushroom growths over their bodies, and occasional berries growing within their hair. Sylvani has no beating heart or organs. Rather their Soul Seed is buried deep within their chest protected by the bark they’re made of.

Because of their new features, Sylvani cannot reproduce. With their new sense to protect the Arbor more strictly, most abandon old relationships and lovers– though not forget them.

A depiction of possible skin colors for Sylvani.


Sylvani are better at understanding the spirits and animals that reside within the Arbor. If Ents or spirits are within an eighteen-meter range of them, they can immediately detect their presence without fail. Additionally, they can recognize any necromancy spell and/or an undead when they lay their eyes on one. Sylvani are also well versed in both Azari and Common. Their dialect stays the same.

When Sylvani refers to themselves, it is usually, “Therri’cerr” or, “Ar’baor Therris”. Meaning Forest Guardians in Elvish.

Naming Schemes

When an Azari’cerr is rebirthed into a Sylvani, they do not abandon their name. Sylvani often sees themselves as a reinvented beginning with the context of their previous life. Because of this fact, Sylvani will only modify their name. It matches Azari’cerr customs. They may draw inspiration from a common Elvish word, or the season they were planted. For example, if a Sylvani’s previous name was Aelin, they might modify it to Aelin’therr or Cirri’lin.


MitronaAi.png The Woodland Realm of Mitrona Even the bravest of warriors have learned to fear the vast tracts of woodland that can be found throughout the realms of Eden. Surrounded by trees, it is all too easy to get disoriented and lost, but there is a more primal dread at work. In the forest, no one can ever be sure what is lurking just out of sight. Sounds are muffled, yet noises seem to come from everywhere – the snapping of twigs, a sinister rustling of leaves, and the creaking of the wind-stirred canopy above. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. Nothing to hear you besides the elemental wrath of the Azari’cerr. These people are highly-skilled elves with centuries of experience in their home environment, the forest. Once an outsider enters Myln Arbor - The mystical forest most of these people call home - it is unlikely he will leave in one piece.

World View

Sylvani possesses the same opinions their previous form had, though to a more intense and general degree. If the Azari’cerr were cautious of outsiders of the Myln Arbor, they would continue to do so. Any race that is not an Azari’cerr, spirit, or fellow Sylvani are outsiders. Sylvani may very well ignore “outsiders”, even if the nation counts them as a citizen. It slightly varies between each Sylvani on how they were in their previous life.

Character Traits

Racial Traits - Wood Elf
Swift Players with this trait have +2 movement in CRP. Outside CRP, players with this trait get a permanent speed 1 boost.
Nightseer Players with this trait get the night vision effect when entering dark spaces and during the night.
Aspect of The Amber Dawn Players with this trait get 2 additional attacks on ranged weapons during the season Amber Dawn
Aspect of Eden's Shine Players with this trait deal one additional damage on all melee attacks during the season Eden's Shine
Aspect of The Emerald Dusk Players with this trait can use the action "healing burst" which heals D3 damage in combat during the season The Emerald Dusk
Aspect of Lilith's Veil Players with this trait know the Ice Maiden's Kiss spell without needing to be a spellcaster during the season Lilith's Veil
Strong Players with this trait get two extra points in the strength stat.


Sylvani can ask the spirits of the Arbor for blessings by praying once a year before the Amber Tree. The spirits will grant these specific blessings in exchange of a favor for the Forest. The Sylvani must first communicate with the spirits in order for this to happen.

Sylvani may ask for the following:

  • Regrowing a Limb
  • Curing Blindness or Petrification
  • Interceding in finding a rare creature
  • Asking the Ents to attack intruders
  • Asking to cleanse Voidal Energy

Sylvani posses these specific abilities as well, other abilities can be asked for before the Amber Tree. In which the same process will follow through as the usual blessing.

A Sylvani becomes truly one with the forest, allowing them to regrow broken pieces of themselves over and over again. The natural regeneration extends far beyond regular wounds.
Range 25 Meters
Effect The Sylvani can heal D3 + Int for anyone in range, including the Sylvani.
Red Lines This can only heal one target at a time.

This ability has a cooldown of 3 rounds.

Burning Cleanse
Being a creature at Kor's service, the Sylvan becomes naturally prone to fighting voidal creatures.
Range Self
Effect The Sylvani is resistant against voidal entities. Whenever hit with a voidal attack, a strong aura retaliates dealing 50% of the damage (Rounded down) to the attacker.

A Sylvani can also cleanse small amounts of corruption through touch.

Red Lines The Sylvani cannot sense voidal entities through this ability.

This ability remains active for 3 rounds after being cast. Using any ability will refresh the duration. The retaliation can never be stronger than 3 HP.

Amber Shield
The Sylvan can cast a powerful shield of amber to protect the ones they love.
Range 15 Meters
Effect The Sylvani creates an Amber Shield around an ally or themselves.

If cast on themselves, the shield has 3 HP. If cast on an ally, the shield has 6 HP.

Red Lines This ability goes on cooldown for 3 rounds if used on allies, and for 1 round if used on self.

Human Races Attians · Khadans · Hinterlanders
Elvish Races High Elves · Wood Elves · Dark Elves
Dwarvish Races Denur · Halflings
Orcish Races Orcs · Goblins
Other Races Sylvani · Tieflings