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Revision as of 14:39, 20 December 2023 by Ninjoh (talk | contribs) (Loremaster ingame duties have been transferred over to gamemasters)
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Botanical Name Bacca Cerebrum
Nickname Brainberry
Category Berry
Rarity Common
Class Indigenous
Fruition Starfall


Brainberry, scientifically known as Bacca Cerebrum, is a potentially dangerous berry for users to eat because of the chance of hallucinations. These hallucinations can be potentially dangerous as the user will lose their sense of time and space and their physical body could be impacted as they’re going through their visions because of that. However, these berries can have a sort of prophetic effect on the user and could allow them to see a short distance into the future, either their own future or a vague, common vision, depending on the location, time, and the person eating the berry. Whenever this berry is eaten, the person eating it will have little to no control over their hallucinations, except how they respond to them.


A white pearl-like berry evokes powerful hallucinations that can leave a profound impact on the user’s mind. Due to the plant not having seeds, it’s not possible to be domesticated. These faintly glowing translucent pearl-like berries have a waxy and squishy kind of texture. When unripe, the brainberry is tart with a hint of sweetness; though the older the berry gets, the tarter the taste becomes. The berry is rumored to be perfectly ripe when it causes the user to pucker and shrivel up from the overwhelming sour taste. It has no noticeable smell, due to its waxy outer coating; though smells deceptively sweet when squished into juices.

The berry grows on a small shrub that never grows taller than two feet, the foliage appears to be like many other plants with its green and oval-shaped leaves. Unlike other berries, there are no seeds to be found in the berry or the roots. It is unknown how to grow and domesticate a brainberry bush. It likes to grow horizontally, growing wider and wider instead of taller.


When consumed in greater quantities, it can cause severe memory loss.

  • Brainberry
The chief ingredient in the brainberry plant. These cannot be made into any potions and must be eaten as they are.

[The hallucinations that occur when eating a brainberry MUST be overseen by a gamemaster to have a strong effect, otherwise, the vision will be vague, unclear, and will have little impact on the character.]