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Classification Elemental Magic
Energy Source Aether - The Floating Lands
Casting Methode Catalyst - Opal Gem

First seen in the high elven cities and later on spreading and adapting to other cultures, Aeromancy, commonly referred to as Air Magic, is a unique form of magic. By utilizing the freed air from the Aether Aeromancers are able to create strong winds and electric currents and even storms through simple means. However, while such may be the case, it is also a fairly dangerous form of magic, as the spell can easily be turned against the user or even backfire on them.


When Eden was first formed, the force of its creation created an aftershock that became the very first wind. This wind carried arcane energy all across the land of Eden, and still lingers high in the sky above. Aergusta, Primordial of the Wind, was the first to harness this magic, and spends her time surveying her domain, the Aether. Therefore, she rarely journeys to Eden and when she does she brings with her great powerful storms and gales. Mortals have since marked her appearance as the beginning of the Amber Dawn, when the leaves drift from their branches on ghostly breezes, and the world cools.

The Elven Settlements were the first to encounter the possibilities of utilizing the winds of the Aether, while also creating discharges in the form of lighting, with several different effects and traits. Due to the elven propensity for magical study, many of their scholars tried to connect primary forms of magic to create powerful forms. Motivations included use in future wars, or even augmented into their daily lives.

Learning and Teaching

Utilizing high mountain tops the students of Aeromancy undergo a strict and harsh training. Usually brought to the very top of a mountain by their teacher the students are tasked to meditate for multiple days in the cold and harsh environment. Such a situation is already seen as pretty harsh, yet, the teachers are often doing said training lessons during stormy days, as such making it life threatening to stay at the very top of a mountain. However, while such horrible conditions are raging on around the student they can experience the ever changing winds around them, allowing the students to dip into the aetherial realm for the very first time.

After dipping into the realm for the very first time the student will start their studies of the wind flows in the realm of Eden, learning over the multiple weather phenomena and also how to use their newly found power to defend themselves.

To reach level one a teacher needs to have at least four sessions with their student, each session being at least sixty minutes long. To obtain level two the student needs to have another four lessons of sixty minutes. To finally reach level three and the ability to teach magic themselves the students need to have another set of two sessions, each with a length of thirty minutes. Each day one session can be held by the teacher/been received by the student. After finally reaching level three the student doesn’t require any additional sessions and will reach level four automatically after two weeks of self-studying the magic. Once level four was reached the cooldown is renewed and the mage will reach level five after an additional four weeks.

Level Increase Required Sessions Req .Session Length
Lvl 0 to Lvl 1 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 1 to Lvl 2 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 2 to Lvl 3 2 Sessions 30 Minutes
Lvl 3 to Lvl 4 N/A N/A
Lvl 4 to Lvl 5 N/A N/A


Level Unlocked Spells Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 1 - Student Wind Blast The mage unlocks the Cloud-Ability.
Lvl 2 - Spellweaver Wind Blast, Cyclone Sphere The mage has a +1 spellcasting bonus. The mage unlocks the Cloud-Ability.
Lvl 3 - Wizard Wind Blast, Cyclone Sphere, Storm Armor The mage has a +1 spellcasting bonus. The mage unlocks the Cloud-Ability and the Lightning Reflexes-Ability.
Lvl 4 - Warlock Wind Blast, Cyclone Sphere, Storm Armor, Lightning Strike, Song of the Banshee The mage has a +2 spellcasting bonus. The mage unlocks the Cloud-Ability and the Lightning Reflexes-Ability.
Lvl 5 - Tempest Caller Wind Blast, Cyclone Sphere, Storm Armor, Lightning Strike, Song of the Banshee, Typhoon The mage has a +3 spellcasting bonus. The mage unlocks the Cloud-Ability and the Lightning Reflexes-Ability.


Aeromancy is often seen as a fairly unique form of magic, as many of it’s spells are utilizing what is usually invisible; The air and wind. Due to this, most spells of Aeromancy are only capable of causing blunt damage or knockbacks in their active state. However, while such may be the case the passive effects of the magic shouldn’t be overlooked, as the gusts of air can cause whole chain reactions to take place instead.


Wind Blast
The Wind Blast Spell allows the caster to invoke an incantation that summons a blast of concentrated air that can be fired at any target within sight of the Mage. Not only is this an extremely long-ranged projectile, but the spell is also entirely invisible, meaning that the projectile cannot be seen prior to striking its target. The downside of the Wind Blast is that it doesn’t do much damage.
Casting Value 8
Range 20m / 20 Blocks
Damage / Effect When utilizing this spell, and it is a successful roll, the caster rolls a D3 to see how strong the impact of the blast is.
Critical Failure The attack isn’t able to reach the target or misses the target, resulting in losing this attack.
Critical Success Instead of rolling a D3 the caster is allowed to use a D5 roll instead.
Red Lines The Wind Blast can’t impale an enemy like a normal arrow. The spell can only cause knockback damage.

Cyclone Sphere
Summoning a sphere of Air around the user and any other people within two meters radius, this spell creates a defensive layer between attackers and defenders. This sphere of air is partially visible, unlike the Aerial Bolt, and repels all physical projectiles.
Casting Value 8
Range 2m / 2 Blocks
Damage / Effect The caster and anyone within the radius are sealed away in a sphere of air currents for D3 rounds. Any projectile fired at the sphere will be redirected at a target of choice. When sent at a target, the target has to roll a D20. If the roll was below the caster’s effectiveness roll the item hits and does 1 damage.
Critical Failure The sphere will explode, causing the caster to be thrown back 5 blocks, while the caster gets D2 damage.
Critical Success The caster can do a D5 roll instead of a D3 roll to determine the length of this spell.
Red Lines While casting this spell the mage can’t use any other spell. The sphere can’t be moved from it’s original point of creation.

Storm Armor
The Storm Armor-Spell allows the caster to invoke an incantation that summons a hurricane of wind that acts as armour for the user. This armour is as effective as a layer of leather armour surrounding their entire body. After the first strike that seriously damages the user, the user loses their Sky Spirit’s Armour, causing a wave of air to rush away from them, knocking anyone within two meters of them back by one meter.
Casting Value 10
Range Selfcast
Damage / Effect Due to it’s passive nature this spell isn’t dealing any direct damage, but can knock an attacker back. If an attacker tries to hit the caster with a melee attack, and fails, they will be knocked back around d5 blocks, and they will not be able to attack you for one turn. This armor lasts until the caster gets attacked for 3 damage total.
Critical Failure The spell malfunctions, causing the caster to be flung into the air instead, dealing D3 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The attacker is knocked away for D10 blocks instead of a D5. The total damage the armor can sustain is 5 damage instead of 3.
Red Lines The caster can’t cast another spell while being in their Storm Armor. The armor can be destroyed by ranged weaponry and magic.

Lightning Strike
This spell allows the Mage to create bolts of highly concentrated energy. These bolts usually take on the shape of a lightning strike, hence the name of this spell. Weaker forms of this spell cause only a short feeling of pain and a slight singe, while the stronger ones can inflict severe burns.
Casting Value 12
Range 10m / 10 Blocks
Damage / Effect When firing this spell, and it is a successful roll, the caster needs to roll a D3 to determine the damage of the lightning bolt. The target gains that amount of damage, and the extra effects stated which each number.

1 = The attack will shock the target for one turn, making them unable to attack on their next turn.

2 = The attack will shock the target for one turn, causing medium burns on the target’s skin. The attacker will get 1 extra burning damage per round while burnt, the burning lasts for 3 rounds of combat, and does not stack.

3 = The attack will shock the target extremely, causing their flesh to sear. The attacker is unable to attack for 2 rounds, and gets 1 extra burning damage for 3 rounds of combat.

Critical Failure The tear becomes unstable causing the spell to backfire on the caster. The caster gets shocked and becomes unable to attack for one round.
Critical Success The caster’s attack will stun the target for one more round, no matter what number rolled.
Red Lines The lightning can only be fired in a straight line. Due to it’s magic origin it won’t be affected by nearby metal. The burns can be stopped by any contact with water, be it natural or magical.

Song of the Banshee
Often referred to as Song of the Banshee, this unique spell is using the voice of the mage, causing a shockwave around the mage, which is capable of knocking nearby enemies back and deafening those too close to the caster.
Casting Value 15
Range 15m / 15 Blocks
Damage / Effect This deafening shockwave causes friends and foes within a D15 radius to be knocked back for 5 blocks, and they will be unable to hear for 3 rounds. Deafened targets have a -1 on any attack rolls, but when it is an attack against the caster, they will have a -3 on attack due to them feeling intimidated by the caster.
Critical Failure The attack fails, resulting in a fresh gust of wind instead. When this happens, the caster has a great voice crack while talking, sounding stupid.
Critical Success If empowered correctly the shockwave is capable of deafening all targets within range for 5 rounds. Deafened targets have a -1 on any attack rolls, but when it is an attack against the caster, they will have a -3 on attack due to them feeling intimidated by the caster. The first round the targets will be completely incapacitated.
Red Lines This spell will hit anyone in its radius. It can’t be used to single out a specific target. If a person or creature is deaf it won’t be affected by the spell.

The caster tries to summon a powerful typhoon, by calling all clouds up in the air into a more compact form. After this the chain reaction has been set in stone, as nothing can be done about this monstrosity anymore.
Casting Value 18
Range 100m / 100 Blocks
Damage / Effect A powerful storm forms in a 100x100 region around the caster. While such happens nearby buildings can become damaged by this spell and the tear between the realms becomes further opened, allowing creatures of the Aether to enter Eden as long as the spell is active. The mage needs to roll a D5, the number rolled here will be the number of Air Spirits that travel through the ginormous tear made by the caster.
Critical Failure The spell will fail, causing the caster to be wounded instead. Most often the caster will lose a limb, due to the strong drawback of the spell.
Critical Success The hurricane produces a tornado that does devastating damage to everything that it touches, being able to cut through stone. The amount of damage is a D5 to everyone within a range of 10 blocks.
Red Lines This spell can only be used when supervised by a loremaster/event team member.

Additional Effects

The caster can create a cloud to sit on, giving the user a +1 to any spell roll, but making their movement 0. Sitting on this cloud will heal small cuts and bruises slowly, which is not applicable in combat situations.

Lightning Reflexes
When entering combat, the wind mage of the highest level always goes first, except if a 1 was rolled in a major fight. If there are several air mages in one combat session, they will all go before the other people in order of what was rolled. This also makes the aeromancer’s common reflexes better, which can be used in roleplay situations.

Elemental Magic Pyromancy · Aquamancy · Aeromancy · Geomancy
Chaotic Magic Hemomancy · Necromancy
Other Magic Currently None