The Woodland Realm of Mitrona

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The Woodland Realm of Mitrona
Location Forest of Myln Arbor
Races Wood Elves, Tieflings
Primary Religion The Pantheon of the Phoenix
Political System Tribal Monarchy
Current Leaders Khari'cerr | Jolie Elaine Lovell
Important people Tericyées | Faiir Chamaire

Lla'viltir |

Visera |

Preceded by The Woodlands Kingdom of Myln Arbor

Buried deep into the Glade, east of Luminion, shows a heavily protected Forest named “Myln Arbor” with curving trails and sharp turns to confuse any outsider. Most across Eden know one thing: Do not enter Myln Arbor unprotected. As one trudges through the mystical terrain, ominous echoes can be heard even throughout its density. What lurks in the Forest stays inside to protect the ones native to the land and holds no mercy for any race other than the Azari’cerr. As one goes deeper into the Forest, one starts to think not what, but who lurks in the Forest. The Woodland Realm of Mitrona protects its own and each other, making it unlikely for an outsider to depart without harm.


Wood Elven outfits.

Those who live within Myln Arbor are fierce people. At times they are incredibly intense. However, with another look and an open mind, it’s manageable to see how involved the Azari’cerr are with their culture and Forest. Their violent demeanors are quickly explained as many tales are told of their ancestors that came before them, the experiences the Azari’cerr have had for centuries, and the beasts they’ve had to overcome to survive within the deep Forest. The entirety of Mitrona is filled with diverse flora and fauna, making it enticing for an outsider to visit. As the ‘Cerr hosts many ceremonies for others to enjoy, they are fond of music and the dance of fighting.


Many of the citizens, both men and women, of Mitrona sport loose-fitting clothes. Though it’s merely a trend, some individuals prefer something that covers them better. Citizens find it easier to travel through the Forest with clothes that they can effortlessly maneuver in. Most of the colors have a wide range that reflects the Forest’s colors. However, do not mistake that for being dull. With the different types of fabrics and textures the Azari’cerr enjoy, they can make even the darkest colors impressive.

Uniforms do exist within the realm. Though they are not the usual plated armor most advanced nations wear. Armor would easily weigh down a citizen of Mitrona, mainly Azari’cerr, making it far more difficult to go through the Forest stealthily. Instead, they utilize what’s given by Kharash himself in the Forest. Using darker greens and browns, they wear a thin layer underneath the bark they use for their protection. This keeps them agile while blending in well into their surroundings.

Azari'cerr in a painting class.

A lot of Azari’cerr love paint. Especially in terms of “war paint”. ‘Cerr will not only paint themselves in the colors of the Forest but use it as temporary markings. They frequently change this to adhere to the stories they can tell with meticulous lines and shapes. Warriors and any of those who fight are seen with the most paint to signify the troubles and tribulations they may have faced while working for the nation.


The Azari’cerr are incredibly gifted with a multitude of talents. Their music is considered incredibly unique. With only woodwind instruments and vocals. Many ‘Cerr are considered visionary when it comes to these different arts. Large murals can be found along the sides of trees or cliffsides, retelling stories of Sylvani and Azari’cerr alike. Songs often incorporate the old tales of previous Khari’cerr’s and poems are recited to inform others on news within the nation. Mitronans often decorate everything. From as simple as decorated pots to even small trinkets and wood carvings. When it comes to art, their culture is undeniably rich and fascinating for an outsider.

However the most intriguing part of what the ‘Cerr consider art, is sparring. Fights with bows are considered art pieces as they use their abilities to show their strength. The citizens don’t see sparring amongst one another as too serious unless stated as so. Spars are to show their pride in being within the nation and most citizens are left with a sense of fulfillment and dignity.


Wood-elven houses are fairly simple to reflect their hidden humble nature. Most houses are on the ground and close to one another. The resources come from the Forest itself, but the resources are always used efficiently to not disrespect the one who gave them the land. Built with not only the tree's bark and lumber, but also from the stones found near ponds, and the general landscape within Myln Arbor. Used for the roofing of the houses, with natural adhesives like clay to make them set in place. Each home has a fair amount of moss and foliage atop them, or other lively indicators to point to the fact that the Forest is the number one priority to those living inside. Houses are separated into the categories of “bigger” and “smaller” to make it straightforward. The houses blend well into one another and around their natural habitat for a purpose. Blending in makes them exceptionally well hidden in case a threat is to one day come through the Forest. This makes it easier to strike on their own time.

In other territories Mitrona owns, such as Salus Limin, this can be seen as a consistency in the way they blend into each other though with much more firmer reinforcements into the soil for living by the water. While it does exist for outlier homes, it isn’t exactly common. Most outlier homes are there for farms, ranches, or for botanists. However, in Salus Limin, it is much easier to obtain a bigger home by the shore. In Sunscape, wood is seen less, unless it is for large buildings such as the tavern. There is not one style that Sunscape keeps, as it spans from tents to huts to bungalows to make the perfect spot for vacations. Though much like the other cities, the natural resources are used to their full potential. Bamboo, mud, natural greenery, and foliage. Nothing goes to waste when it comes to the buildings of Mitrona.

While glass is seen rarely, it is mainly seen in the palace. This not only represents status but also provides differentiation in texture.

Food and Drinks

The Azari’cerr love anything that incorporates honey. Honey tea, mead, pie, and cakes. They have a natural sweet tooth for the fruits that grow in the Arbor. Not only this but berries are especially favored within the Forest. Most ‘Cerr gets incredibly resourceful with presentation and are known to be experimentalists when it comes to different flavors and textures. There is never a dull feast within the city. However, the ‘Cerr are not gluttonous. Every meal they have is to fulfill their palettes and needs. Cabbage, onions, and other greens are always an important part of any Wood Elf meal. With this in mind, grains can be harder to grow within Mitrona. Bread is a rare luxury as well as other wheat-based foods.

Festivals and Celebrations

Mitronans are lively people when an event causes festivities. Many often put their art and creativity to use. A Mitronan celebration incorporates storytelling, singing, painting, spars, and lots of dancing. This is when citizens across the nation come together, basking in the presence of each other.

Mitronan Trials

This is one of the most meaningful events of all of Mitronan history. Every Azari that lives within the nation must undergo a trial before they turn one hundred. Every citizen, ‘Cerr or not, is allowed to participate in these events. And it is highly encouraged to participate if you never have. This trial determines to the Khari’cerr and the rest of the populous that they have not lived in vain. Their collective efforts to teach the new generation of citizens are not useless and have a purpose within the nation. Failing can cause Mitronans to be shunned. The ones who pass are held a massive feast to reward them for their efforts.

Kharash’s Blessings

This day is held on any Godsnight day through all seasons. Many Azari’cerr and other citizens will come to the altar in the upper section with an animal of Kharash’s choosing to sacrifice. With the chosen Azari’cerr, the Visera, or Khari’cerr, holds the animal’s heart into the air and speaks praises to Kharash. Many of them contain deep thank you’s for the Forest, the land provided by Kharash himself. The heart represents one hundred more years of life, hope, and love. And most importantly, gratefulness for the land they’ve been given. This is one of the most favored events by every citizen as it shows their faith in the deity they adore.

Mitrona Harvest Festival

On hotter days of the year, Mitrona will decide to open their gates for all outsiders, for a fee, to come into their borders and trade. Many merchants travel through Mitrona, showing their culture’s items and harvests. While Mitronans will trade with these merchants with the bountiful items they’ve worked for throughout the years. This includes exclusive honey drinks or food, mounts of animals, impressive animal pelts, and much more.