Aquamancy: Difference between revisions

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Line 239: Line 239:
|Level = 2
|Level = 2
|Casting = 14
|Casting = 14
|Range = 10 Meters [Area Of Effect]
|Range = 10 Meters [Radius]
|Damage = The caster sends out many bubbles all around them In a 10m Area.
|Damage = The caster sends out many bubbles all around them In a 10m Radius.
The creature closest to the caster within this area takes D3 damage, and all remaining targets up to a maximum of 3 people, take D2 damage.  
The creature closest to the caster within this area takes D3 damage, and all remaining targets up to a maximum of 3 people, take D2 damage.  

Revision as of 12:47, 8 August 2023

Classification Elemental Magic
Energy Source Aros, the realm of Water
Casting Method Catalyst - Aquamarine Gem
Additional Paths Frigumancy · Marinamancy

Aquamancy is an ancient elemental magic, its origins dating back to the rise of the very first cities. It requires the user to channel their energy into the water around them and their aquamarine catalyst, after which the mage can manipulate the water to their whims. Aquamancy quickly became a favorite among the population, commonly used by sailors, fishermen, farmers, and gardeners to complete a variety of tasks, such as swimming without the fear of drowning, flawlessly defending oneself from danger by using the water present all around them, calming storms on the sea and, as some rumors state about the strongest of practitioners, waving away a tsunami. Practitioners seeking to learn Aquamancy typically travel to the coasts of the land, where this magic is commonly taught.


Aquamancy originates from the very first settlements, mainly those closer to the oceans or bigger bodies of water. Being a favorite among the population, commonly used by sailors, fishermen, farmers, and gardeners, Aquamancy quickly spread throughout the land. However, even in Eden, Aquamancy wasn't just something that appeared out of nowhere. Lhoran, the Tidebringer, was the first practitioner to use Aquamancy, who dipped into the Endless Ocean through years of meditation. A connection between the realms formed, allowing Lhoran to use the first spells. Through his teachings, Aquamancy began to rapidly spread all over the continent, traveling through ports and river civilizations as it found great use with the fishermen, sailors, and merchants.

Learning and Teaching

While most people assume Aquamancy is a simple form of magic learning, Aquamancy requires a lot of difficult training and learning. Aquamancers usually learn how water flows and acts on different surfaces. Most Students usually study oceanic flows. However, once they understand how water flows, their teachers often bring them to frozen landscapes where the student needs to learn how ice forms and behaves. Lastly, the student is brought to hot springs, where they need to study the behavior of steam. As such, Aquamancers are learning everything about the three different states of water. After completing such work, the student is taught about using their catalysts and how to dip into the realm of Aros and its endless ocean, pulling forth the first drops of water. The teacher can teach their student up to 2 levels under their own. So only level 5 or higher teachers can train their students to level 3.

To reach level one, a teacher needs to have at least four sessions with their student, each being at least sixty minutes long. To obtain level two, the student must have another four lessons of sixty minutes. To finally reach level three and the ability to teach magic themselves, the students need to have another set of four sessions, each with a length of sixty minutes. Each day one session can be held by the teacher and student pair. After finally reaching level three, the student doesn't require additional sessions and will reach level four automatically after some time of self-studying the magic. The first level requires a bonding trial to empower the spellcaster. These trials are usually done at or around the Hallowed Grounds of the magic type that is considered sacred by all those who practice that elemental art. Bonding trials are events of big importance to the mage as they represent their progress and path to attain the true mastery over their element.

Level Increase Required Sessions Req .Session Length
Lvl 0 to Lvl 1 1 Session Event at Hallowed Grounds
Lvl 1 to Lvl 2 4 Sessions 60 Minutes. Proof in lore ticket.
Lvl 2 to Lvl 3 4 Sessions 60 Minutes. Proof in lore ticket.
Lvl 3 to Lvl 4 Self-study. Show proof of self-study in lore ticket 3 times.
Lvl 4 to Lvl 5 Self-study. Show proof of self-study in lore ticket 4 times.
Lvl 5 to Lvl 6 1 Session Event at Hallowed Grounds
Lvl 6 to Lvl 7 Self-study. Show proof of self-study in lore ticket 6 times.
Lvl 7 to Lvl 8 Self-study. Show proof of self-study in lore ticket 8 times.
Lvl 8 to Lvl 9 Self-study. Show proof of self-study in lore ticket 10 times.
Lvl 9 to Lvl 10 1 Session Event at Hallowed Grounds

After choosing a path, the spellcaster will automatically increase in level if they can show proof of self-study. The caster can level up once every IC year or twice if that year is their primal season. Amber Dawn is the primal season for aquamancers.

Bonding trials are still required to level up between certain levels as seen above with "event". For more information about self-study, check the magic rules page.

Progression - Aquamancy

Base Spell Progression

Level Grimoire Slots Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 1 - Novice 2 lvl 1 spells. No spellcasting bonuses.
Lvl 2 - Spellweaver 3 lvl 1 spells. +1 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 3 - Sorcerer 4 lvl 1 spells, 2 lvl 2 spells. +1 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Purifying Prowess ability.
Lvl 4 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells +1 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 5 - Aros Seer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 2 lvl 3 spells. +2 The caster can now choose a path. They can now become either a Frigumancer or a Marinamancer.

Progression - Frigumancy

When an aquamancer transcends their powers and chooses to become a frigumancer, they start to harness the power of frigid cold, and ice. Frigumancers are cool, calm individuals that don't mind spending time on their own. They might sometimes come across as rude or indifferent but that does not mean they don't actually care anymore. Frigumancers are able to bring out the solid form of water by freezing it solid using their magical energy. The tears of Frigumancers are connected to the edge of Aros, where cold energy imbues the Aros energy which allows for Frigumancers to draw their power more effectively.

Level Grimoire Slots Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 6 - Frigu Student 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 7 - Spellweaver 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 1 lvl 4 spell +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 8 - Frigumancer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 2 lvl 4 spells +3 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Icy Mold ability.
Lvl 9 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 1 lvl 5 spell +3 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 10 - Frigularis 5 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 2 lvl 5 spells +4 spellcasting bonus.

Progression - Marinamancy

Once an Aquamancer becomes an Aros Seer, they may choose to further dedicate themselves to the exploration and love of the seas of Eseron. They will devote themselves to the path of Marinamancy that harnesses the power of the seas and everything that lives inside it more effectively. Marinamancers are more outgoing and adventurous individuals that love aquatic nature or nature in general. They're often observed near the seas and don't require boats to traverse them but can simply ride the waves. Their powers are known to extend to the creatures of the seas as well, imitating the creatures or calling upon some of them to help them in their times of need

Level Grimoire Slots Abilities/Bonuses
Lvl 6 - Marina Student 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells. +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 7 - Spellweaver 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 1 lvl 4 spell +2 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 8 - Marinamancer 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 2 lvl 4 spells +3 spellcasting bonus. The spellcaster unlocks the Aquatic Blessing ability.
Lvl 9 - Magus 4 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 1 lvl 5 spell +3 spellcasting bonus.
Lvl 10 - Marinaris 5 lvl 1 spells, 3 lvl 2 spells, 3 lvl 3 spells, 3 lvl 4 spells, 2 lvl 5 spells +4 spellcasting bonus.


While Aquamancy can be used to manipulate water, it can't be actively used to drown someone. As soon as water, called forth from Aros, enters a biological body, it vanishes into thin air, making it impossible for an Aquamancer to drown someone with their magic.


Base Spells

Water Blast
The caster focuses purely on the water around them, slowly collecting it all into a concentrated ball connected to their hand, as they then fire it in an arrow-like fashion. The blast slowly loses water due to its extreme speed but slowly stabilizes over time.
Level 1
Casting Value 8
Range 25 meters
Damage This ball of concentrated water has a damage falloff of 1 per 5 meters. The base damage of the ball is a D5, but after 5 meters traveled, it becomes a D4; after 10 meters, it becomes a D3, etc.
Critical Failure The ball of water retaliates, splashing into the caster’s face and dealing 1 damage.
Critical Success The blast's damage fall-off is less than expected, getting a D1 decrease every 10 blocks instead of 5. So base damage is a D5, after 10 blocks, a D4, etc.
Red Lines
Liquid Lasso
Upon casting, the mage uses nearby water or water from his tear to form a magical lasso. It can be used to catch animals or as a rope to tie something up.
Level 1
Casting Value 10
Range 8 meters
Damage Upon successfully casting the spell, a lasso is formed for the caster to use until dispelled and so long as they remain near their tear. The lasso cannot be used as a weapon but as a way of binding someone. When thrown, the caster rolls D20 to see if the lasso hits. The target also rolls D20 to roll against the caster’s throwing roll. When the target is tied up, it cannot move and can roll Strength against the caster’s casting roll at the start of their turn.
Critical Failure The spell wraps around the caster’s arm, giving him -1 on attacks for one round.
Critical Success The lasso can reach up to 12 blocks far.
Red Lines The lasso can’t be used to attack someone (No whipping or strangling).
Spring of Life
The caster makes a body of water heal minor injuries when drunk from or bathed in.
Level 1
Casting Value 16
Range Touch
Damage The caster can make a body of water akin to spring of life, able to shape its tide however they like within a set size (15 - 30 meters of space). The spring heals most minor and major injuries when drank from, bathed in, or interacting with the spring. The spring heals 1 HP to every creature that stands within it at the end of their turn. One caster may only have one spring of life active at any time. The spring lasts for 3 rounds.
Critical Failure Nothing happens.
Critical Success Creatures heal D2+1 HP when they first enter the spring.
Red Lines
Condensed Water
The caster creates a ball of water from their tear, the water is condensed into a round shape to be infused into the caster's spells.
Level 1
Casting Value 12
Range Selfcast
Damage The water floats above the caster, and can be used to boost the power of their spells. The caster can boost the damage of the spells they cast by +1 for D2+1 rounds. Once the duration ends, the water disappears.

The summoned water can be used for any means outside of combat as well, such as drinking or dousing.

Critical Failure The water implodes within the caster's tear, making their spells deal -1 damage for D2 rounds.
Critical Success The duration lasts for an extra round.
Red Lines Only one condensed water ball may be active at the same time.
Steed of Tides
The caster conjures a watery elemental steed to transport themselves or a comrade swiftly across the battlefield.
Level 2
Casting Value 12
Range 5 meters
Damage The movement speed of the person riding the watery steed is equivalent to that of the mounted speed for 3 rounds. If the target is already mounted, then the mount is magically refreshed to grant a +4 meters movement boost for 3 rounds.
Critical Failure The steed dissolves moments after it is summoned, making its rider fall to the ground. The rider cannot move for 1 round.
Critical Success The steed remains for 4 rounds.
Red Lines
Tide Breaker
The caster conjures a whirling tide around their arm, using it as a crashing strike to blast their foes away with force.
Level 2
Casting Value 13
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster conjures a gauntlet of rushing water, swirling around their fist. It may be wielded until dispelled and as long as they are within range of their tear.

The weapon has a single attack, dealing 3 damage and D4+2 meters of knockback. The attack can be used as a spell attack instead of a strength attack if so desired, using intelligence to attack with and forcing foes to use intelligence to defend against.

Critical Failure The water rushes too swiftly, straining it so the user cannot use said arm for one round.
Critical Success The weapon's strike deals 4 damage instead of 3.
Red Lines The spell is capable of forcibly disengaging enemies by knocking them out of melee range.
Impact Bubbles
The caster sends forth a small barrage of bubbles with compressed water inside. These bubbles explode upon impact, dealing damage to those it touches.
Level 2
Casting Value 14
Range 10 Meters [Radius]
Damage The caster sends out many bubbles all around them In a 10m Radius.

The creature closest to the caster within this area takes D3 damage, and all remaining targets up to a maximum of 3 people, take D2 damage.

If there are more then 2 targets simultaneously closest to the caster, they each take D3 damage. The targets may roll agility to attempt to dodge the bubbles. The agility roll will have to be greater than the effectiveness roll of the caster.

Critical Failure The bubbles explode while the caster makes them, dealing D2 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The maximum target amount increases from 4 total to 6 total.
Red Lines This spell has a cooldown of 1 round.

This spell can maximum hit 4 people

The caster sends forth a great vortex of water, capturing enemies within and knocking them back in the direction of the vortex.
Level 2
Casting Value 13
Range 15 blocks
Damage The caster sends forth a vortex to rush out into the distance. effecting a 15x3 area in front of the caster. Any creature that gets sucked into the vortex will be sent to the end of the vortex's range.
Critical Failure The vortex stays in position, and the caster is trapped within for 2 rounds, unable to move or defend themselves.
Critical Success All creatures sucked into the vortex get dealt D2 damage.
Red Lines The starting position of the vortex can only be at the caster's position.
Boiling Point
The caster creates a hot, steaming water ball and can throw it toward a creature. The creature will be in agony as hot water scars its skin and burns its body.
Level 3
Casting Value 14
Range 15 blocks
Damage The caster creates a ball of hot water, which they can shoot out at a creature. If the ball hits, the boiling water will stick to the target, dealing D3 damage on impact and an additional D2 damage at the start of their turn for D3 rounds.

A minor effect of this spell is that the caster can create hot water or make water already there hotter for RP purposes.

Critical Failure The caster becomes drenched in hot water, taking D2 damage from it.
Critical Success The steaming hot water stays on the target for the maximum time.
Red Lines This spell can change the appearance of the creature hit by burn marks if they allow it to happen.
Blessed Waters
The caster conjures a small cloud of vapor that condenses and rains down a little trickle which heals the target.
Level 3
Casting Value 12
Range 10 meters.
Damage A cloud of vapor gathers over the target as it starts to rain down a small shower of healing droplets. The rain heals D3 HP.
Critical Failure The rain freezes over and turns into a hailstorm dealing 1 damage to the target instead.
Critical Success The spell lasts a little longer, allowing the target to heal for 2D2 HP.
Red Lines This spell has a cooldown of 1 round.
Misty Form
The caster becomes one with the mist, unable to get hit while becoming incredibly fast.
Level 3
Casting Value 16
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster becomes one with the mist, enveloped within. They are unable to attack or cast spells but are also unable to take damage while within this form. This spell lasts for 2d2 rounds or whenever the caster ends the spell.
Critical Failure A puff of fog blocks the caster's vision, making them defenseless for 1 round.
Critical Success The caster, while in this form, also gains +6 meters additional movement.
Red Lines No slipping through walls or similar. The caster is near invisible in this form.
Like Two Drops of Water
The caster manipulates water to become an additional copy of themselves.
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster manipulates water to become an additional copy of themselves. This copy acts autonomously from the original and can attack an enemy and defend itself. The copy has the same gear and stats as the original but moves awkwardly, getting a -2 on all rolls. The copy's turn is after the caster's. This spell will last for 4 rounds.
Critical Failure The spell fails to manifest properly and starts to envelop the caster, dissolving in an acidic fashion that inflicts a burning effect on the caster and deals D2 damage.
Critical Success The copy is a little more balanced and only experiences a -1 on all rolls.
Red Lines This copy cannot communicate and cannot be damaged by mundane attacks. The copy can take up to 5HP of damage from magical attacks.
Aros Manifestation
The caster summons a piece of Aros around where they are standing, which holds itself up as if it were a small floating ocean planet. The ocean is filled with Coral, fish, and other creatures. The ocean drowns those within while aiding the caster with casting any spells.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 20 meters
Damage The caster creates a giant piece of the ocean of 20x20x20 meters in radius. While the caster is within the ocean, they can cast 2 spells instead of 1 spell. Any non-aquamancer caught in the this area will start drowning and take 1 damage at the start of their turn when caught within the ocean. The caster also doubles their movement while within the ocean, while any non-aquamancer will have their movement halved and rounded up. The water will remain for D5+3 rounds.
Critical Failure The caster instead gets flooded by a massive amount of water and the occasional marine creature. They take D6 damage and can lose a limb due to the strong currents of the water.
Critical Success The initial spellcasting effects last for 3 rounds instead of 1.
Red Lines This spell can only be cast once every OOC week. A loremaster has to be present for the cast.

Frigumancy Spells

Reflective Pane
The caster creates a thin sheet of ice floating in the air. The caster can use the pane to reduce any impact.
Level 1
Casting Value 13
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster creates a pane of ice that floats around the caster. The pane stays up for D3 rounds. Whenever an opponent attacks the caster, the caster can choose to expend the pane, taking only half the damage and inflicting one of 2 effects upon the creature, which is decided by rolling a D2.

1 = The pane shatters, sending sharp shards of ice toward the attacker. They take the other half of the damage.

2 = The pane shatters, which creates a cloud of icy particles. These latch onto the attacking creature, freezing them for 1 round, making them unable to do anything until they next take damage.

This page also works like a mirror in addition to its other effects.

Critical Failure The pane shatters immediately as it is created, falling apart, and causing the shards to do D2 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The pane, when expended, uses both effects on the attacking creature.
Red Lines A maximum of 1 pane may exist with the caster at once.
Ice Maiden's Kiss
The spellcaster breathes forth the purest cold- those who succumb to it are slowed to a frozen, statuesque standstill.
Level 2
Casting Value 8
Range 10 meters
Damage Targets of this spell cannot move for D3 rounds. On top of that, they take 1 damage per round that they are frozen like this.
Critical Failure The spell backfires, stunning the caster for 1 round and doing 1 damage to the caster.
Critical Success The target gets frozen and damaged for D3+1 rounds instead.
Red Lines Frozen targets can still attack if a target is in range.
The caster envelops a target of choice or themselves into a coating of ice. The target which is enveloped in the ice is motionless and safe within it.
Level 2
Casting Value 13
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster chooses a target and casts the spell which causes frigid winds and water to envelop the target, freezing them solid. Those within the frozen stasis of ice are unable to do anything but are also protected from attacks or any negative effects they had prior to entering the stasis. The spell lasts for 2D2 rounds unless the caster chooses themselves, then it lasts for D2 rounds.

During CRP, someone is allowed to use their action phase to pick up the frozen block of ice and move it during their movement phase. Receiving any damage will automatically make the person drop the block of ice.

Critical Failure The caster fails to use their powers properly as icy waters gush from the tear, sticking to the caster's feet and freezing them in place for 2 rounds.
Critical Success The spell is cast exceptionally well, and the spell will last for the maximum amount of rounds.
Red Lines Pyromancy spells of the same level or higher can melt statis, freeing the person inside early.
Icy Tundra
The target controls the water in the air around them, immediately letting the water vapour round to ice. Due to this unusual way of creating ice, the surface is especially smooth, causing people to fall off balance while on the floor and making people without shoes on have their feet feel really cold.
Level 2
Casting Value 14
Range 15 meters
Damage The surrounding area turns to an icy terrain for 3 rounds, giving the caster an extra edge due to them being well-trained here. They gain +4 meters of movement while within this area, and the caster can better evade attacks on this ground. They gain a +2 to saving rolls to evade opponents' spells and other attacks.
Critical Failure The caster freezes their feet, making them unable to move anywhere for 2 rounds of combat.
Critical Success Any opponent who first enters the area rolls a D20. If this is lower than the spell's casting roll, they slip and receive D2 damage.
Red Lines
Solid Frost
Solid frost is the art of freezing water into sturdy ice, allowing the caster to create shapes, tools, and weapons. This can be done in two ways: making contact with an already present body of water and casting to spread the ice until the desired form is achieved. The more difficult way of creating ice is through a channelled cast, pulling water vapour from Aros. The second option is much slower and has greater limits on the size and strength of the formed ice. This magic is mostly seen in combat, where weapons of ice are formed mid-air while being flung at a great momentum magically.
Level 3
Casting Value 12
Range 15 meters
Damage Roll a d5 to see how many spears of ice are created. The caster must choose a separate target for every spear. Each spear deals D3 damage and freezes the target's feet for 1 round, halting movement.

The caster also has the option to wield one of these as a trident, or send tridents to allies in range for them to wield, until dispelled and as long as they are within range of their tear.. When thrown, the trident throw freezes the target's feet for 1 round and disappears. This effect takes one weapon away from the amount created.

The caster could also use this spell to create a small object of different use, like a hammer, saw, or axe. This cannot be too complicated and is up to a loremaster's digression.

Critical Failure The spears turn into snow while in the air, making the spears do absolutely nothing.
Critical Success The caster rolls a D4 instead to determine the damage of each spear projectile, and the trident throw freezes the target solid for 1 round.
Red Lines Lockpicks cannot be created using this spell due to their intricate and complex nature.
Wall of Ice
The caster creates a wall of ice.
Level 3
Casting Value 16
Range 10 meters
Damage The caster creates a wall of ice, which is 5 meters long and 5 meters tall. The wall lasts so long as the caster's tear is open. The wall has 8HP, and can be destroyed with enough damage. If this happens, the wall shatters open dealing 2d2 damage to those within 6 meters of it. The caster is immune to this shatter damage.
Critical Failure The caster's hands freeze, unable to cast a spell for 1 round.
Critical Success The wall, when spawned, has ice spikes on one side for 1 meter. These spikes deal D3 damage to any who melee-attack the wall.
Red Lines
Frozen Arc
The caster focuses their magical energy to create a thin arc of water that is frozen over. This arc is extremely sharp and will cut the first thing it collides with.
Level 3
Casting Value 16
Range 12 meters
Damage The caster uses the water to make a very thin blade, and then freezes it down to make an elegant, very sharp arc that they cast forward. The arc is 3 meters wide, able to hit 3 targets that are side-by-side. If it hits a target within 4 meters of the caster; the arc deals D4+2 damage. After that, the arc dulls due to air friction, only dealing 3 damage.
Critical Failure The arc shatters violently and the caster is hurt by incoming shards. The caster takes D3 damage.
Critical Success The arc gets frozen solid, sustaining its edge. The spell will travel 6 meters for D4+2 damage, and freeze targets slashed within that range for 1 round.
Red Lines The arc stops travelling forward if it hits a player or object. It can only hit multiple targets if these targets are next to each other.
Cloud Weaving
Cloud Weaving is a subform that allows users to expel a thick fog from their mouth or hands, creating a cloud-like field. The produced fog will linger in the air for a set amount of time while the caster can manipulate the temperature of the fog.
Level 4
Casting Value 12
Range 12 meters
Damage The caster casts a fog in a vast area around them for 3 rounds. By rolling a D3, the fog takes one of three possible forms:

1= Freezing: The fog applies a 4-meter slow.

2= Scalding: The fog applies burning.

3= Ambient: The fog applies blindness.

The caster is unaffected by the fog, and those caught within it will be cured of its effects upon exiting the fog.

Critical Failure The caster is afflicted by their own fog, applying the chosen effect onto themselves only.
Critical Success The caster can choose the fog's form, and it lasts for 4 rounds instead of 3.
Red Lines The fog will vanish instantly once the caster leaves the area.
Frost Sanctuary
A temporary crystal dome is generated around the spellcaster and their allies, warding them against magical attacks but rooting them to the spot in the process
Level 4
Casting Value 18
Range 5 meters
Damage The spellcaster creates an Icey barrier around themselves and everyone within the area. The sanctuary remains active for D2+2 rounds. Those outside the sanctuary cannot attack or affect those inside the sanctuary, and vice versa. However, any foes caught within the frost sanctuary that fail to defend themselves are immediately frozen for 1 round, unable to do anything. The caster gains +2 to Strength, Defense, and Agility while inside their frost sanctuary. All Frigumancy spells that are cast within it deal +1 damage, and all Freezing effects last an additional round.

The dome of the frost sanctuary has 10 HP, and can be destroyed to end the spell early.

Critical Failure The dome shatters before it can fully generate, causing the caster to lose 4 HP.
Critical Success The sanctuary remains active for D2+3 rounds.
Red Lines
The caster sends forth a freezing wave of energy, freezing anyone and anything within the radius.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 20 meters
Damage The caster sends forth a freezing wave of ice, freezing a huge area of 20 meters around the caster, turning it all to ice. This ice will not melt by natural means. Creatures also become frozen in ice, unable to do anything for D3+1 rounds. Everyone frozen this way takes 1 damage every round.
Critical Failure The spell backfires, freezing the caster and making them unable to do anything for D3 rounds. They may also lose a limb due to it freezing off.
Critical Success The range of the freezing becomes 30 meters, and lasts for an additional round.
Red Lines Any Frigumancer is unable to be frozen this way.

A loremaster has to be present for the casting of this spell. This spell can only be cast once every OOC week.

Marinamancy Spells

Wave Rider
The caster creates a wave of water that moves as fast as they do. It sucks up anything in its path for a trip.
Level 1
Casting Value 14
Range Selfcast
Damage The caster creates a wave of water, 3 blocks tall and 5 blocks wide. While the wave is active, the caster must use all of their movement every round, or the spell ends early. This wave of water captures any creature trapped within it while the caster is moving, dealing 1 damage to any creature that is hit.

Creatures trapped this way are pulled along with the caster as they move, unable to escape or move. These effects end after D3 rounds.

Critical Failure The caster is instead hit with a splash of water over their head, dealing D2 damage and granting unending humiliation.
Critical Success The caster gains +4 meters movement.
Red Lines The caster cannot cast while riding the wave.
Flash Flood
The caster summons a quick-moving wall of water that runs across an area in front of them, pushing creatures aside as they are lost in the currents.
Level 2
Casting Value 15
Range 12 meters
Damage The caster creates a 1x3x5 wall of water that starts at the caster's position. This wall will move 12 meters into a target direction, pushing people to the end of the range and dealing 2D2 damage to them. Targets will also be unable to move for 1 round.
Critical Failure The spell fails to manifest.
Critical Success The spell travels 16 meters instead.
Red Lines
Sea Serpents Snap
The caster creates an image of a sea serpent within their hands using water. Once they snap, the serpent's jaws close, damaging everyone within or everyone around the caster.
Level 2
Casting Value 15
Range 3 meters
Damage The caster snaps the serpent's jaws, dealing 2D4 damage to a single target or 2D3 damage to all targets within a 3 meter area around the caster.
Critical Failure The caster inflicts 2 damage upon themselves.
Critical Success The Serpent is exceptionally large and reaches up to 5 meters away from the caster.
Red Lines
Tangled Tentacles
The caster summons up to the tendrils of a creature resembling a kraken out of a nearby body of water/his tear and wraps them around the target’s body, binding them in place.
Level 3
Casting Value 14
Range 6 meters
Damage The caster summons 4 tendrils from nearby water or their tear, surrounding themselves. The caster can control these tendrils for one of the following actions:

Slam: The tendrils smash targets within a 6 meter area around the caster. This deals 3 damage, 6 meters knockback, and slows targets by 2 meters for 1 round.

Throw: The tendrils lurch out to grab up to 4 foes within range. A target must succeed a DC 12 agility saving throw or be grabbed by the tendril, and then thrown up to 12 meters away. If thrown, the targets receive D3 damage on impact and deal D3 damage to targets they are thrown at.

Critical Failure Only one tendril is summoned, wrapping around the caster making them stunned for 1 round.
Critical Success The tendrils remain for an extra round.
Red Lines The creature summoned is incapable of being used in any other way and will dissolve once the mage stops casting.
Tortoise Scales
The user can conjure a turtle’s scales and use them defensively in the form of a shield. The shield is circular in shape and resembles a normal round shield. The shield then attaches itself to the caster's arm of choice and can be removed easily.
Level 3
Casting Value 10
Range Self
Damage Upon successfully casting the spell, the mage’s tear widens to let through a group of turtle scales which fly out one by one to form a shield on the caster’s arm of choice. The shield is used like a regular shield, but is +2 stronger. The caster is slowed by 3 meters while wielding the shield. The shield can be wielded until dispelled and as long as they are within range of their tear.
Critical Failure The scales don’t form a shield and fall to the ground, useless.
Critical Success The scales grant a +3 boost and 2 meters slow instead.
Red Lines The scales or shield cannot be used for anything but defending against an attack.
Animalistic Assault
The caster summons pufferfish from a nearby body of water and throws them at a target of his choice. The pufferfish spray out and land in different positions.
Level 4
Casting Value 16
Range 20 meters
Damage 3 pufferfish are flung forth from the caster's tear, landing a distance away from the caster.

If a pufferfish hits a target creature, they receive D2 damage and are Paralyzed for 1 round.

If a pufferfish lands on a target space, it acts as a landmine for 3 rounds that explodes if someone moves while within a 5x5 area of it. Targets within this explosion take 2 damage and are paralyzed for 2 rounds.

The paralyzed duration stacks with each pufferfish hitting the same target.

Critical Failure The caster is stung by their pufferfish mid-summon, poisoning themselves for D2 rounds.
Critical Success An extra pufferfish is summoned.
Red Lines The pufferfish cannot be eaten or used in any other way other than the spell attack. They will disappear as soon as the mage stops casting.
Voco Aquatis
Performing the spell, the caster calls upon the help of nearby aquatic creatures. Various animals answer the call to aid the mage in many different ways.
Level 4
Casting Value 16
Range Selfcast
Damage The mage summons a group of aquatic familiars by rolling a D2+1 for the amount summoned. While in the water, they will be immune to slows, bindings, and stuns, and receive +3 movement per summoned familiar. This lasts until exiting the water.
Critical Failure The caster is misunderstood by nearby creatures and instead stung by a jellyfish, causing D2 damage.
Critical Success The mage rolls a D3+2 rather than a D2+1 to see how many familiars they may command.
Red Lines The movement bonuses only apply while the caster moves within water deeper than 3 blocks, and the familiars cannot move farther than 35 blocks from the coast.
Animalistic Assault
The caster summons pufferfish from a nearby body of water and throws them at a target of his choice. The pufferfish spray out and land in different positions.
Level 4
Casting Value 16
Range 20 meters
Damage 3 pufferfish are flung forth from the caster's tear, landing a distance away from the caster.

If a pufferfish hits a target creature, they receive D2 damage and are Paralyzed for 1 round.

If a pufferfish lands on a target space, it acts as a landmine for 3 rounds that explodes if someone moves while within a 5x5 area of it. Targets within this explosion take 2 damage and are paralyzed for 2 rounds.

The paralyzed duration stacks with each pufferfish hitting the same target.

Critical Failure The caster is stung by their pufferfish mid-summon, poisoning themselves for D2 rounds.
Critical Success An extra pufferfish is summoned.
Red Lines The pufferfish cannot be eaten or used in any other way other than the spell attack. They will disappear as soon as the mage stops casting.
Sea Dragon’s Wrath
The caster shapes oceanic waters around them into the form of a sea dragon, launching themselves at their foe.
Level 4
Casting Value 15
Range 15 meters.
Damage The caster shapes a sea dragon avatar around themselves, and then launches themselves at a foe within range. If successful, the target takes 2D3 damage.
Critical Failure The sea dragon whips its tail at the caster, dealing D2 damage and 4 meters knockback in the direction opposite of the spell's target.
Critical Success The spell deals maximum damage.
Red Lines The caster travels to their target even if they defend successfully. The target must be in the caster's line of sight.
Tide Call
Amassing their energy, Aquamancers can open an elemental rift, pulling water in massive amounts out of it. Said rift doesn’t seem to affect any pre-existing matter, either opening in mid-air or within the hands of the Mage. As mentioned, water will continue to stream out of the rift, creating a tsunami-like wave and flooding any vicinity around the mage. Several aquatic animals can be found within the stream of water, ranging from small crabs to jellyfish and sometimes even larger animals, such as sharks.
Level 5
Casting Value 20
Range 30 meters
Damage The caster conjures a tsunami, affecting all in a 30x10x20 radius in front of them. The caster rolls a D3+3 to determine the base damage of this spell. Now they will need to roll a D5 to determine the animals brought into Eden through this spell.

1 = Crabs, D2 is added to the spell's damage.

2 = Squids, enemies are blinded for D3 rounds.

3 = Jellyfish, enemies are shocked for D3 rounds.

4 = Pufferfish, enemies are paralyzed for D3 rounds.

5 = Sharks, 2d2 is added to the spell's damage.

Critical Failure The caster’s spell backfires and deals D6 damage to themselves. The user also becomes covered by sea stars, making them unable to block any attacks against them, and also makes the user unable to attack for 1 round. The caster has seen limbs bent abnormally due to the strong currents moving over. Occasionally a shark could even bite off a limb.
Critical Success The spell deals maximum base damage, and the caster can choose from the D5 summons.
Red Lines Any water and animals will vanish as soon as the caster leaves the area. This spell will leave the entire area with coral scraps and can destroy one building of moderate size.

Attempting to cast this spell can only be done once per OOC week and requires Loremaster's supervision.

Additional Abilities

Purifying Prowess
The caster gets the purifying ways of water under their full control, able to heal themselves and allies.
Range Touch
Effect The healing that takes place restores D2 health, be it for the caster themself or a target of choice. As with any other action, only one can be used per round of combat. Outside of combat, this spell can easily heal cuts and bruises and sometimes even bigger cuts. An aquamancer can also reattach limbs, should they have been severed recently and able to be reattached.
Red Lines Life-threatening wounds, such as a heart puncture, fracture of the skull, or a giant cut in one's gut, cannot be healed by this spell. Reattaching limbs will cause the caster to lose consciousness immediately. Once used, this ability goes on cooldown for 2 rounds.

Aquatic Blessing (Marinamancy only)
The caster gains the ability to breathe underwater for long amounts of time, and they gain an extra edge in water-bound combat. If underwater, their base movement speed is twice as fast, being able to outswim people running and occasionally even horses.
Range Self
Effect Their base movement speed is doubled while in a body of water, and they can breath underwater. When the mage is drenched in water, be it by a pond, rain, river, or anything, they can spend an action to gain +2 intelligence for D3 rounds.
Red Lines The intelligence boost of this spell has a cooldown of 4 rounds. The ends of their hair look a little blue and see-through.

Icy Mold (Frigumancy only)
The caster reflexively creates a thin, transparent layer of ice all around their body when attacked. This effect may be cast even if the caster isn't aware of oncoming damage.
Range Self
Effect The mold is created as a free reaction, and protects the caster from D2 damage, even when the caster isn't aware of being attacked. This means the caster also can't prevent the mold from protecting them the moment it is formed.
Red Lines After absorbing all damage it can take, the mold breaks. The icecaster has to wait for 2 rounds until the ability can activate again. Upon reaching level 5 of Frigumancy, a mage's mold will be able to absorb D2+1 damage, coming at a cost of taking 3 instead of 2 rounds to recharge.

Elemental Magic Pyromancy · Aquamancy · Aeromancy · Geomancy
Chaotic Magic Hemomancy · Necromancy
Other Magic Currently None