Dark Elves

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Azari'lunn (Dark Elves)
Pronunciation Azaa-rie luun
Classification Elf
Nicknames Knife Ears (Derogatory)

Children of the Night

Languages Common, Anjyarr, Azari Linguae
Average Height 1.83m - 2.20m (6'0" - 7’3")
Average Weight 70kg to 90kg (155lbs - 198lbs)
Maximum Age ~450 Years Old
Stat Bonuses

+2 Strength

+0 Defense

+0 Agility

+2 Intelligence


The deadliest blow is delivered from the shadows; and none know this better than the Azari'lunn. A cunning and ambitious people, the ‘Lunn stem from generations of mistreatment and resentment from every angle, yet remain steadfast in their journey to rebuilding their culture.

On the surface, it is easy to classify the ‘Lunn as only masters of deceit and deception; but this is hardly scratching the surface of a ‘Lunn’s many talents. Beneath the mistrust and caution is a vast basin of deep-rooted culture, often excelling in the creative arts and fashions, along with agile swordplay.

From their close-knit family units to their full-scale festivals, the ‘Lunn footprint in Eden is not one to be overlooked.

Standing with the blessing of the Son, Fineall, the Moon Elves favor their most important mantra: “Let your loyalty lay with your kind.” To earn a ‘Lunn’s trust is a near impossible feat, but to make one an enemy is a certain demise. Outsiders would benefit from treading carefully.

“The ‘Lunn? Ah. Resilient people. They’ve brought a lot of life and culture to our own. Heard some started movin’ back toward the Glade, though. I hope it’s the right move….”

- An elderly Khadan shop owner while he re-adjusts his wares.

Character Creation


Azar’lunn are tall, like most Azari. At maturity, they often stand between 6’0 (182.88 cm) and 7’0 (213.36 cm). They have skin tones ranging from light grey to deep purple, often with undertones of purple and blue. They are unable to grow facial hair, but their hair ranges from bone white to black, lacking any shades such as brown or blonde in between. An Azari’lunn’s physique is often quite different depending on each individual, though most range between a rather toned and muscular frame to more akin to an avid swimmer. What is common among almost all, however, is brutal strength. Elves reach adulthood at 72 common years and can live up to 400-450 common years. The Azari'lunn keep their youthful appearance for most of their lives, only starting to show visible aging when they reach the age of 350.

One of the most unique features of the Azari’lunn is their eyes. Often they are purple, grey, or lilac. But they can also appear as shades of yellow, ranging from a brighter orange to a pale ochre.

For the Azari race, all can begin having children at age 100. However, because of the elven year, they can only birth once every four seasons.

Skin colors for dark elves.
Retired Sultan Sig'Vyl Al-Buthara


Azari Linguae: Quick Guide
Greetings Races Titles
Elvish Common Elvish Common Elvish Common
Vale Hello/Greetings Azari Elf Kerri’lunn Herald of the Night
Vale’tar Farewell Azari’cill High Elf/Pure Elf Lla'viltir Head of Military
Fílo(s) Friend(s) Azari’cerr Wood Elf/Wild Elf Tericyées Chief
Azari’lunn Dark Elf/Moon Elf Tri'cilus Captain
Azari’soll Fire Elf/Sun Elf
Dur’arum Denur Visera Minister
Vari(s) Human(s) Ar’mágoi Arch-Mage/Spellcaster
Ghesiri(s) Faulskins(s) Mágoi Mage/Spellcaster
De’nevir Tiefling Scinar(i)’cilus High Priest(ess)
Scinari Priestess
Scinar Priest
Scini (Older) Student
Scin (Young) Student
Bessi’inn Blessed one
Medi’cilus Doctor/Medic

Naming Schemes

As far as naming goes, it has been split for quite some time. Whether you are given a more Gladed name, that connects to the Azari'lunn roots. Something more elven. Or, on the other hand, for those who are still within the deserts. 'Lunn with more Anjyarri forenames connects with the culture and may have similar names to the Khadans that live amongst them.

Example of Gladedwellers forenames: Kanari, Zastra, Sellia, Lleveris, Arven, Fenrin, Karis, Malakai, Tallin, Zher.
Example of Anjarri forenames: Rammon, Aziz, Kha’rit, Ralvvon, Nahida, Qhinari, Sig'Vyl.
Example of Azari'lunn surnames: Tethass, Nobara, Casteneda, Avenell, Malasyon, Vanlor, Neodren.


Image.png The Sultanate of Anjyarr At the mouth of the great Ifriq delta lies the emirate of Al-Khadir, capital of the great Empire of Anjyarr. It is a paradise of great wealth and prosperity in the midst of an unruly wasteland. Founded by a tribe of nomadic traders, whom settled due to the pleasant climate and geographic location near the Ifriq, Al-Khadir quickly became a trading hub for races all around the world. The city is a gateway to anyone wishing to enter the Southern world. It offers a large market for all kinds of goods, from elven trinkets to dwarven drinks, but also an extensive range of local wares such as tobacco, carpets, coffee, spices, and garments!
MitronaAi.png The Woodland Realm of Mitrona Even the bravest of warriors have learned to fear the vast tracts of woodland that can be found throughout the realms of Eden. Surrounded by trees, it is all too easy to get disoriented and lost, but there is a more primal dread at work. In the forest, no one can ever be sure what is lurking just out of sight. Sounds are muffled, yet noises seem to come from everywhere – the snapping of twigs, a sinister rustling of leaves, and the creaking of the wind-stirred canopy above. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. Nothing to hear you besides the elemental wrath of the Azari’cerr. These people are highly-skilled elves with centuries of experience in their home environment, the forest. Once an outsider enters Myln Arbor - The mystical forest most of these people call home - it is unlikely he will leave in one piece.

Since the Civil War, the Azari’lunn do not have a set homeland among the other Azari. Instead, populations are split. Some still reside in Anjyarr, whereas others are attempting to begin to return to the Glade of Dragons-- or adopt a nomadic lifestyle altogether.


In an attempt to re-integrate themselves with their roots in the Glade, some dark elves have split from their brethren in Anjyarr. Many ‘Lunn choose this path for different reasons, but often have the same goal in mind: the reestablishment of the Azari’lunn culture, separate from Khadan influence.

As of the early 1540s, the ‘Lunn population in the Glade has increased. With the help of the nation of the Woodland Realm, they have successfully re-established a foothold in their former homeland. Reconnecting with their shared kin has ignited a spark for the growth of ‘Lunn culture, and they have come together to construct an old Mitronan island by the name of Sunscape. This area is the closest remaining remnant of Azari’lunn civilization since the Age of the Fallen Spires, though it is not owned by the ‘Lunn. Mitrona owns the land, and bars the ‘Lunn from citizenship within the Arbor and Glade, but has allowed the Azari’lunn to reside and run the island--going as far as to appoint a half ‘Lunn as Tericyees. This is the biggest stride made so far for the reestablishment of a separate culture - and the first major step for other Azari to re-accept their distant ‘Lunn kin.

Gladedwellers Attire

While their Anjyarr brethren have taken on more of the Khadan’s clothing style, the ‘Lunn in the Glade have adapted. Their clothing tends to vary depending on personality, but are often seen sporting anything that can be both flashy and practical, showing skin and allowing breathability. Often, Dark Elves wear many different forms of jewelry, from chains on their ears to piercings adorning their faces, and unlimited rings and clasps. While the attire choice might be considered over the top by some, it is rare for a ‘Lunn’s outfit to not have utility; such as flowing clothing that doubles as hidden sheathes, or shield contraptions along arm bracers.

Additionally, all ‘Lunn are known for their tattoos and jewels.

Anjyarri ‘Lunn

Being as it was the first nation to accept any remaining ‘lunn after the Fall, many chose to remain in Anjyarr, where their culture blended and adapted to conform to the Khadan humans. With the 1547 revolts that usurped the Nobara line from the Anjyarri throne, activity in the region of both ‘Lunn and Khadan humans has decreased significantly; however, it is still the go-to for many Azari’lunn seeking their kind. With the adaptation of cultures, the Desert ‘Lunn has separated from many of their former practices, choosing to participate in the human holidays, stories, foods, and customs. The future of the Azari’lunn in the desert hangs in the balance now, as the fate of the nation as a whole is uncertain.  

Anjyarri Attire: With the shifting of Azari’lunn culture to more of a Khadan-’Lunn take, the clothing has changed in turn. Wanting to sport clothing more practical in a desert environment, they are often seen wearing layers to protect their skin from the sun, though retaining the flowy aspect of their ancestors. Their choice of weaponry has shifted significantly as well, often choosing the curved blades of the Khadan people in place of daggers and short-swords. One thing that has been consistent between all of the Azari’lunn, however, is their love for intricate jewelry and tattoos; both of which are found to be common shops run by the species.

Commonly Shared Attire

Despite the divides in distance and beliefs, some pieces of Azari’lunn culture remain united. Jewelry is a stable between both groups, as are tattoos. Often tattoos are a form of self-expression and bonding, received as a coming of age or to represent ties between their kin. It is not uncommon for couples to have matching designs, or for old scars to be reworked into artwork on a dark elf’s skin. This practice is seen as embracing hardship and perseverance, gifts given by Fineall.

World View

AverageChad.png On Attians... Neutral

“Attians, most reside in the capital, or something. Just another group of humans, though I’ve noticed these ones glare at us too much. Not sure if that’s personal, or just the way they look. Either way, no Azari fits well with these guys, and I don't exactly wish to start anytime soon.”

  • Maji, an Elder in Anjyarr
AverageSadge.png On Hinterlanders… Neutral

“Not much to say about ‘em. Some of them live far North, where it’s pretty cold. Guess that’s neat. We've seen the war that happened, and some of our kin fought "proudly" in. Though it was all futile. Sometimes, the Hinterlanders seem they're second-class in their nation. I can understand that. ”

  • Selea, a barkeep in Sunscape
KhadanMale.png On the Khadan… Positive

“When we had to migrate, forced out of our homes, it was the Khadan who picked out spirits back up. They let us integrate into Anjyarr when we had nowhere else to go. The Khadan race is mighty and it seems we share similar motives. Though alas, their short lifespans cut them off short.”

  • Raevion, Anjyarri ‘Lunn Jewelry Maker
HighElfMan.png On High Elves… Very Negative

“High and mighty, priding themselves on "purity" when they are anything but. It makes me sick thinking about it. If I've learned anything in this world, it's to never trust those guys. They have fallen from grace. The mother, who is supposed to be the most intelligent and righteous, though they can't see beyond their selfishness.”

  • Av’al, Gladedwelling ‘Lunn Huntsman
WelfAI.jpg On Wood Elves… Slightly Positive

“The Father, whom they represent. Granted strength, much like endurance. The 'Cerr took us in when we had nowhere else to go. When our supposed "home" didn't feel like that at all. It's nice in the Forest, and the natives treat us with respect as long as we respect them. Though I can't help to feel like we have a pair of eyes on us at all times..."

  • Alaren, Blacksmith in Sunscape
DenurManAI.png On Denur… Neutral

"Crafty and loud. Some of them have left their homes willingly. Much like me. They can forge some fine pieces, one even made my sword. Oh, and a few needles. I wish we saw them more often-- though I hear it's not exactly smooth sailing in the mountains. They are probably dealing with their own.”

  • Eliena, Wandering Tattoo Artist.
HalflingAIMan.png On Halflings… Neutral

"Another small, thieving race.. One time, I was making a trade with a halfling, some gems for his woodwork. Next thing you know, I'm fifty andros short when I'm at the market. Besides that, there isn't much else to know about these guys. I pass by Mapledale frequently, but nothing comes up."

  • An unnamed ‘Lunn blacksmith in passing.
OrcGrrrMan.png On Orcs… Neutral

"When an orc walks in, you can feel everyone tense up, wondering how the brute will react. The 'Lunn are gifted with endurance and much physical strength, but no Moon Elf in their right mind will go against an orc. I'm not sure if two would work. Just get out of their ways when they come marching in."

  • Maraleith, Old Warrior.
GreedyLilThing.png On Goblins… Slightly Negative

“Thieving little creatures. I would clutch your coins around them. And... I hardly understand them sometimes. Much like the halfling race, but I've noticed a Goblin will be far more conniving and cynical. Though it makes sense. They live amongst the orcs in the wastelands."

  • Disgruntled 'Lunn tradesmen in passing.
TieflingPorple.png On Tieflings… Slightly Positive

“It amazes me that the tiefling race has been able to stay so... jovial? They lost their homes not long ago. Many tieflings still remember Nous. Though they're old, now. We watch them from afar in Anjyarr. Some in the Glade. Maybe there's something to learn from them as Azari'lunn... Who knows, really?”

  • Lilitha, Anjyarri Baker.

Character Traits

Racial Traits - Dark Elf
Arcane initiate Players with this trait know the "Flame Arrow" spell without needing to be a spellcaster.
Nightseer Players with this trait get the night vision effect when entering dark spaces and during the night.
Knowledgeable Players with this trait get two extra lvl 1 spell slots and one extra lvl 2 spell slot.
Swift Players with this trait have +2 movement in CRP. Outside CRP, players with this trait get a permanent speed 1 boost.
Attuned to Ignos Players with this trait can ignite their weapon. Applying the "Burning" status effect to whoever they hit.
Deathspeaker Players with this trait can interact with ghosts and corpses during events, being able to ask them D5 questions before the effect wears off.
Strong Players with this trait get two extra points in the strength stat.
Human Races Attians · Khadans · Hinterlanders
Elvish Races High Elves · Wood Elves · Dark Elves
Dwarvish Races Denur
Orcish Races Orcs · Goblins
Other Races Halflings · Tieflings · Sylvani