The Empire of Anjyarr
Capital | Al-Khadir |
Location | Anjyarr |
Races | Dark Elves |
Primary Religions | Cult of Fineall |
Political System | Elective Aristocracy |
Current Leader | Zoe Nobara |
The High Council | Lapis Cupidatem |
Preceded by: |
At the mouth of the great Ifriq delta lies the emirate of Al-Khadir, capital of the great Empire of Anjyarr. It is a paradise of great wealth and prosperity in the midst of an unruly wasteland. Founded by a tribe of nomadic traders, whom settled due to the pleasant climate and geographic location near the Ifriq, Al-Khadir quickly became a trading hub for races all around the world. The city is a gateway to anyone wishing to enter the Southern world. It offers a large market for all kinds of goods, from elven trinkets to dwarven drinks, but also an extensive range of local wares such as tobacco, carpets, coffee, spices, and garments!
The Empire of Anjyarr encompasses the entirety of the Anjyarr desert and the volcanic Jabridian island. In the south, the nation's border is signified by an extensive mountain range, the southern Spine of Eden, which functions as a natural line of defense. On the other side of the Spine lies the neighboring plains and Jungle of Spiders. The Anjyarri desert has little to no mountainous terrain and thus offers no defense from invaders from the east. Only the far eastern canyons that cover the biome's border and the realm housing the Valley of Kings provide natural security due to its narrow pathways. The Empire's capital Al-Khadir lies at the estuary of the great Ifriq delta, functioning as a trading port and a gateway to the Alban Ocean.
The nation's second-largest city, Al-Jabrid, is located on the Jabridian island, not far from the coast of the Heartlands. Due to volcanic activity under the sea level thousands of years ago, an island was formed, rich in Black Iron minerals. The island's steep elevation from the seafloor makes it near impossible to access, and the citizens of the island city have used this to great advantage. The island was eventually connected to the mainland via bridges connecting to the watch fortress of Cerils' Keep.
Social hierarchy
The foundation of Anjyarr's society is an apparent social hierarchy bound by profession. The Sultan stands at the top of this hierarchy, followed by government officials such as the high council, the Emirs, and the various Nabils. These groups make up the upper class of Anjyarr's society.
The middle class consists of soldiers, scholars, merchants, and artists. These people form the core of Anjyarr's society. They are the intellectuals, the cultural backbone, and ultimately the ones that can be chosen for a position in the high council should the need for inevitable successors arise.
The lower class consists of workers, farmers, and fishermen. They are the driving force behind Anjyarrs economy and are made aware of this from a young age. Discrimination against those of lower class is therefore next to unknown in Anjyarr. Each citizen of the Empire knows that without the participation of other classes, they cannot exist and thrive. It is from this class the notorious art of weaving and its artisans come from.
There is, however, an exception: this being the lowest class in Anjyarr, the slaves. Slavery is still practiced in Anjyarr due to the regional climate and history of the realm. Many people struggle with working in the intense heat, which is why slaves are used for hard labor in the burning sun. This class mainly consists of foreign prisoners and criminals that have been sold to the Empire for punishment.
In the past, enslaved people were also obtained through prisoners of war or as loot from raids by the many desert tribes or on neighboring realms. Yet, since the reliability began slowly changing, and slaves no longer became a vital currency, they reverted to criminals and prisoners instead. However, even slaves are able to climb up the social hierarchy. When an enslaved person shows he can be trusted and behaves well, over time, said slave can buy his freedom and become a member of Anjyarrs lower class.
The use of slaves by the Empire has been criticized by many for being inhumane, as Anjyarr remains one of the last nations on Eden to use them. The peoples of Anjyarr care little for this matter, however. They highly value trust, loyalty, and unity above all. These values and ideals form the backbone of their society, and since most slaves are criminals, they are viewed as traitors to these ideals.
Political structure

Anjyarr has an elective aristocracy, which means that those with power or riches, or those who are best suited to govern, are placed in charge. These people are known as the high council, a court of representatives. Each member is responsible for representing certain social interests that are vital to Anjyarri society, such as agriculture, architecture, infrastructure, economy and security. Although the members of the court serve merely as advisors to its head, the Sultan, they do have reasonable autonomy when it comes to their own respective fields. Each of them having their own office, scribes and personnel. Council members, once chosen, can stay in office for as long as they are able. A council member can also be relieved of their duties when they are no longer deemed fit by the Sultan and/or other council members.
When a Council member is no longer able to do his job, a replacement can be elected to take his place. These successors hail from the “Middle” class of society, mainly scholars. These people will present themselves in front of the people they may have to represent and with their support will be brought before the High council, who will then choose the successor.
The Sultan is chosen by the members of the high council and often comes from within their ranks. He is the head of state. Once a Sultan is chosen, he can stay in office for an unspecified amount of time. A Sultan can be removed from office either through death or when he is no longer deemed suited for the job by a 3/4th majority of the high-council.
The Empire is divided into various emirates, provinces that are decentralized and can thus govern themselves as long as they follow the law and stay loyal to the Sultan, with whom lies the supreme authority. An example of one of these emirates would be the Emirate of Al-Jabrid.
The central government resides in Al-Khadir, the capital of the Empire. They primarily concern themselves with wars, criminal proceedings, taxes and large-scale infrastructure projects. They also govern the emirate of Al-Khadir.
Current government
Despite the many differences between the two races, both the Khadan Humans and the Dark elves have managed to develop a common trend in apparel.
The harsh climate of Anjyarr has made both races favor loose, layered robes and dresses made out of many different materials such as cotton, linen, silk or satin. The wealthy will often be seen wearing clothes accessorized with many different jewels usually made of precious metals such as gold or silver. The robes and dresses of the Akhadi are usually very colourful and often have accents of gold weaved within the fabric. The only difference between the two races, when it comes to their apparel, is that the elves prefer elegant dark-coloured robes decorated with mostly purple gems and inlaid with silver instead of gold. It is also usual for Akhadis to wear piercings.
While traveling through the desert of Anjyarr the Akhadi are often seen wearing hoods over their heads as protection as well as to hide their identity. On top of that the women are often seen wearing veils covering their face in order to keep the sand out of their face and prevent it from reaching their eyes.
Anjyarr is home to artisans famious throughout the whole of Eden: musicians, sculpters, painters and many other crafts.
Anjyarri musicians almost always come in pairs: one playing the flute and the other the harp. Together they produce an elegant tone, perfectly suiting for the tropical paradises that are their homes. They perform throughout all of Eden at special occasions such as marriages, balls or other festivities.
Sculpting and painting
The art of sculpting within the lands of Anjyarr has its roots in the old Azari tradition. The same is the case when it comes to painting. Artisans differentiate themselves from others by paying attention to detail to an extreme level. Scuplts and paintings can primarily be found in religious buildings, as well as palaces, castles and public places.
Artisans from both these fields primarily hail from Anjyarr's Azari'Lunn populus.

Weaving is an essential part of Anjyarri culture and art, primarily the weaving of carpets. the Anjyarri carpet stands out by the variety and elaborateness of its manifold designs. It can be found throughout the whole of Eden in offices, castles and palaces alike.
Anjyarri carpets and rugs of various types are woven in parallel by nomadic tribes, in village and town workshops, and by royal court manufactories alike. As such, they represent miscellaneous, simultaneous lines of tradition, and reflect the history of Anjyarr and its various peoples. The art weaving itself dates back to the time of the Pharaohs and has changed many times throughout the centuries, giving birth to the carpets that we know today.
The materials used for weaving vary. Most Anjyarri carpets are made out of sheep's wool. Fibers from camels and goats are also used. Goat hair is mainly used for fastening the borders, or selvedges of the carpet, since it is more resistant to abrasion. Camel wool is occasionally used in Anjyarri nomadic rugs. It is often dyed in black, or used in its natural colour. More often, wool said to be camel's wool turns out to be dyed sheep wool.
In some cases however, Anjyarri weavers will use silk in their carpets. Silk is an expensive material, and has been used for representative carpets. Its tensile strength has been used in silk warps, but silk also appears in the carpet pile. Silk pile can be used to highlight special elements of the design. High-quality carpets from the Santhier tribe have all-silk piles. Silk pile carpets are often exceptionally fine, with a short pile and an elaborate design. Silk pile is less resistant to stress, hence why all-silk piles are often used as wall hangings or pillows.
Food and drinks
Anjyarri architecture stands out from any other style found within Eden. They are best known for their unique take on domes. Based on the model of pre-existing Azari domes, Anjyarri architecture developed a specific form of monumental, representative building: wide central domes with huge diameters erected on top of a centre-plan building. Despite their enormous weight, the domes appear virtually weightless. Balconies are also a common feature of Anjyarri domestic architecture due to the warm climates of their realm.
Festivals and Celebrations
- Feast of the Sultan - Marking the end of a year, this feat is considered as one of the most important events in Anjyarr. Following the traditions, the local emir would welcome all their citizens into the emirates palace for a feast and games. Accordingly, it is customary for the people to wear their best attire in attending this event.
- Samudara - A celebration that indicates the start of a new fishing season, during which new sails are raised and the fishermen of the nation are honored.
Anjyarr is at its core a religious state home to various religions that somehow coexist. The most dominant of these are Tarik il Iʂik, or path to light, and the Cult of Fineall.
Followers of Tarik il Iʂik, or Tarik, view life as an endless struggle between light (Iʂik) and darkness, where they themselves serve as holy soldiers of light. Violence against those who embody evil is highly encouraged, and “holy wars” against evildoers are viewed as blessings from the divine. For it gives the followers a chance at achieving heroism, which is the highest attainable goal during one's mortal life. To become a hero is to embody goodness in its purest form. To deny all self-preservation instincts and instead dawn the mantle of self-sacrifice for the good of others. The souls of heroes are cherished by the divine. When a hero perishes they live on as great beacons of hope in the night, set apart from even the brightest stars to continue to shed their light upon the world. Only to be reincarnated in times of great need.
But this greatness is not only reserved for heroes. By subjugating oneself to hardships, be it in month or year-long campaigns or during one's daily life, any man can find spiritual elevation that will aid him in this life and his next. This notion of glory and self-sacrifice has motivated people throughout history to expose themselves to hardships over and over again in the hopes of transcending to live a better life of spirituality over materialism.
Tarik il Iʂik is practiced in some way by most inhabitants of the empire including dark elves, whom have incorparated certain beliefs and values from Tarik into the teachings of the Cult of Fineall.
The Cult of Fineall
“The father, Kharash, gifted the Azari strength, courage and skill of being a father to their families.
The Mother, Aerièlle, gifted her children wisdom, the ways of being the most enlightened and pure being on Eden and the knowledge on how to wield the sacred blessings of Eden in the form of magical powers.
The daughter, Aestaena, gifted her children fertility, love, and the need to procreate.
And at last there was the Son, Fineall, he was left with nothing but bad traits for his children, He gifted his children the challenges of life.”
(Translated by Gulzar Darsi from the Illuminated Texts)
Let it be known, the very origins of the Azari are not singular in origin, as these tales are often told in terms of different origins. As each respective Azari group remains uncertain of their truest emergence and the terms they might’ve been set on. Those who claim they know for certain are merely caught in the facetious narratives that make them feel whole. The stories passed down before writing have each been retold in different ways to fit cultural needs. Yet what is cited above is from the texts of the Cill, as they expressed a similar origin story to that of the Lunn.
The Cult of Fineall is a theological branch of the Pantheon of the Phoenix with a primairly dark elven following, known as the Azari'Lunn in the elven tongue. They generally worship the Son, Fineall, as their prime diety. Although with relation to Lunn theology, there are multiple camps that shape the present debate with regards to how Azari cosmology is woven into present society. Speaking in historical terms, it was Lunn mystics who lived out in the deserts of Anjyarr to experience the suffering of their ancestors, who would shape the present discourse. Three important camps define the scene: Takovins, Ga’Adamists, and Fundamentalists. The Takovins rest on a radical belief that the Pantheon gods were once entities that interacted with the material world that might’ve served a great cosmic power. They value the space of ineffability as the most central position in defining faith, and thus impede on theological readings that do not have to do with direct interactions with the material plane. The Ga’adamists believe that Fineall is a messianic figure that is protecting the present world from the corrupting evils that have affected all other members of the Pantheon. As for the fundamentalists, they believe that Fineall is an important figure in protecting the material world from the Pantheon, yet they do not believe that Fineall is some sort of savior. Instead, they believe Fineall is waiting for a messiah to come.
As a whole, the Azari’Lunn believe that the Pantheon did not splinter their gifts off to selected races, rather all the gifts were granted to every race. Racial categories would then eventually form the different patrons that the original Azaris aligned themselves with. In turn, the original differences were then cultural rather than pre-inscribed by gifts. Along with all this, many Lunn believe that all Azari, and all mortals altogether, are in a damned state. And it is by achieving and leaving the material plane into the beyond that the fallen state dissipates, as they return to Fineall to aid in the struggle against corruption. Depending on the schools of thought, the Lunn also are rather divided on the question of whether there is one overarching God (Al-Hadar) or whether all collapse into One deity. These conversations being inspired by the Tarik, which is the philosophical and spiritual trajectory offered up by the Khadan.
Other religious groups
Anjyarr is also home to a small minority of Makerists. The group mainly consisting of Attian immigrants and Khadan converts.
Anjyarr is a realm rich of exotic goods and its economy thrives on the export of these goods. Carpets, garments, coffee, tea and spice. These goods are popular throughout all of Eden, and Anjyarr has the full monopoly on them.
Currently the nations exports are primarily made up of dyes, gold, carpets, coffee, tea and chocolate.
The Anjyarri military operates on land as well as on the seas. Its maritime forces revolve around the protection of important trade routes, primarily the Al-Hadar deep.
The Empires mainland forces are made up of infantry, skirmishers and cavalry. Whenever a new recruit joins the army he is first given basic combat training, after which he can decide to specialize himself in melee, horseback or skirmish combat.
The Jundi form the backbone of Anjyarrs armies. They are a lightly armored hybrid unit armed with swords, shields and crossbows. They also act as guards and law enforcers within the Empire and make up most of the city garrisons.
Laws & punishments
The Empire of Anjyarr has simple but strict laws which can be read in the book of law. These books can be found in any library within the Empire and are widespread throughout Eden. The book reads as follows:
The law, bestowed upon us by the blessed stars.
1. Regarding rule of the land
- 1.1 The power of the sultan has been given to him by the forces of good. His judgement is final in all matters. None may oppose. Those who do shall be punished by death. Lest our delicate balance be corrupted.
- 1.2 The three most direct advisors of the sultan are his representatives and replacement in times where he may not be in place to fulfill his duty. With a signed declaration they may make decisions in his name for a period not surpassing 2 weeks. When needed they may disobey the sultan.
- 1.3 would the sultan pass before their heir is fit to rule a council consisting of his three closest advisors will oversee the essential functions of society. Until the heir comes of age.
- 1.4 the sultans power must be used for good.
2. Citizens duties
- 2.1 A citizen of Anjyarr must honor its traditions regardless of background. Participation in national holidays are mandatory with the exemption of those who are on mission. Or in realms not of our world.
- 2.2 A citizen must protect the lands of Anjyarr. When called upon they must do battle for the safety of the people regardless of age, gender or physical condition. Those too weak to fight shall help in other ways.
- 2.3 A citizen has the duty to be honest. A lie that worsenes the empire is punishable by death. Though the final verdict is up to the sitting judge.
- 2.4 An Anjyarr citizen must respect his fellow citizen. Regardless of ethnicity. Discrimination will be heavily fined.
3. Citizens rights
- 3.1 In times of peace anjyarr citizens are allowed to voice their concerns directly to the royal court. Disobeying an order is not the same as voicing a concern.
- 3.2 Any Anjyarr citizen has the right to ample nutrition
- 3.3 Anjyarr citizens have the right of protection by the royal court. Should the court fail in this task without ample reason the citizen has right to an audience with the sultan or one of his advisors to discuss potential reparations.
4. Marriage and divorce
- 4.1 Anjyarr citizens are allowed marriage with anyone that has passed the adult age. Elves must be at least 90 and humans must be 18 to marry.
- 4.2 Divorce is strictly forbidden exept by royal decree.
- 4.3 couples should only present their love in an appropriate manner in public. Acts of unnessecary affection are fineable. what this means is up to the local officials.
5. Criminal law
- 5.1 Theft of any kind shall be punished by the cutting of the hand.
- 5.2 Violence
- 5.2.1 Domestic violence shall be punished by a temporary exile.
- 5.2.2 Public violence shall be punished twice as much.
- 5.2.3 The only exemption from punishment is when a citizen can show they acted only in self defense.
- 5.3 Murder shall be punished by hanging.
6. Laws regarding foreign lands
- 6.1 visitors from foreign countries shall be treated the same as anjyarr citizens with the exeption of laws 2.1 and 2.2.
- 6.2 Citizens commiting crimes in foreign nations will not be protected by the anjyarr empire and could, by judgement of the sultan or his advisors, be stripped of their citizenship. Should these measures be taken to avoid conflict between two nations.
- 6.3 negatively impacting foreign relations without a seat in the royal court is a capital offence. Punishment will be decided upon by the sultan and can range from a hefty fine to death by gruesome torture.
Be warned. Be a good representative of what the Anjyarr people stand for.
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