Cloud Dragon

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Class Dragon
Rarity Very Rare
Size Large

15 HP

12 Strength

10 Defense

14 Agility

18 Intelligence


Clouds dragons are adventurous dragons that sleep in large clouds in the lower Atmosphere of Eden. They like to hunt mountain fauna and drink water from the clouds.

Their flying skill is superior to any other dragon although they have a frailer constitution, lighter scales and long mustaches notoriously known for being their weakness. They are all males, with the Lunar Dragon being their female counterpart.

Only in a more recent past some elven researchers discovered that both the Cloud Dragons and the Lunar dragons both belong to a race called “The Sky Dragons”.


The Sky and any mountain area. Rarely they may adventure in lower hills attracted by adventure or some unnatural magical happening.


Their white scales shine with the sunlight producing azure reflexes and cover their whole body from the long graceful tail to the long snout. They’re usually about 5m long, even if larger specimens exist.

They normally have blue reptilian eyes and long mustaches that grow in adults up to their neck.

Cloud-like warm magical azure vapors cover their torso resembling a white cloak, similar to a sheep. When he channels his breath attack the clouds in its torso become darker and his mustache glows of a purple light.

When the Cloud dragon is in love and wants to court a female, his cloud becomes even bigger, covering his whole body in incandescent vapors. Larger males can even turn the weather cloudy!

Nobody has ever studied their age.


Differently from the females called Lunar Dragons, they have a playful behavior and usually like to challenge other Cloud Dragons in hunting or heisting.

Their favorite sport is to rob goats and sheeps from mountain shepherds: larger adults use their main ability to produce hot vapors to create an area of dense fog, and then use their mistsight skill to see through the mist to locate a prey and capture it without any difficulty.

Even if they aren’t smart enough to talk, they have a great magic sensitivity, and are basically immune and naturally able to control three types of elemental magic:

Aros That use to control the water in the atmosphere, condensing it inside their body and to make the clouds solid when they step on them.

Ignos That use to boil water and make vapors and clouds.

Aether That give them the ability to absorb magic particles in the atmosphere and make them immune to their partner’s energetic skin during the mating.

Sometimes when a powerful magical phenomenon (either voidal or elemental) happens below their clouds, they feel an unnatural attraction to it and come and check even if far from the mountains.

In Combat

When in combat, the cloud dragon will use his breath weapon in its first round, and then try to fight with his melee natural weapons. If heavily outnumbered or reduced to very low life, he will try and flee as fast as possible.


Bite and Claws: The Cloud Dragon’s bite is very powerful, and his sharpened teeth can pierce like elven daggers. His claws are as good as his bite and always sharpen and lethal. A full attack from this dragon deals 3d3.

Vapor Breath The Cloud dragon can breath vapor at will, spreading hot steam in a 20m circle (might be more, depending on its size) Everyone in the circle receives 1d2 damage from this attack. The vapor will form a fog with a 20m diameter that makes any ranged attack miss on a failed 1d2 (unless dealt in melee range).

Mistsight: The cloud dragon can naturally see through fog, clouds and mists as they weren’t there

Draconic Immunities: This dragon magical immunities are extended to every non-geomancy spell.

Flying ace: The cloud dragon’s flying skill is second to no one and can both fly and attack (1d3 only) during his turn, making a maximum of 20 squares, doubled if he’s running away.


Almost any part of the dragon is useful and can be retrieved by a skilled hunter.