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Classification Elemental Magic
Energy Source Kor
Casting Method Catalyst - Amethyst Gemstone

Geomancy, often also referred to as Tera Magic, is an elemental magic that focuses on the manipulation of earth and its various subtypes. Originating in the northern, colder regions of Eden, Geomancy is used by the population for a variety of purposes, ranging from artisanal crafts to construction and, more commonly, excavation to even combatting bandits and monsters. Those that seek to learn Geomancy commonly travel to the northern regions, seeking a proper education closer to the original areas where the magic was founded by the dwarves.


Geomancy was first developed by the dwarven villagers living in the northern mountains. The villagers using the magic to mine for various precious metals and gems. These villages began to rapidly expand and grow, using their newfound magics to construct small structures and fortifications, keeping them well protected from many wild animals and bandits. However, with new threats and dangers, the practitioners began using their magic for more combative purposes, creating more complex fortifications and barricades with their fellow practitioners while arming their artillery with an endless supply of trebuchet and catapult ammo. Besides that, there are stories of powerful Tera Mages being skilled enough to sink enemy forces into quicksand or be completely pinned down by a barrage of boulders and soil. Nowadays, Tera Magic is found all over Eden, its resourcefulness in construction and combat potential, wiring a large drive for such practitioners.

Learning and Teaching

To learn this magic, the student will have to go through rough trials, keeping their cool through them all. This brute magic is unstable and needs the student to not fret about this power. Training is therefore spent mostly in brute conditions.

To reach level one a teacher needs to have at least four sessions with their student, each session being at least sixty minutes long. To obtain level two the student needs to have another four lessons of sixty minutes. To finally reach level three and the ability to teach magic themselves the students need to have another set of two sessions, each with a length of thirty minutes. Each day one session can be held by the teacher/been received by the student. After finally reaching level three the student doesn’t require any additional sessions and will reach level four automatically after two weeks of self-studying the magic. Once level four was reached the cooldown is renewed and the mage will reach level five after an additional two weeks. After finally reaching level five, the spellcaster faces a decision to follow either of two paths. This decision will determine his further magical journey, and can never be undone.

Level Increase Required Sessions Req .Session Length
Lvl 0 to Lvl 1 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 1 to Lvl 2 4 Sessions 60 Minutes
Lvl 2 to Lvl 3 2 Sessions 30 Minutes
Lvl 3 to Lvl 4 N/A N/A
Lvl 4 to Lvl 5 N/A N/A

Progression - Geomancy

Base Spell Progression

Level Unlocked Spells Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 1 - Novice 2 lvl 1 spells. No spellcasting bonuses.
Lvl 2 - Spellweaver 3 lvl 1 spells, +1 spellcasting bonus
Lvl 3 - Warlock 4 lvl 1 spells, 2 lvl 2 spells +1 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Earthly Awareness ability.
Lvl 4 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells +1 spellcasting bonus
Lvl 5 - Envoy of Kor 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 2 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus. The caster can now choose a path.

Progression - Petromancy

Level Grimoire Slots Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 1 - Petro Student 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 2 - Spellweaver 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 1 lvl 4 spell +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 3 - Petromancer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 2 lvl 4 spell +3 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Crystalline Hands ability.
Lvl 4 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spell, 1 lvl 5 spell +3 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 5 - Petrosi 5 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spell, 2 lvl 5 spells +4 spellcasting bonus.

Progression - Biomancy

Level Grimoire Slots Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 1 - Biomancy Student 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 2 - Spellweaver 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 1 lvl 4 spell +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 3 - Biomancer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 2 lvl 4 spell +3 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Calming Aura ability.
Lvl 4 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spell, 1 lvl 5 spell +3 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 5 - Biomantis 5 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spell, 2 lvl 5 spells +4 spellcasting bonus.


Most spells in this magic require a loremaster, and occasionally a builder’s help. This magic is therefore a little slow to take effect. The caster cannot use these spells to destroy buildings or cities, except if all parties agree, including the lore team.


Base Spells

Crystal Veil
Upon utilizing the nearby minerals the caster is capable of summoning a ring of floating crystal shards around themselves. The shards are commonly known to resemble crystals, such as amethysts, emeralds and even more. While active the shards are spinning around the caster, cutting and wounding everyone in close proximity.
Level 1
Casting Value 15
Range 3 meters
Damage The caster needs to roll a D5 to determine the amount of emotes until the crystals would vanish. If summoned successfully the shield will cover a three-block range, dealing +1 damage to each enemy per one of their emotes until the crystals vanish. At the same time, the caster is capable of blocking D3 damage while this spell is active.
Critical Failure The crystals will not deal any damage and simply fall apart, turning into crystal dust.
Critical Success The summoned crystals are becoming sharper and more stable, dealing +2 damage to each enemy per one of their emotes until the crystals vanish.
Red Lines Any summoned material will vanish after the cast ends. They can’t be sold or used to create weapons or armour.
The caster focuses on a damaged part of the world, be it a ruin, a broken beam, a shipwreck, or anything else that is crumbling and broken, and begins to slowly repair it.
Level 1
Casting Value 15
Range Touch
Damage The caster targets up to a 2x2x2 cube of blocks of a larger ruin or broken structure and can immediately repair it, restoring it back to the way it was. Examples include broken walls or roofing, broken bridges, stone ruins, or shattered windows.

Any material can be repaired as long as it is able to be touched safely. For example, heated metal can’t be repaired while it’s still hot.

Critical Failure The selected area crumbles even further and completely breaks. It’s unable to be repaired by this spell again.
Critical Success The area that is repaired grows to a cube of 3x3x3.
Red Lines A loremaster must be present to oversee this spell. This spell cannot be applied to repair weapons, tools, or anything else equally small or intricate. It can only be used to repair swathes of ruined construction.
Rock Spike
Summon forth a spike of rocks that harms those that stand on top of it.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range 15 meters
Damage The caster creates a 1x1x2 spike that protrudes out of the ground. The caster rolls D3 damage when successful and the target is knocked back 2 meters.
Critical Failure The caster fails to manipulate the earth to his whims and nothing happens.
Critical Success The caster masterfully manipulates the terrain and the spike becomes 2x2x4 and does full damage.
Red Lines This spell can only be used when the terrain allows it. For instance, this spell can not be used on wood, water, lava or mid-air.

The spell can not hurt the caster.

Korstone Pebbles
The caster summons forth pebbles from the realm of Kor to shoot at his enemies in a volley.
Level 1
Casting Value 9
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster summons pebbles from Kor to shoot out in a wide range, the pebble rain is aimed at an enemy and has a width of 3 meters. Anyone standing in that 3x10 area has to roll defence or gets hit. When the spell hits it does D2 damage.
Critical Failure The stones fly from the tear too hastily and hit the caster instead. The caster takes D2 damage.
Critical Success The stones gain extra momentum and are able to reach up to 15m
Red Lines The caster needs a line of sight to the enemy to hit them with this spell.
The caster holds a bar of the wanted metal, as light shines where they touch. The user tears its very structure apart, creating a, now liquid, floating ball of metal above their hand. The caster can now, either shape it into something like a weapon or tool, one that is not too intricate of course or uses it as a projectile and fire it off at an enemy.
Level 2
Casting Value 10
Range 20 meters
Damage One of the following effects will take place;

The caster creates a sword from the chosen metal, and gets the effects on the new weapon that metal would have.

The caster creates a tool of some sort, a hammer, a saw, or a screwdriver for example. This tool will need a loremaster’s approval.

The caster shoots the ball of liquid metal at their target, as it solidifies right before impact. The user deals D3 damage if the target does not try to evade.

Critical Failure The light that started to shine, fades away before the caster’s very eyes. The magic they had gathered was not strong enough, sadly.
Critical Success The item the user has created is perfect in shape and size. They can add a +1 to any roll (except damage) they make while using this item.
Red Lines If used to create a lockpick the mage needs to wait one IC day (3 hours OOCly) until they can create another lockpick.
Armored Dust
The caster creates a suit of armour made from dust and rock, which fit around the caster perfectly. The armour creates a layer of armour that perfectly fits around the caster.
Level 2
Casting Value 14
Range Selfcast
Damage The dust is whipped up together with bits of stone, creating a natural armour around the caster that fits perfectly. This armour grants the user a +2 in defence, and immunity to bow attacks. The caster does lose 3 blocks of movement. The armour is also destroyed if an attack hits the wielder with a value higher than 20.

The armor lasts indefinitely until the caster chooses to end the effects or until this spell is cast again.

Critical Failure The spell fails.
Critical Success No additional effects happen.
Red Lines
Tomb of Stone
Cast large rocks at your enemy that will deal significant damage and trap your enemies. Or block entrances if necessary.
Level 2
Casting Value 12
Range 15 meters
Damage The caster summons forth large rocks from their tear to a specific enemy. The rocks will fall in a 3x3 area with the target being in the middle. If the cast is successful the target takes D3 damage and is stuck for 2 rounds, each round taking 1 damage of crushing. The target may attempt to break free early by rolling strength during their turn. If the strength roll is higher than the casting roll they escape early.
Critical Failure The rocks grow heavy and unstable, crashing down upon the caster instead dealing 2 damage and rooting them for 1 turn, dealing an additional 1 damage.
Critical Success The rocks are extremely firm and can not be broken free from early.
Red Lines To use this spell out of combat, an LM or Moderation team member has to supervise. Players trapped inside the rock tomb can not attack or be attacked.
Earthy Encasement
This spell, very popular among geomancers, has a simple yet effective way of working. The caster summons the might of the soil to move the very earth beneath the target's feet. The ground will quickly move aside for the unfortunate to fall into a small hole, only to close back in and encase the victim in the earth.
Level 3
Casting Value 12
Range 4 meters
Damage Upon performing the spell, a ca. 2 Meter deep hole comes into being, right underneath the spell's victim. Right after the hole closes again and submerges the victim in

the earth. The target suffocates and takes 1 Damage per round they're in the hole. When trying to dig out, the target rolls D20 against the caster's casting roll, a 20 will always free the player.

Critical Failure The spell gets out of control and misfires so that both the caster and the victim get buried.
Critical Success The earth presses onto the victim harder, dealing D2 damage per round.
Red Lines The target must stand on the ground. The spell only works on roads when they're purely path or earth-like blocks.
Seismic Spikes
The caster stomps their feet on the ground and causes spikes to launch forward, piercing all within its range.
Level 3
Casting Value 15
Range 5 meters
Damage The caster stomps his feet on the ground and uses the energy of Kor to create a wave of spikes that come out from the ground in a 3x5 area. Everyone hit within this area takes D3+1 damage.
Critical Failure The caster stomps his feet on the ground, causing a spike to pierce their feet and they take D2 damage. Additionally, the caster cannot move for 1 round.
Critical Success The targets hit by the spell cannot move for 1 round.
Red Lines
Cold Forge
The caster attempts to forge a weapon from steel. A weapon of great quality, without any mineral imperfections. It is up to the caster's willpower to make this weapon of a certain quality.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster uses natural minerals, and creates a weapon of choice. The weapon can be altered slightly in looks, though it  still has the same uses as the normal version of the weapon.

The Caster rolls a D10, and depending on what was rolled, this weapon is of a different material.

1-6 = Iron 7-9 = Steel 10 Damascus Steel

A weapon created this way has certain magical properties within, which can grant the person holding the weapon to gain a +1 in strength. Only one of these bonuses may apply to a single creature at any time.

Critical Failure The caster fails to create any weapon, they pass out and cannot attempt to cast this spell for 2 OOC weeks.
Critical Success The caster rolls a D11 instead, where 11 = Adamantium.
Red Lines The mage can only attempt to make a weapon this way once per OOC week, due to the high value of these weapons. A loremaster must be present for the creation so the weapon may be approved.
Spirit of Kor
The caster calls forth a spirit of Kor, a creation of stone and minerals in the shape of a huge man with mighty arms. The spirit helps the caster and their allies in combat.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 30 blocks
Damage The caster summons a great Golem, who does as the caster commands it to do. The Golem stays with the caster until the casters tear gets closed, or until the golem is reduced to 0 HP. The Golem takes its turn right after the caster's turn. The Golem has the following:

25 HP

+3 on attack rolls. +5 on defence rolls.

It can choose from 3 abilities each turn.

Slam: The Golem slams down in front of him in a 3x2 area which deals D4 damage to a targeted creature if hit.

Protect: If the golem is within 5M of the target, it can protect its caster by taking the hit for them by extending its arm. This is emoted after the damage is calculated and before the caster emotes being hit by the attack.

Stone Throw: The golem will throw a piece of itself at the target. This deals 5 dmg to the golem and D5 damage to the target. This has a reach of 30 meters.

Critical Failure The spirit is one of evil nature, that attacks the caster. This attack deals D4 damage and may cause the loss of a limb if it is an extremely serious injury. Hereafter it retrieves back into the tear, never to be seen again.
Critical Success The spirit has an additional 10 HP.
Red Lines Only one of these spirits may exist at once.

A loremaster must be present for the casting of this spell. This spell may only be cast once every OOC week.

Petromancy Spells

Pillar of Stone
The caster feels the earth's tear, guiding them through the rocks' hefty structure beneath, as the user pulls up the rocky floor around. They create a pillar of stone, and as the rocks slide over each other bit by bit, a pillar of great heights is created, beautiful to say the least.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range 10 meters - 18 meters as projectile
Damage The user creates a pillar of stone, which is as tall as they need it to be, with the maximum height being their spellcaster level, while its width being 3 blocks, circular. They can also decide to let the pillar levitate, turning it into a projectile. If used as such the mage needs to do a normal attack roll. If the attack hits it will deal D3 damage to the target.
Critical Failure The pillar the caster tried to pull up is puny in size. They only managed to lift a rock the size of 1 block from the ground.
Critical Success The maximum size, instead is doubled
Red Lines The pillar is created very slowly, so well, if someone is standing on it they can get off willingly without taking any damage by rolling a D20 agility and landing a 12 or higher.
Petrifying Hands
The caster touches something and turns it briefly into stone. Whatever was touched would soon turn back to its original state.
Level 2
Casting Value 16
Range Grabbing distance, 1m
Damage The user touches something and turns it briefly into solid rock.

This spell works better on materials then on organic matter. On organic matter, a thin layer of stone covers the surface instead.

If the user grabs the weapon of the enemy, it becomes too heavy to use for the next D2 rounds. If the user grabs an enemy, they will have their movement halved.

Critical Failure The petrification grows unstable, turning the hands of the caster into blocks of stone. The caster won’t be able to use their hands for 1 round and their movement is halved.
Critical Success The spell lasts for the maximum duration.
Red Lines You can not cast spells after a critical failure. You cannot fully petrify other players.
Craftman’s Friends
Craftsman’s Friend is an advanced spell that requires a Geomancer to infuse their energy with the nearby ground, being able to reshape the stone into a statue-like puppet. The mage does this by clapping their hands together and placing them afterwards on the ground, causing a 2-and-a-half meter tall, humanoid, puppet to emerge from the stone. Interestingly enough the mage can also use the same spell to be encased by the puppet, using it as a form of armour instead.
Level 2
Casting Value 18
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster needs to roll a D8 to determine how much damage the golem can tank until it will fall apart. While encased by the golem the mage will move at half their normal speed but will gain +1 on strength rolls while in this form.
Critical Failure The golem will crumble apart after one hit during CRP or one OOC minute out of CRP.
Critical Success The caster needs to roll a D10 instead of a D8 to determine how many hits the golem can survive. Their movement speed stays the same as before, but they will gain +2 on strength rolls instead.
Red Lines The golem is made out of stone and dirt, as such it can be destroyed with enough force. While the mage is encased within the golem they aren’t immune to attacks which can penetrate or move through the golem’s defence.

Moreover, the caster is unable to cast any spells while in this golem.

Circle of Stone
The caster pushes forth a circle of stone, that rises from the ground, trapping anything within its bounds.
Level 3
Casting Value 15
Range 20 blocks
Damage The caster creates a circle of stone around a single block which has to be within range. The circle has a range of 3 blocks. The stones collectively have 20 HP, and when this is reduced to 0 the spell ends early. This spell lasts for 3 turns.
Critical Failure A rock shoots up, shooting the caster into the air and letting them fall.

They make an agility roll where they need to roll higher than 10, or else they take D3 damage.

Critical Success The circle of stones stays up for 5 rounds instead of 3.
Red Lines
Geotic Grasp
The caster sees the earth’s tear, guiding them through its persistent nature, as the user starts to encapsulate the opponents footing. They do this with whatever is closest to the ground, and eliminate the opponents movement completely. Occasionally, this makes enemies completely immobile, stopping them from doing anything until they struggle out.
Level 3
Casting Value 12
Range 15 meters
Damage The spellcasters level amount of people have their movement completely taken away. They cannot move for D3 turns
Critical Failure The spell fails and nothing happens.
Critical Success The regular effects of the spell activates, but the effects are strengthened. The target cannot move for D4 turns.
Red Lines This spell only works if there is a rocky or earthy ground beneath the enemy.

The targets can still move everything but their legs.

Stones of Anguish
The caster summons forth a few boulders, that hover around the caster. They can be flung, crushing bones and other parts of creatures alike, or blocking ranged incoming attacks.
Level 4
Casting Value 16
Range 10 blocks
Damage The caster summons forth 3 boulders that float around the caster, which the caster can use to attack, or block ranged attacks. The caster can use their action to throw one of these boulders, dealing D3 damage to the target hit. If the effectiveness roll was a Crit, the boulder shatters upon impact, dealing D2 to all targets within 3 blocks of the target. The caster can also use one of these boulders to get a +2 to save against any attack roll. This can only be done once every round. The boulders stay for D3 turns.
Critical Failure Instead the caster gets hit with one of the boulders they summoned, becoming buried in stone, skipping their turn so long as they are buried within. The caster rolls a strength roll against the boulders every turn to get free.
Critical Success the boulders stay for an additional 2 rounds.
Red Lines
Voice of the Mountain
The caster commutes with the spirits of Kor, their conversation summons forth an avalanche of terrifying sounds of a thundering storm of falling rocks, filling the foe with fear.
Level 4
Casting Value 16
Range 15 meters
Damage The enemy who fails to defend against this spell are filled with fear and don't dare to advance on the caster.

Add -2 to all attack rolls for enemy players within range for D2+1 rounds. On top of that, their movement is halved for the duration of the spell. Any mages caught by this spell have a -3 to all their casting rolls for the duration of this spell.

Critical Failure The caster directs the sound at their allies as well as their enemies. Everyone within range is hit with the effect.
Critical Success The duration of the spell is D2+2 rounds instead.
Red Lines Walking into the area of effect after the spell has been cast gives that person the same effects for the remaining duration of the spell.
Eden’s Wrath
The caster rips open the earth with their mastery over the soil and create a powerful earthquake. From this earthquake, sharp spikes start piercing out from the ground hitting those caught within the area of effect.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 50 meters
Damage By opening the tear far enough the caster is capable of creating an earthquake, followed by the eruption of spikes from the ground. To determine if a target is being hit by the spikes they will need to roll a D20. If they roll an even number they will be hit by the attack. If an enemy is being hit by this spell it will deal D4 damage to the target and stop their movement emotes for D3 turns.
Critical Failure The spell will fail, causing the caster to be wounded instead. Most often the caster will lose a limb, due to the strong drawback of the spell.
Critical Success Additionally to the normal effect magma will start to spill forth from the summoned spikes. If hit by this spell it will cause D5 damage instead.
Red Lines This spell can only be used when supervised by a loremaster/event team member.

Casting this spell can only be done once per OOC week.

Biomancy Spells

Eden’s Wrath
The caster rips open the earth with their mastery over the soil and create a powerful earthquake. From this earthquake, sharp spikes start piercing out from the ground hitting those caught within the area of effect.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 50 meters
Damage By opening the tear far enough the caster is capable of creating an earthquake, followed by the eruption of spikes from the ground. To determine if a target is being hit by the spikes they will need to roll a D20. If they roll an even number they will be hit by the attack. If an enemy is being hit by this spell it will deal D4 damage to the target and stop their movement emotes for D3 turns.
Critical Failure The spell will fail, causing the caster to be wounded instead. Most often the caster will lose a limb, due to the strong drawback of the spell.
Critical Success Additionally to the normal effect magma will start to spill forth from the summoned spikes. If hit by this spell it will cause D5 damage instead.
Red Lines This spell can only be used when supervised by a loremaster/event team member.

Casting this spell can only be done once per OOC week.

Living Soil
The caster summons forth a small circle of life magic on the soil, bright flowers and grasses sprout all over the area and allowing anyone who stands within it to heal their wounds magically.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster can choose themselves or one target of choice and heal up to D2 HP.
Critical Failure The soil dies immediately and nothing happens.
Critical Success The target may heal up to 2D2.
Red Lines The spell cannot heal multiple people.
Blinding Spores
The caster shoots a blast of stinging spores directly into the face of their target, attempting to blind them for a short period of time. The spores are non-lethal and do no physical damage but they cause immense pain and can reduce the sensory awareness of those affected.
Level 2
Casting Value 12
Range 20 meters
Damage This spell is cast as a projectile with a range of 20 meters. The caster summons a compacted ball of spores which explode on impact. If a target is hit by this spell, they are Blinded for D3 turns and have to suffer the effects until they run out.
Critical Failure The spores release while still in the caster’s grasp, blinding them for 1 turn.
Critical Success The spores are incredibly effective, blinding the target for an extra turn.
Red Lines This spell can only target one person at a time, and the caster must have a clear line of sight with the target in order to cast this spell.
Strangle Roots
The caster summons a host of weeping roots from the ground, taking hold of targets to pin them in place.
Level 2
Casting Value 12
Range 20 meters
Damage The caster selects a piece of land in a 3x3 radius fully within range and anyone standing within it cannot move for D3 turns.
Critical Failure The roots bind the caster in place for 1 turn. The caster cannot defend or attack.
Critical Success The roots start to strangle the target, dealing D2 damage.
Red Lines Players stuck within the roots cannot use ranged attacks on anything but the roots themselves. Stepping into the roots while the spell is active stuns the player stepping in for the remaining duration of the spell.
Animal Control
The caster touches an animal and makes it loyal to the caster for some time. The caster can control the animal as they so desire.
Level 3
Casting Value 14
Range Touch
Damage The caster touches an animal and tries to show its strength so that the animal becomes loyal to the caster. The animal uses their strength instead of intelligence to save against the caster's attempt.

Once the caster has subdued the animal, it will be loyal to the caster for 1 OOC day. The caster can control the animal using their own action to give commands to the animal.

Any attack the animal does inflicts D2 damage if successful.

Critical Failure The spell fails, making the animal aggressive towards the caster. The animal will use their turns to attack them in retaliation whereafter the animal flees.
Critical Success The animal does not need to make a save and is automatically subdued.
Red Lines Still spell only works on common and uncommon mobs.
Rose Vines
The caster creates a great bush of roses around them, which hurts creatures whenever they move through them.
Level 3
Casting Value 16
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster creates a big bush of roses around them, which deals D2 damage for every 5 meters a creature moves through it, though the caster is unaffected by this. Additionally, any creature that is within the rose bush has its movement reduced by 4 meters. The bush lasts for D3 rounds.
Critical Failure The prickly thorns latch onto the caster's legs, making it harder to move. The caster has its movement stopped for 2 rounds.
Critical Success The rose bush becomes even larger, having a range of 15 meters instead of 10.
Red Lines When the caster is within the bush, they cannot cast this spell again to double the bush. The effects also do not stack if there is another bush.
Healing Blossom
The casters calls forth a whirlwind of pink blossom from their tear, as they touch the wounded around the caster, their wounds start to heal.
Level 4
Casting Value 14
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster may select D2+1 targets in range and heal D2 HP of each of them.
Critical Failure The blossom does not have enough vitality to survive and absorbs D2 from the caster after which it dies anyway.
Critical Success All targets are healed for the full 2 HP.
Red Lines Only players and pets can be targeted with this spell. The same target can not be chosen 2 rounds in a row.
Gnarling Swarm
The caster summons a colourful swarm of elemental insects. They eat away at anything they touch during their flight.
Level 4
Casting Value 16
Range 20 meters
Damage The caster may draw an imaginary line of 20 meters long and 3 meters wide on the floor, the swarm will follow that path and eat away at anything they touch.

The swarm does 2D2 damage to any player target it hits and can damage wooden structures.

Critical Failure The insects feast on the first thing they see which is the caster, dealing D4 damage and leaving them defenseless for the next turn.
Critical Success The swarm is bigger than expected, the spell goes on for 25 blocks and is 5 blocks wide.
Red Lines This spell can only be used under Loremaster supervision if the player wishes to damage a structure.
Kor’s Expansion
The caster reaches into the tear and out comes a small acorn. The caster then shoots that acorn away into the ground and a massive magical tree begins to grow where the acorn lands.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 50 meters
Damage When the tree shoots up, it does D8 damage to everyone in a range of 15 blocks in any direction from where it lands.

The tree itself generally destroys what is inside its effective radius, however, a minor structure can be lifted up into the air. A bigger structure will simply collapse, or at least the parts that were hit by the spell.

Critical Failure The spell will fail, causing the caster to be wounded instead and take D5 damage. Most often the caster will lose a limb, due to the strong drawback of the spell
Critical Success The tree grows hives of magical wasps, protecting it from easy destruction. Dealing D3 damage to anyone attacking the tree.
Red Lines Players hit by the attack will be thrown out of the radius.

This spell can only be used when supervised by a loremaster/event team member.

Attempting to cast this spell can only be done once per OOC week.

Additional Effects

Earthly Awareness
The caster has now reached a new milestone, where the earth can be read like a book. The caster knows who is in an area of 30 by 30 blocks around them, so when engaging in combat knowingly, the mage will gain +1 on dodging rolls. If someone initiates CRP with the caster, they have rolling disadvantage on their first attack.

Crystalline Hands (Petromancers only)
The caster’s hands and feet start to turn into a see-through crystal, which grants the caster utmost control over their spells. These hands grant a +1 damage to a target that got punched by the user.

Calming Aura (Biomancers only)
The caster has come at peace with the surrounding nature, as they can feel it helping themselves and others around them. The caster passively heals those around them and himself. A maximum of 3 targets of the caster's choice within a 10 block area of the mage will heal 1 HP every turn. This also includes the mage themselves. Outside of CRP, this aura can only heal small cuts and bruises, and will leave any bigger wounds alone.

Elemental Magic Pyromancy · Aquamancy · Aeromancy · Geomancy
Chaotic Magic Hemomancy · Necromancy
Other Magic Currently None