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Category Crystal
Rarity Uncommon
Color Purple
Location Scattered Underground


Amethyst is an enchanting gemstone, distinguished by its captivating violet hue, and is a variant of quartz that has captured the hearts of many jewelry makers. The alluring shades of amethyst range from delicate lilac to profound purple, each radiating a unique charm.

This quartz-like gemstone is nestled inside, most commonly found underground in large or small geodes. Extracting the gemstone from the geode's shell is a delicate task requiring skill to avoid damaging the amethyst. Hence, it is more common to find shards of this gemstone than a complete gemstone.


Although classified as a semi-precious gemstone, amethyst holds its own with its impressive hardness, making it a suitable gemstone for daily wear with proper care. However, it is susceptible to the damaging effects of extreme heat and prolonged exposure to light, which can alter or fade its magnificent color.

While the southern regions of Eden remain the primary natural habitat of amethyst, it can also be found in various locations, including the glade of dragons, Anjyarr deserts, and islands in the north and south of Eden. Amethyst's captivating beauty and durability make it a gemstone worth treasuring.


  • Unrefined Amethyst Shard