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Pronunciation Halfling
Classification Dwarf
Nicknames Thieving Rats, Midgets, Pale Goblins
Languages Common
Average Height 1.06m - 1.22m (3'6" - 4'0")
Average Weight 40kg - 75kg (88lbs - 165lbs)
Maximum Age ~80 Years Old
Stat Bonuses

+0 Strength

+1 Defense

+3 Agility

+0 Intelligence


Halflings are a race of short humanoids residing primarily in Mapledale and various other regions of Eden. They are renowned for their excellent produce and the ability to have the most exotic wares available for a reasonable price.

The trading caravans of the Halflings tend to go wherever the humans of Hadriana go. They follow the Hadrian traders passing through Mapledale, offer their services and excellent cooking recipes, and only ask for mere protection from bandits.

But under this seemingly harmless shell lies something way more sinister. The Halflings of Mapledale are divided among the many influential families. These families control the flow of wealth throughout the Halfling realm and are in constant heated competition with one another over control of the many prosperous trade routes.

Halflings are often discriminated against by other races, particularly Denur and Elves, who believe that the Halfling is the misformed result of crossbreeding between Denur and Humans. It is a common belief that all Halflings are thieves.


The Halfling stands at around 106 centimeters (3'6). Females tend to be a bit shorter than males. They appear relatively harmless at first sight. They have soft and generally pale skin, like most northern races. The hair color of a Halfling is varied. It has been seen from Dark blonde, brown, red, black, and everything in between. The most unusual colors are silver and lighter shades of blonde hair.

There is a big gap between the fashion styles of the elite and the common folk. Most of the Halfling fashion is copied from Hadrian culture. The commoners prefer practical outfits and care very little for other races' expensive clothes. They prefer to produce and sell those clothes to other races for huge profits! This is the polar opposite of the Halfling elite. Who enjoys looking as magnificent as possible at all times. They wear bright-colored suits and tons of jewelry to stand out amongst the crowd. Most of these Halflings are part of the big trader families or hail from the ruling class of Mapledale.

What is important for all Halflings is their headgear. Because they are so small, all Halflings want to look taller by wearing all kinds of tall headgear. From top hats for the rich and big feathered hats for the commoners. The hat's color selection and quality signify Halfling's status.


The only language actively spoken is the common tongue. There was an old Halfling language, a dialect of the ancient Denur language. That old language has been abandoned by all Halfling society, as the rapid need for communication with the other races who frequently visited Mapledale made speaking common a requirement for the Halfling race.

Culture and Society

Structure of Halfling society

Halfling society is often described as strict and cutthroat. The Halflings that once inhabited Mapledale are called thieves and robbers. There are many stories of highly coordinated heists performed by Halflings. But all this does not mean that the Halfling race is united. Far from it, in fact. There is a lot of infighting amongst the influential merchant families within Halfling society. They fight over trade routes or exclusivity deals that we're made with the other nations of Eden.

This does not mean that Halfling society is nothing but gang wars and uncontrolled violence. Now that the dust had settled on the big civil war of Mapledale, most Halflings embraced a more peaceful existence. Preferring cooking, art, and woodworking over the old ways that led to nothing but death and destruction. Halflings can be found all over Eden, setting up little towns or farms where they sell their homemade products.

Celebrations and Holidays

  • The Branderbuck Cook-Off
Once a year, at the start of The Emerald Dusk, a big cook-off is held between the most renowned cooks of Mapledale and the other enclaves. All of this is done with products from the most recent harvest. The Halflings often invite other nations to participate as well. This is mostly to mock them, though, because the Halflings know they are the superior cooks.
  • The Bandobras Auction
When the trading season ends for Halflings, all old products must be out to make room for the next season's goods. There is one family that hosts the biggest of those auctions. They are one of the biggest trading families, and when the big auction comes at the end of the season, all of Eden comes to their little enclave, Aestaerius.
  • Mapleday
This is a holiday celebrated once per celestial year on the first day of Lilith's veil. Halflings from all over Eden come to Mapledale to celebrate the founding of their first and only city. This feast contains a big market and a dancing festival. When the day ends, there is a massive open banquet for everyone willing to celebrate this special day with them. No matter what race you are. This celebration goes paired with a lot of uncontrolled drinking and smoking.

Romance and Marriage

Marriage is just part of life for most Halflings. Family pride and procreation are key in Halfling society because a big family equals a strong one. Thus most Halflings marry at a very young age. Often right after reaching adulthood. It is up to the head of the family to choose a partner for the young halfling. Every family member is a pon on the board that can be strategically used to forge alliances, squeeze out other families, and grow the family bigger and bigger.

Because the newlywed halfling couple is expected to have many children, the heads of the house are trying to find a partner they could fall in love with. When a young halfling already has a relationship when reaching adulthood, they are often allowed to marry that person after the head of the house ensures it would not damage the family's reputation.

A Halfling marriage is a feast that lasts up to a week. The official wedding bit happens on the first day; after that, it is seven days of partying. The newlywed couple is expected to open the doors of their house for the entire town to visit and congratulate them. The best wines and beers are poured, and the healthiest cattle are butchered for the entire week. The town square is transformed into a hub for all the party guests to join and leave whenever they want throughout the entire week. The master chef of the town will prepare a banquet for the entire village on the last day of the wedding to close it all off.

Life and Reproduction

Family life is extremely important for the average Halfling. It is expected newlywed couples will get their first child as soon as possible. Halfling fertility is about the same as that of Humans. Which allows them to get lots of children over their lifespan. The bigger the family, the more respected the family. Everyone in the family is expected to contribute to the town and the family businesses. This results in a culture in which your birth family decides your career path. A Halfling born in a baker's family is also expected to become a baker. This works the same in every Halfling town and enclave.

Whenever someone is married into the family, it usually results in the girl having to adapt to the family's expertise and learn the skills required to become a useful part of the family.

Death and Funerals

The most tragic thing that can happen in Halfling society is losing one of their own. The death of a well-respected halfling can halt the entire town they lived in for up to a month. The funeral ceremony usually starts with a day of remembrance. The friends and family of the Halfling that passed away gather with the Halflings that show interest.

After that, the actual funeral service begins. Every halfling that dies is buried just outside the village.


See Aestarius

Human Races Attians · Khadans · Hinterlanders
Elvish Races High Elves · Wood Elves · Dark Elves
Dwarvish Races Denur · Halflings
Orcish Races Orcs · Goblins
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