Party System Guide

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Fables and Fantasy RP uses a party system to help players be more organised and connected.

This guide will walk players through every aspect of the system and explain how it should be used.


So, do you want to create a party for you and your friends , type the following command: /party create

/party name “TEST”

With this command you will be able to change your party's name but you will have to be the owner of the party to do so.

/party invite “NAME”

/party uninvite “NAME”

When you invite or uninvite a player make sure to type their character name.

/party invite

You will be able to see a list of pending invites.

Screenshot 2023-05-28 182136.png

/party members

You’ll see the total count of members in the party and also the individual members in the party.

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/party transfer “NAME

Screenshot 2023-05-28 183349.png

/party disband “party name”

If you want to disband the party you just need to remember that you will have to own it to do so.

/party list

This will show all existing parties.

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/party kick “NAME”

You will have to own the party if you want to kick anyone.

/party join “party name”

when joining a party you can either click the link or write it manually.

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/party leave

You will leave the party.