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Botanical Name Bacca Lumens
Nickname Glowberry
Category Berry
Rarity Common
Class Indigenous
Fruition Year Round


The glowberry resembles most organic grapes, usually smelling and tasting fresh, with sleek skin and a fleshy interior. Glowberries usually have a decent amount of juice inside them, but they are fairly ordinary in appearance and taste. A yellow berry, around the size of a ripe grape, grows inside caves and near cave entrances on thick, tangling vines that can grow to taller than a person and usually on the underside of cave ceilings.


The berry itself smells like a mixture between common blueberries and blackberries, with a muted and subtle smell, texture, and taste. It is best suited for baking into pies and other treats as they're not very flavorful or filling. When still attached to their vines, the berry will emit a faint glow even in the darkest caverns. However, they will lose this ability to glow as they're removed from the vines, the yellow inner glow turning dim within seconds. They are almost everywhere in small caves, caverns, hollows, and tunnels. Examples of where they can be found include the Luminion Tunnel, in and around the tunnel North of Mapledale, and other small or shallow caves.


These berries aren't especially filling and are mostly quite normal, save for their ability to glow when growing from vines.

  • Glowberry
Yellow berries that glow from within as they grow. Once they're picked, they rapidly lose this ability. They are edible on their own but taste quite empty.
  • Vines
The vines that grow the Glowberries. These can be harvested and replanted elsewhere.