Ice Dragon

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Class Dragon
Rarity Very Rare
Size Huge

18 HP

16 Strength

20 Defense

24 Agility

20 Intelligence


Ice Dragons, also called Blizzard Dragons, are deadly aggressive dragons that live in the far north of Eden. They hunt large mountain fauna and like to patrol their territory, killing anyone that enters without permission.

They in fact have an advanced intelligence and you could even manage to befriend any of them with something worthy of their magnificence and a large amount of diplomacy. But if they’re angered or underestimated, you’ll probably end up being their next meal.


The Mountains north of Eden.


Ice dragons have spikes along their necks, spine and tail, and larger ones in their wings that use to effectively move on icy surfaces.

They have long dragon claws and abnormally large fangs that they use to finish larger animals.

Their impenetrable scales are completely white, granting them mimetism in the snow. Their reptile eyes are yellow and they have a short snout with a pointy metallic end that shields their face from attacks in close fights.

A Blizzard Dragon adult specimen is usually 7m long and can use a breath that makes anything frozen, even conducing to death by hypothermia. When he channels the breath, his yellow eyes shine and his white-scaled chest brightens.


Ice Dragons are territorial and aggressive, but they are smart enough to understand when humanoids that enter their territory are either a menace to their safety or a chance to increase their hoard.

Thanks to the deadly spikes in their wings, these dragons can normally walk and even sprint on ice, and usually prefer to move on ground where they’re stealthier and far more lethal, even if they can fly easily throughout the hardest snow blizzard.

When a blizzard dragon approaches, you’ll probably won’t notice it until he does its stealth attack from above a rocky gorge or using the concealment provided by blizzards, common in his native region.

But if you notice them or decide to travel without weapons, or he judges you as a non threat, the Blizzard dragon will come towards you, intrigued.

At that point you can offer him anything you have and if he judges you worthy and appreciates the gift he’d scratch his scales until one larger scale will drop.

The scale will always be recognized by that specific Ice dragon and won’t normally attack you if you’re in his territory.

In Combat

The Ice Dragon will always try to neutralize you with his first fast stealth attack. Then in combat, the Ice Dragon will try to fight with his melee natural weapons.

If outnumbered, or judges himself in trouble, he uses his breath weapon but usually never tries to escape the combat.


Bite and Claws: The Blizzard Dragon’s bite is the most powerful among the dragon species, and his sharpened teeth can pierce like elven pikes. His claws are as sharpened as razors. A full attack from this dragon deals 2d6.

Stealth Attack: When unseen, the Ice dragon can make a lightning fast jump onto his prey that does not see him coming (once in a battle), dealing a total of 10 damage to that creature without any roll made.

Freezing Breath: The White dragon can freeze all the targets in a 5m cone every 1d3 rounds. Everyone in the cone is allowed a defense save. If failed, the targets are frozen for a round. If frozen again, the targets die instantly and become an ice sculpture. The Ice Dragon will use his breath weapon only if he’s fighting for his life, otherwise he doesn’t use it and prefers to kill his prey normally, since he does not like to eat frozen flesh.

Blizzard Sight: The cloud dragon can naturally see through storms and blizzards as they weren’t there.

Draconic Immunities: This dragon is immune to frigumancy spells.

Jump attack: The Ice dragon is incredibly agile and can jump and attack (3d3 only) during his turn, making a maximum of 15 squares.

Flying: The Ice dragon is a flying dragon, although he does not use this ability too often and he’s not really good at it, even if he’s immune to storms. But if needed, he will choose to fly.


Almost any part of the dragon is useful and can be retrieved by a skilled hunter.

They usually make their den among the mountains, where they pile a hoard of anything shining or valuable collected by them.